* ***** *'s Followers
Gus TreasureHunterG
Hi everyone, I'm Gus, and I've been playing games for a long time. My first game systems were the Atari 2600 and the Apple II. I've been lucky to have owned most of the Nintendo consoles and portables. I have many fond memories from them! Now playing: Mega Man Legacy Collection Favorite 3DS Games: Pokémon OR AC: New Leaf Zelda: ALBW FE: Awakening ... and all the Sega 3D Classics!
coolboyy27 MattSmitty
hi my name is: coolboyy27 i'm 9 who ever joins me think you very much :) oh and i now love super mario bros and kirby to. love: «coolboy27»
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
Ďævłď ZeldaGamer437
Guitarist, singer, and gamer. Nintendo fanboys should automatically be chill with me. Much love..♥
PurpleKA:) Kirbyfam0608
Hello Im Purple KoolAid
Yuki miifati
My profile is temporary out of order forever. I apologize for the inconvenience. *bows* Hello people of Miiverse, me come in peace. I love all things Nintendo, with some of my favorite series being LoZ, FE, Pokemon, Kirby, and so on. Love to draw, but not on Miiverse. Eh, I'll edit this comment thing more later.
Dr.Logan loganhenderson12
Well i am competitive ._. i can be really, really derpy I have no ''Best freinds'' or ''Bffs'' or whatever I treat all my freinds the same, no favortisim whats so ever Please, please bare with me, but, please i know its a lot to ask out of you guys, but just follow me ._. (sorry i have bad grammar :C) Well, thats it about what i am xD
emma125 JADENBJ
i like pizza and my favorite color is purple and i like cats and dogs!! :)
Lenix Lenix06
hi my name is lenix i am 11 years old my favorite youtubers are logan paul vlogs , dantdm , the 8-Bit ninja , Thinknoodles , infinite list , and thnxCya. I love pokemon i have 3 dogs named lucky , dasy and precious. but if you follow me i will follow you back so got going :)☆★☆★ favorite song (help me help you) by logan paul:] o and rip MII
KutieK66 loveismyessence
Hi guys Mama's back in action this is Keon Stephens also known as Keybee I've missed all my friends so much especially Daniel Pepin and Jevaun Vincent
b-dog B-Doggy81808
◇◆□■△▲○●◎Υ DankMemes4life09
I am NOT a person you know, if you guess right… Well, I'll tell more about that later…
joshmohan1 jeremymohan19
I like MarioKart 8:D
★~Akuma~☆ AkumaKurozaki69
¿Y tú qué esperabas? ¿Algo interesante? Pues, creo que aquí no lo encontrarás.
ian ianbros6
AppleKillr nilaeskf000
~Applekillr~ Sup. Welcome to my page. Enjoy! Im 18 and spend my time playing games. I have two accounts both are S rank Been here forever now the end of miiverse is here. Goodbye ;u;
dd's bro alacranes7777
Capy 661delirio
Hola nintenderos. Me gustan los juegos de acción, aventura, deportes, carreras, peleas. Acepto solicitudes de amigo. Estoy jugando sub wars, resident evil the mercenaries, pokemon rumble, batman arkaham origins black gate,yokai watch, mario kart, kid icarus y el tan esperado Monster Hunter Generations :) También tomodachi life, zero time dilemma, the force awakening, mario and sonic at rio.
»=ςρikε=⇒ Crizpy_Nugget
*Hey €rizpy here I have a great personality * Love Sριατοοη *If you follow me u get a cookie! *Discord: Micle#1728 *Have a nice day!
timothé pierrextim
salut les gens
MasterRace lucalu99
The... village... Dank purple... Mushrooms... -Toad from Mario & Luigi Partners In Time
guy Mr.Man121
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Bandit Gamesrmii
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Daniel p0wbl0ck
Hello,you can call me Daniel.I used to have another account but it got b@nned for nothing so this is my new main.Peeps:Ash,Xylix,Josy, Knightfall,Zack,Nicky Rose,Ava,and Rose.Goodbye peeps.I'll remember yall. †
Derpnation 604682
NiNTeNDOe [I just play games] 17 year old kid that play game.
krishna super-krishna
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BlueBlaZe§ Dinoblue
i will return... please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped. i am a loreseeker and horrible artist [apologies in advance] i write an odd little series of shorts in FE fates [conquest], play halo, main R.O.B, makes mixed sets in MH4U, and i'm soft-resetting for a good tapu fini in pokemon sun.
さすらいのシャサール Rio030523
顔ポチ 合言葉、「Thanks!」 ど~も~♪ さすらいのシャサールでしゅにゃ♪♪ 好きなものはももいろクローバーZ、ミルクス本物、Hey!Say!JUMP など………のアイドル系でしゅニャ! これでも私、ゲームはメチャ強いので夜露死九でしゅにゃ('з') よくやるゲームは、ポケモンシリーズでしゅにゃ!(*ω*) Hey!Say!JUMPが大好きです! 担当→いのちゃん 副担→ありちね Hey! Say! JUMP I/Oth Anniversary Tour 2017に行きました♪♪♪♪(10/14) 好きな曲→我 I need you school girl We are 男の子 Fever 更新 10/29
Nadia nad5858
Thanks for 500+ followers! I play MK8,Super Smash Brothers, Splatoon ,Super Mario 3D World Injustice Gods Among Us and New Super mario bros. U. I Wii U Chat on weekends. If you follow me I will follow you. I hope you have a good day!♥ I don't have Mindcraft:-(, sorry! I do not Wii U Chat with grown-ups, sorry!
Matt Matthew200
l am a very kind person. I am good at making new friends and I made a lot of friendships with the friends I already have.
KeSwani KJack1234
haha! welcome to my page of mostly awesome drawings! I usually take requests from anyone who wants me to draw something, but whatever! I am 16 years old and live in Alaska. Have fun looking at what I've got!
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
DJX16[GTA] djxgamer2001
hi my name dwaine i love video games i play all the time i love food and partying and just chilling like a boss im also now 16 years old
Brayan natashaortiz
"Yo Whats Up?"– Team Fortress 2 Scout I'm Just a Causal Gamer. Follow me here! Favorite Franchises: Mario, Animal Crossing and Team Fortress 2 Intrested In: WWE, Video Games and YouTube Favorite YouTuber: Markiplier and WWE Favorite Quote(I have more than one but I'll just show one): " You Do You, and I'll Do Me, and We Won't Do Each Other... Probably"–Markiplier JOHN CENA LEAVE
patocornio patocornio
Joseph Amiibo_Man91
I live in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm 26 and live at home with my mother. I enjoy the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and T.V. shows as well the the Arrowverse shows (DC). My favourite video game series are The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Earthbound, Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta and Mega Man, Follow me! I have a Switch too, so I won't be on here too frequently.
Dios los ama y los quiere mucho ハロー・フレンド Hello everyone Necesito saber mas idiomas... ;)
Joshua jjs2000
just a gamer, but an great one. I may be slow, but i know all the tricks
EC2☆Zip Mommy-331234
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