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Kou's Yeahs
Super Mario Maker Community

※注意※ いなが理論である。 スピランを作ってるとどうしても似てしまう・・・ そんなケイ件、よくありますよね? そこで、個性を出せるスピラン作りのコツを、「Melody stONE」...

I'll tell you the "whole point" in this area. He made his clan 1 day after mine and BarnesMBA created ours. He actually stole ours the first day so that he can have credit. Dont you also think that...

そもそもWiiUプレイヤー全体からみて、ミーバースやってる人の割合は極僅かですよ。 例えばマリメは数十万本売れていますが、コミュニティに何十万も投稿はされてません。 プレイ日記見た感じでは、現在投稿してる人数は数百人位、といった所でしょうか。 トピックに至っては、いつも同じ顔ぶれの人達を見かけるので、100人居るか居ないか…位に見えますね。 そう考えると実は、ミーバースの世論ってマリメ全体の...

Wait... This is fishy... I saw a video of the EXACT level, but a different person. THIS IS PLAGIARISM!!!

@Kou: Its ok Kou, I accept your apology. And I, myself will be more aware and to pay attention more when coming to other peoples comments. I hope we can talk again sometime. ^_^
Super Mario Maker Community

Are ALL exchanges wrong? II
Please refer to the previous discussion by Mike B: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fTchrNQg The gist of the discussion: Are exchanges a benevole...

For "someome" who stated to leave Miiverse for good, "someone" gets pretty worked up on something "someone" shouldn't have to care about anymore. I appeal to "freedom of speech" on this occasion. W...

@Kou True. VERY true. I do feedback exchanges for feedback. And I do 1 feedback exchange per course. And as I said above it CAN be a fancy way to get stars, or as you mentioned, plays. I agree with...
よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
PS: 友達申請は一切受け付けていません、ご了承ください。
PPS: 日本のアカウントもあります。
I'm a builder in Mario Maker and I focus on gimmicks, but I do ("Tales of") music courses as well.
I am also a time attacker when playing.
Thanks for reading.
PS: I don't accept friend requests.