Zaborger's Followers
Gregory Greg395
My name is Gervaise, and my online nickname is Greg. I think Nintendo is pretty cool, and Sonic the Hedgehog rocks! God bless!
Luna dcdeanacook
Hi im Luna a friend who loves Splatoon ya'll and every thing so please play private battle with me i have lots of things to do rember God loves us and we know bye!!!!
kiyosan12 kazukiyo.kanami
きよさん(Minecraft) Minecraft(wiiu版)で現代的なことをしています。 建築共感垢 kiyosan12_sabu 3dsアカウント kqzukiyo 山川県公式 適当に呟いています コメント返信ができない場合がありますのでご了承ください。
name:faith joannbennett
hey guys !!! i'm in 7th grade and i live in kentucky!!!!! its so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 slow wolf926
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Robbo TenaciousPunk
Dream Address: 7A00-0012-42D7 It was fun while it lasted now lets all enjoy this last ride together.
mattia buonaserauttyy
ciao a tutti sono mttia volete essere miei amici io adoro molto team kirby clash deluxe o 10 anni e la mia squadra preferita e l'inter mi piace anche giocare a calcio sono amico di brayron-1 ricordatevi di seguirlo :) però la migliore e raffy
Omicron Omicron00
Omicron05's new account. I used to hatch conpetitive mons for people and such. Don't post much unless I need help with something.
Sukhman FriedFoxx
I am a normal person, with normal beliefs, and a normal family, with no friends, with a not so normal obsession with milk. Hi! Just call me Fox or FriedFoxx, because I dont want you to pronounce my name wrong, and heres stuff about me. I like milk (obviously who doesn't am I right...right guys?) and I love rpg's. I wont bother listing which games I like... WAIFU: Marina from Splatoon 2
Will wm12384
Things you should know about me: 1:Im 17 years old. 2:The Flash is my favorite TV show. Less than a week until its off break. 3:I'm a massive Marvel, DC and Star Wars fanboy. 4:If you follow me, I'll follow you back. 5:I'm probably the most friendly and out going person you'll ever meet. I love and care about each and everyone of you and will treat you all like my closest friend. :)
☆★καуιεε★☆ TheWorldIsKawaii
hOi!! My name is Kaylee. I like playing videogames (Who in here doesn't? xD), singing and drawing (˙ˇ˙)/ Follow me, i guess, if you want? u v u «It's so sad that Miiverse is going to end soon ;-;» I speak English mostly, and Spanish. I really like cute things, and also, "uwu" rules. •Online [Yeah] •Offline [Nope]
roberto robedrian
This user's profile comment is private.
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
Omicron Omicron06
Omicron(05)' s other account since I forgot my password on my original system. I used to trade pokemon and such here, don't post much otherwise. For my shinies for trade, search my old account Omicron05, the list is under one of the recent posts.
łmc/Drix angelb14
Howdy everybody my name is Juan or Angel or Drix. Anyway I mostly play Nintendo all the time when I grew up. Im also 17 and im a Senior in highschool. ill accept any friend request unless people r jerks. No wii u chat unless I know your experience really well. Favorite Game (Super Mario World Yoshi's Island). That's all about me peeps later.
Bia Beatrix15
Hello everyone, I am very fan of nintendo and I really like the games: SSB (main), Splatoon, Zelda and mario series, fire emblem, pokemon... _________________________________ I'm 19 years old I love ~drawing and animes >.< I play the guitar n.n i'm also christian _________________________________ and I don't understand english very well - sorry if I wrote something wrong ( ._.) Bye! (^o^)
Marie-Fan 987OIG name is Marie and I am loved by many :D Thanks you to all my friends and followers I love you so much! *squid kisses* I'm part of a group called the Pandalings *hides my Bamboozler Mk lll from ♪Pαηdα.T♪* I don't do Wii U Chat so don't ask me... Stay Fresh! Better than you in games, no it's no but's Don't get me mad...
MichaelC18 21mschavez
Hey guys I'm Michael, I like to make posts and play Nintendo games because they have so much swag! Give my posts yeahs, comment, and definitely follow me!
ßıαzε☆£¥€☆ joshnanian
hi i am bad boy i am 9 years old i am going to be 10 in june 17 i like playing splatoon
•×Zahгαו ZahraHeart06
alternative: XxZahraX2006xX
☆Starisοl☆ x.PaigeRockz.x
<Happy new year!> Have a sistar, ZahraX (ZahraHeart06) and a brother, Danny (XxKitzuWitzuxX)
Rebecca BeccaAnne_Baker
Hai!! Thanks for tapping on me! ^-^ Things to know about me! :) *I love Zombie games! *I do Wii U chat! *My favorite color is blue! *I love art more than people. *Hockey is my favorite!! *I love Mario Bros! *I love Link!! *I do take friend request! *Make sure to always have a reason too! <3 Have a amazing day!
quadtaious hopeschool2004
i love a girl named tree she is super pretty-pretty i don't know if she going to be my friend and im awsome at games
Dοοοodle anderchris34
So.. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm гцβφ! -Jkiddo, Gummi, Stat, Domo, and Derpicorn² are my favorite artists -Naruto is my favorite anime, (Go Itachi!) -I love to draw and play Splatoon and other games oωo -Strawberries taste good -I won't reply to many comments, admins are too strict Cya! Hope you can follow me. If you don't I don't really care ^ω^ Cya later -Rubo
♪Yume♪ Mikix_Cat
Don't get fooled by mii and drawings it is actually ♪Yume♪
ƒς Mσσπ Momo250203
⇒I'm Moritz, ⇒I'm in ƒς, ⇒I speak french, german and 50% english ⇒I like play: Pokémon, the Legend of Zelda, SDSW, Chess, DAoC and ArcheAge ⇒yeah record: ♪120♪ ⇒The ƒς-clan: →+450 members →I was a Co-Leader →Clan-Leaders ID: Weiss: [Rote-Flamme] Linda: [Dynamirathos] Flame: [KaiserinSissi] Join him.
KendallCat Kendall3ds
Hi Miiverse! It's me, KendallCat. I might be the nicest person you've ever met. So don't expect me to get mad at things. I LOVE to play video games. Especially Tomodachi Life. I own a Three DS and a Wii U as all of you can see. Thank you to all of those who have followed and me and thx 4 175+!♥ I love you all P.S I have a sister...Luna! ♡♥!!!! She so amazing and kind. Bye Miiverse! -KendallCat
Morowensa Morowensa
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Tzevi08 tzevi01
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
☆Sαrαн☆ Profera7503
Thanks Miiverse for 1.05K! check out Splatoon7503 Main OCs: Satomi, Genki OuO)// Awesome best friends/artists you need to check out: ☆-Stat (Statisky) (Tsurugiya) ☆-Tran (AnimeFanGirl) ☆-Emma (Empiku) ☆-Ella (batgurl99063) ☆-Sonic (SonicSpeed4582) ☆-Fati (TruUnknown) ☆-Coco (CoCo18400) ☆-Val (xerneasx123) ☆-Tesu (horrormovielover) ☆-Choco (NyanFace) ☆-Shizuo (Kirionic)
Chiiaso Spiffyberry
"Even a small amount of power can have a great effect when concentrated on a certain area." -Satoru Iwata 1959-2015 If your reading this then why? I like drawing, books, music, and video games (Don't we all?) Feel free to doodle chat or request drawings on any of my posts.
Иεκσ ☆ Neko-Chan0437
dead acc ;( I'm sorry that I left Miiverse without a warning. I won't delete my account, but it will be inactive forever ú-ù I said I would post something about me leaving but I think my followers already know that Miiverse is shutting down soon sooo yeah :( Discord: neko#2286 Switch: SW-2453-9083-2820 Adieu, mes amis (= ó w ò =)/
ok Oskar124
¡MP Jê$µ$√ JesusGaming
Hier gibts nichts zu gucken also TSCHÖ
Ethan 227300
Yo! I gotta spare account now, m8's n' lasses! Buuuut... Check out me' original account first. K? K! Howdy!
Happy Chin The_Gamer_Gospel
Wisconsin's Finest
Ferris U Mc.Amiibo32bit
New account now. It's been turned into an alt for my 3DS , DavinFelth77. I'm an athiest who likes Star Wars lore. Admíns are pîgs, and Silva is not funny. Always with you, it cannot be done - Yoda
GP| Tait Eightfield123
Warning: Connection errors imminent. GP| Tait, but you can just call me Tait. Welcome to my profile, where the grickle grass grows. I upload SSB4 replays from time to time. I don't have a consistent upload schedule, therefore hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out!