Δircгaft's Friends
κƒ★Flurr FlurrGamingGTA
#SaveMiiverse Welcome to my clan κƒ = (Koopaling Fans) Welcome To My Profile Im a part of Mixels Fan & Koopaling fan Also my favorite Characters are Larry,Lemmy,Iggy,Morton,Ludwig,Roy,Bowser jr. and Nabbit. ♪ Elektromania - The Other Side ♪
G H O S T kasu012
WaterFlame xXShadowSneakXx
hi my name is production. My favorite games are mk8, super mario maker, and super smash bros. come join me in mk8 or smash!!!!
Gαηφηδøяƒ ZombieUPro_OnlyX
Mon profil adulte:★âge★37★.... Demande d'ami[:] des gens ρяо a ma liste merci...! Mais jeux favori fan des jeux Zelda - Mario Smash bidul bidule.... Respect★★★ Gentillesse☆☆☆☆ Pro des jeux vidéo★★★★★★★★★★★★ [*]<@>[*] et abbonez vous et je vais m'abbonez.... n'oublies pas merci???adios ??amigos!!?!?!?
♪Lехıа~ HaydenX14
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joël joelr15
hallo ik ben joël ik probeer 100 frienden te krijgen en heelveel volgers en als je mij een friendschapverzoek stuurt dan acepteer ik hem wel en dan volg ik jou
Nicolas AtakanNicolas
Santiago The_Wild_One255
hello my name santiago and i love video games
Dom catdaddy6
Sorry Miiverse is ending next Tuesday. Thank you for all your support for all these years. I'm sad that Miiverse is ending soon. If you don't want Miiverse to end, go to one of my posts and leave a: "#DoNotEndMiiverse"! Thank you for all your support with all your posts. I'll try to "Yeah!" as many posts as I can before Miiverse ends. Bye Miiverse!
Jero Jero969
Hello!I'm spanish but I can speak english.I love the videogames and Nintendo has a lot of good ones. Hola soy español .Me encantan los videojuegos y Nintendo es una muy buena compañia de ellos.Y sobretodo me gusta disfrutarlos con más gente!
DalasRevie mecgoe123
Age : 28 Location: Bavaria Fav games are Mario Kart and Ratchet & Clank. Interested in: Guitar, traveling, hiking, anime, music, nature&wildlife.
Bad Kitty teajay28
hi im bad kitty im bad and i wanna kitty #Save Miiverse #No More Clans Ok bye bad kitty out and HAPPY HALLOWEEN
☆Izuku★ SSJ2GodGoku
I Worship RhymeStyle And AfroSenju So JOIN THE SUPER SANDWICH ARMY AND THE XENOVERSE TRIBE.>,> <,< '^' ★My Senpai Is Mine Not Yours ★She's My Lover Not Yours ★She's Mine Not Yours ★She's Amazing! ★Cant Forget Kawaii! ★Only For Me Not 4 U! ★I Wuv Her! (^o^) ★She's A Amazing Racer ★I Love Senpai Yes I Do She's For Me NOT 4 U ★She The Most Important Thing To Me! ★ U Dont Love Her More Than I Do!
jaime Celestemar123
wiktor 201119a
«EDDiE»♪ stitch_diaz
Helloo Ppl Outt Theree :D Hit Me Upp, Message Me ☆ Lets Racee ? Lets Gets To Know Each Otherr :)
Asia Asia713
PhantomBoy TVMA_Doc
I havent been using Miiverse in a while! o_O
elchinoXD modeloz
me gusta el anime y los vidiojuegos
kidsns G7 sonicnetwork24
GOTHICKAI skyster07
Hey gothic kids Im into drawing and being silly funny and just like to laugh. Im really into Mario games and Fnaf skyrim fnaf fan games just whatever catchs my attention . I like certain movies and a lot of music . Im really into skyrim music i just like it. But i like alot of others if u wanna know just ask me, movies , games, music meep ha also PLEASE NO BAD STUFF OR BAD PICTURES THANKS!!!!!!!!!
ρστατσ :) legoluke27
I Love mk8 my favorite game ever:girlfriend Anna:friends steph mkm zoey
********** steph.qt
Discord•°•°♪°•° Sutef#3360 º•°•♭°•° S Т Ε Ρ Η Α Ν İ Ε L U N A XXI ● 스테파니✾ I am a... ♤ Natural Geek. I love... ♡ Chocolate, Anime, Corn & Fairytales. I'm very... ♧ Optimistic, Quirky, Energetic, and Outgoing. 。^‿^。 Usually I'm... ☆ In a world of my own. ☆ ♥ 3 / 16 / 17 ♥ Here have a cookie (::) Βαi~ *Waves enthusiastically* Сlαпs I'm in:ĦG, ƒυn☆, ŤDz, я¢ƒ Vsτ, ЬH, R&γ
Almiux aldelia_almiux
Hola! Me gusta el Anime,Manga,jugar videojuegos y estar con mis amigos
amorameche amorameche
#putabida tengo wii u y no tengo SMB también tengo wii pero no SMBB solo tengo SMB de N64 en mi emulador
Marcos♪♭♪♭ helderaugusto
☆D☆Yuki707 Liyah0522
R.I.P Dorei's Account. She will be missed.... Fav YT-Aphmau♥ Clan♥ {B☆},and [Ð]! Bestfriends★:Dorian,Dorei,DJ T^T →40% Salt →10% Cringe →50% Sass →100% Savage ——––––––––––––––––––––––––– ¦*A Inkling Blocks The way. ¦ ——————————————– [FIGHT] [ACT] [ITEM] [MERCY] -You choose ACT- *Inkling girl *→40% Chara Instincts *→10% Salt *→50% Savage *→100% Immortal Goodbye my young Savages!
Davin ericramsay
******** johnnie74ro
hi names walker plz dont call me will boy gamer★★★★☆ glitcher★★★☆☆ TACOS!!!★★★★★ ive started wiiu chating exept i dont talk i only write!!! look at my name! i work magic! or youtube stalker really?
Filip12345 robertfilip
i only say lol
R&γ■ ζ λ wiggins109
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κïd◆Gеоrgi JDani26
☆~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•☆ Feel free to send friend request and follow (övö). ◆ CA / Honduran Boy Player of ◆ • Super Mario Maker • Splatoon ⇒ Lvl 36 - S Rank • Clash Royale ⇒ Arena 10 - [Hog Mountain]. ☆~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•☆
Andrea cifola
Bonjour à tous, Aujourd'hui c'est mon anniv', et aussi le jour de la rentrée. Bonne rentrée à tous. ; ) J'adore les animaux,surtout les chats.
Warbound Markiplier.exe
★Ivan☆ Cool.gass
ψ Abel~ Splatoon56
Ça y est, le moment est venu de tous vous dire au revoir...~ Restez comme vous êtes ~ Les best,changez pas! Rayan ♥VIII/XII/XVI~
InkiBoy xD hihazu
мκм☆иΐсκ maxpugs2
нøι Ιм ηιζк, βυτ δατς ƒøя яεαł łιƒε... ιм αη εłεvεη γεαя øłδ gαмεя ρłαγς мαяιø кαят αηδ αζηł(τнις ις мεн мк8 ηαмε) тнаик γøυ 135 ƒøłłøωεяς :3 łøνε γ'αłł мιινεяςε ƒяιεηδς ƒøłłøω τнεм zoey (zoe147) Not Jax (21Pil0ts) (ςнε мεн ςιςτεя) Panda (Mochacoaco) Adrian (adrianracer) мк8 ςтαтς νя 2к вя 2к ι κηοω ιм βαδ ωειρ βυн~βγεεε
απime★Kian KENNYKIAN2.0
Ok so this profile is trash...I'll post from time to time. But it's probably either gonna be one post a week or one post a month. OR one post a day.
Arcanine Scorpion980
milk boganbeasts
don't hate you accelerate all day ok
JayJay JaylaDennis
play splatoon with me and i'll de your new friend
Derp Melee Melee25
Hi I like cheese toast :p
☆Céline~ Cookiiiies
Matt Hispanohablante
Me gusta usar mi Wii U. Es muy divertido.
kakashi jouse2008
sup im DaRk_GaMeR the games i like t o play r smash bros , minecraft , mk8 my fav tv show is naruto if u follow me i will follow u. well see ya
☆ĶЯ»Aaron AEYEA0811
DonovanU Donovan4U21
my name is Donovan and I am 15 years old! (^o^) my birth day is august first I am a huge nintendo fan!! games i will be playing splatoon mario kart 8 super smash bros u yo hablo español and i am trying to learn japanese (if you could help me that would be awesome) if you want to play a game with me, send a friend request! thanks for reading this!
♪κιττγ♪·ω· elliehalla
******** platable
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säturno—★ Daaavidzuelon_n
•davidd• •ariäna•♡ •5H•♡ •XVI•
Guillaume Bowser899
Joli Princesse Bébé Daisy Et Bébé Peach Et Bébé Harmonie Et Et Jeux Video Tous Nintendo Et Nes Nintendo Snes Et Nintendo 64 Et Nintendo Gamecube Et Nintendo Wii Et Nintendo Ds Et Nintendo Gba Et Nintendo 3Ds Et Nintendo Wii U Et Nintendo Et Nintend Switch Et Amiibo New 3DS Nintendo Xl Et New 2Ds Nintendo Xl Et J'aime Amour♥Toupilek♥Canoy♥Chara♥Jazy♥Coralie♥Juilet♥Kitten♥Luna♥Luna♥Frisk♥Eveiyn♥
†TEDUKA~?† kentanxt
訳あって、多くのフレンドさんと 別れしました。※2017/4/11投稿にて その場しのぎ・嘘をつく・逃げる... そんな程度の輩との関係を選んだ方.. まとめて~ぶった斬りました(^^) 人間として、程度の低い者同士で~ いつか我が身に降りかかれば? その程度の輩が現れる投稿には共感は 致しませんので、ご了承下さい。 あとウエイトをNintendo Switch メインに変更します。 NS:WiiU=90%:10%
snake eye snakeeye91.9
im 16 I have a 3DS a 2DS a 3DSXL a Wii U and a Play Staion 3. I love mario kart games please friend request and follow me thanks.My name is Thomas im the creater of NINTENDO VS XBOX 360
* * * * * MightyenaWolf3
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Maud☆ Maudbiquette
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DJ DONY rockhous
i have a Wii a Wii U a 3DS a 3DSXL a 2DS a Play Station 3 and Play Station 4.I play baseball and basketball i like WWE i love Mario Kart 8. My Birthday is 7/13 born in 2000 and im White i got DJ DONY from a movie my real name is Thomas im also 17
Justin™ itbk23
Hiii!! Favorite game:Minecraft Idol:Cher\Cyndi Lauper/Madonna/ Best friends:Kelly,Erica,Janelle,Suzanne,Irene Send a friend request I accept all!!!! Also I am Canadian And I am currently collecting Funko Pops Vinyl♥
Logan LoganMckerron123
Hi everyone my name is Logan my favourite game is MK8. Join the υζ tournament!!!
Tyler0891 largent
I am a person who plays Mario Kart and Splatoon. I can also speak in english and in spanish. soy una persona que juega Mario Kart, y Splatoon. También puedo hablar en inglés y en español. clans: мкм. мςv, ČL, and AO, I think... clanes: мкм, мςv, ČL, y AO, creo...
☆はるま☆ MIHO.TSUJI.0403
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Jay Money$ jayden101006
Norah norah1207
Norah Nieves
なの syo0113
Ulises ulises12
Cam spideycat
jared harwill
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.