*★‡Xyth¹√'s Followers
†もちうさぎ.♪ 1280nm
ミバ終わる。 さようならであります
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Joe 856Lavalamp
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow. Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon. My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig. Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan. No rudeness/be mean/spam. evil account - Dark_Joe658 I don't do drawing.
Minime asdfftw2131
hi my name is Myles and I have a girlfriend named Kaylee!¡!
November 7 rozo999
Sergio Sergio952
hola, os reto a pasaros mis niveles del super mario maker y si os gustan lo demostreis con una estrella, gracias ;)
Sebs :D sebasthe2nd
Hi im Sebastian2 (blame nintendo for the first) i do some Gaming stuff (MK8, SSMB Wii U/3DS, SM3DW, etc.). BTW im so cringe. u can friend me if u want to. so...... yea.
MasterNoah NoahGar
Wassap! I am just a 5th grader,christian,and a New 11 year old! MM STATS 323 STARS 100+ CLEARS OF NORMAL 100 MAN NORMAL 7000+ COURSES CLEARED apart of the smb clan my favorite youtubers ryukhar I MAKE EXTREME LVLS IN MARIO MAKER
ang ang7878
Youthinser CPS2007
jim jimclay
KC★Ocelot mr.Ocelotman550
Hello... Welcome to the Offical Ocelot550 Profile! Minecraft Player | 300+ Subscribers | Loves Miiverse! | Poke-Fan | Pro Minecraft Builder look forward to seeing lots of content on my miiverse profile and have a purrfect day!
Bendy jr bendyjrLildemon1
hi this is bendy jr's back up account from running out of post on my other account hope ya enjoy your stay XD
Kate Julyx51
Riko + Pollo = RIKO POLLO!!! xD (Rico pollo, ¿entienden? ok ya) Me gusta el Anime es mi adicción XD Me gustan las canciones de Alstroemeria Records (les recomiendo la canción: Faker) Mi Seiyuu favorita es Nana Mizuki :) xD El manga que más he leído es Asagao to Kase-san Mi anime número 1 es Senki Zesshou Symphogear (solo por la acción y algo de comedia) Me gusta el durazno RIKO POLLOOOOOO!!! XDDDD
********** diogocatboy
ゆうり u-ri0108
どもーどもー。侑利(ゆうり)でーす。たまーに出すと思うので、あたたかい目で見て下さーい。共感 コメントなど待ってまーす。 あ あとフォローしてくれたら、100%返えすんで(たぶん)よろしくお願いします。
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
MEGA MAN Cyborg81
iris noahthymeo
abonnés vous à moi je m'appelle iris !j'aime les mangas mon prèf c'est DBS (dragon ball Super) j'aime les tigres tout mignon les chiens les chats, tout les animaux j'accepte tout le monde ! n hesitez pas a correspondre avec moi ! je fais des glitches sur zelda mon utilisateur sur la 3DS c'est iris noahkoub j'aime beaucoup fatim j aimerai rejoindre sa team !
zane batmanboy1738
Hi everyone name:zane love:minecraft favorite food:pizza favorite friend:xnrg604 hate:people who greif favorite animal:dog now you now about me :)
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
Ethan Prentiss1
Hello! I play tons of games and sadly, 25%, I lose...
»Ðαδø« DadoCeta
☆Hey and welcome on my profil☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ »PROJECTS: ~MK8 online tournament (in ©onst®uction) ~website (D¤A→Origins) »CLANS: ~MKClub#001 ~Ðεαтн_Нαммεг (CR) ~SmashBrothers~Austria ~KrähenVonAntiva (D¤A→Origins) ~leader oƒ ραгαgøης community ~leader oƒ ςùρгēмě community Thanks for visiting! \ | * * | / \ | O | /
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
YIYO yiyothebest
hello/hola soy rodrigo pero mi nick es yiyo es un placer conocerlos y seguirlos si ustedes tambien lo hacen
Cś★Nickěy rigomax
Hello i am Cs★Nickey i have some friends my favorite friends are CS Atlas, CS Nexus, shadow, Mikeysour, Raven, Anthony Crystal and my favorite video games are Splatoon, Mario kart, Bayonetta 2, Pokken Tournament, Super Mario Bros.U, and Yoshi's wooly world my favorite foods are pancakes, candy, and more favorite animals: dog panda bear lizards deer birds bunnies wolf geckos polar bears well bye
Splate88 Daddeo88
Ethan VacuolateAura
Hello! I'm a Kaizo Expert at Mario Maker. If you dare to play my levels, you'll just lower the clear rate. You can send me a level and I'll play it. If it's Kaizo, I'll star it, beat it, then I'll leave a comment stating how I beat it and will give you suggestions on what to improve. Facts: I'm a furry, I love wolves, I love the Zelda franchise, I have 3 cats, I like to sing, and I'm 13.
SPM★FIL★♪♪ Monkey-D-Luffy-U
Prima di leggere clicca SEGUI. Ciao, mi chiamo Filippo Carminati,vorrei essere amico di tutti voi ma non posso mi dispiace... I miei giochi preferiti sono splatoon e super smash bros sopprattutto MINECRAFT!!! il mio amico preferito è Rictec ed è anche il mio compagno di scuola, vi consiglio di diventare suo amico e di lasciargli un bel SEGUI! GRAZIE PER AVER LETTO! ☆★☆★☆★♡♥♡♥
Jorge jorgito8925
soul ofemo TheDestroyer709
soul of emo here life isa living hell and i cut my self 20X a day
Booms boominator1029
Thomas² 134313
My nickname is Tom, t-dog,tbird and T or you can just call me Thomas. I love animals gaming gardening raising animals and nature having fun. And I like all mario skylander and minecraft games and many many more. So follow me and send me a friend request and we can play together. And I love showing off some of my awesome minecraft worlds so join sometime. P.S Cant wait to hear from you guys.
KiTty Hanna_LA2008
hallo hello ich bin KITty im KITty
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!·
~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!·
~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~
~δανίδ hυητεг~
~гσmαη τατε~
{¤ — ¤}
ρ.ς· I΄m ηστ αсτυαιιγ α ġίгι! ίƒ υ ζ αηγτhίηġ υ ιίкε, ζιίζк ΄γεαh'!
καίzσ ίς βαε <з
-(^з^)/ ♪
Ω ωααιυίġί συτ!