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Super Mario Maker


10/28/2017 8:43 PM

"Muncher Murder Machinery" is now online! Bosses were always something i love to design...

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


09/24/2017 4:32 PM

I'm not sure how exactly i did this, but it made this shrine puzzle much easier. (The o...



09/05/2017 5:19 PM

Slow but steadily i´m making progress (in "learning"). I had a hard time grasping "Arra...

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SmileBASIC Community


09/07/2017 3:06 PM

Open Closed

Subroutines and conditional branching

First thing first: Can i call multiple sub-routines in succession? E.g. in sub-routine @X i call sub-routine @Y in which i then call sub-routine @Z. The upcomming...