Users *★‡Xyth¹√ Is Following
AFRLucario AfricanLucario2
If I don't follow you that's because the miiverse limit prevents me from it. Sorry.
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Joe 856Lavalamp
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow. Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon. My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig. Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan. No rudeness/be mean/spam. evil account - Dark_Joe658 I don't do drawing.
Mitch MitchellDV
Sergio Sergio952
hola, os reto a pasaros mis niveles del super mario maker y si os gustan lo demostreis con una estrella, gracias ;)
Asunuk Asunuk
Will someone please star one of my levels I need one more star to upload more.
Paul hayfrend
Hey everyone. Thanks for checking my profile out. Hope you enjoy the content!
hvymtldrgn HvyMtlDrgn
Oshikorosu OshikorosuAkumu
Let's Play!
DashieXP minecraftuber814
Sebs :D sebasthe2nd
Hi im Sebastian2 (blame nintendo for the first) i do some Gaming stuff (MK8, SSMB Wii U/3DS, SM3DW, etc.). BTW im so cringe. u can friend me if u want to. so...... yea.
MasterNoah NoahGar
Wassap! I am just a 5th grader,christian,and a New 11 year old! MM STATS 323 STARS 100+ CLEARS OF NORMAL 100 MAN NORMAL 7000+ COURSES CLEARED apart of the smb clan my favorite youtubers ryukhar I MAKE EXTREME LVLS IN MARIO MAKER
Dalpal dalpal23
PotatoChip Bloorose
Rocky2418 Rocky2418
ali nimatamerali
Get Rekt Boiiii
dporkchop davidporkchop
Jordan jordan.oh4
Lee Lee12uk
Cdeluxe Cdeluxe
tuvo TuVoC007
jacob jacobrw420
Fanatic FanGamer83
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
Sirfut SirfutYoutube
SupaPatuka SupaPatuka
Adeadflyy Adeadflyy
RobTheNerd Fate.tK
I love gaming !!
Ethan Prentiss1
Hello! I play tons of games and sadly, 25%, I lose...
Ethan VacuolateAura
Hello! I'm a Kaizo Expert at Mario Maker. If you dare to play my levels, you'll just lower the clear rate. You can send me a level and I'll play it. If it's Kaizo, I'll star it, beat it, then I'll leave a comment stating how I beat it and will give you suggestions on what to improve. Facts: I'm a furry, I love wolves, I love the Zelda franchise, I have 3 cats, I like to sing, and I'm 13.
akguy99603 akguy99603
hi new to Wii U and liking this system
kdawg KDawg1978
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Dead Night bigbadaa
alfred alfredrb
B351M ambetala
xomic joe47771
Thabeast Thabeast721
Typfoon TFull330
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI RIDLEY U! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit that does things! (Insert Life Story here) Most of my time here is spent on SMM (Super Mario Maker)! In SMM I'm Working on many Projects! Go check 'em out! Closed: YaBoiRiley Light S W I T C H: 4 8 9 0 1 1 5 8 9 8 9 7 I'll never forget you guys... Farewell... -Riley The Native Weird Thing
Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
LoruleHero HylianKoopa
Flo™ MrMyby
Hey guys! its Flo! Iam part of the Typfoon Community and i love playing Mario maker... #PrayForMiiverse
ψ§χãe♪£ xaesgame
Hola Amigos, Whassup Evybuddy.
★Cliffbot★ ChraeBubbles
Hi I'm Cliffbot I live in england, my old mii was called harley Q. I want to beat super expert so bad! don't worry i'll beat it soon, i'm also not sad that the fact i can't beat it :).
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!·
~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!·
~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~
~δανίδ hυητεг~
~гσmαη τατε~
{¤ — ¤}
ρ.ς· I΄m ηστ αсτυαιιγ α ġίгι! ίƒ υ ζ αηγτhίηġ υ ιίкε, ζιίζк ΄γεαh'!
καίzσ ίς βαε <з
-(^з^)/ ♪
Ω ωααιυίġί συτ!