Users Zaborger Is Following
Gregory Greg395
My name is Gervaise, and my online nickname is Greg. I think Nintendo is pretty cool, and Sonic the Hedgehog rocks! God bless!
Иεκσ ☆ Neko-Chan0437
dead acc ;( I'm sorry that I left Miiverse without a warning. I won't delete my account, but it will be inactive forever ú-ù I said I would post something about me leaving but I think my followers already know that Miiverse is shutting down soon sooo yeah :( Discord: neko#2286 Switch: SW-2453-9083-2820 Adieu, mes amis (= ó w ò =)/
Kayla mikaila381
Profile comment hidden by admin.
crissi SkywardsordZelda
Hey everyone! ^^ I'm Crissi. I love games especially the legend of Zelda. I also love mangas/animes, Cosplay, drawing and looots of other things! I'm drawing a lot here and I would be happy if you like my art! Also I'm extremly happy about my 1000+ followers! I stil can't believe it... *.* But I thank you sooo much for your support and all your kindness! I really appreciate it! ^^
こな konacocco
マリオメーカー投稿作品 Posts for Mario Maker
Elizabeth ninjasTopHat
Hey guys! I'm Elizabeth :) I'm a 23 year old artist and I've been a major Zelda fan since I was little. I've been here since 2013, and I've made some amazing friends! Thank you!♥ Due to miiverse closing, I have created an alt. art account elsewhere on the internet for future artwork. (DA) (ninjasTopHat) Thanks so much for all the yeahs and follows! Check out my sister Gracie!(PurpleDolphin0-0)
Melony☆ Mellyma
WELCOME TO CRINGE FEST YAY ----------------------------- • Positivity? What's that xd • Splatoon 2 has taken over my life😫💦 ----------------------------- •°☆~(Don't)Stay Awesome~☆°•
Aftertaste SilverWolfSilent
Andrea takoling
lol im not here that often anymore detectives are my bias im looking at you goro akechi & shuichi saihara
とみぃ darkx2tmsky
Miiverse終了後もとみぃという名前で活動していきますので、どこかでお会いしましたらお気軽に話しかけてください( ´ ▽ ` ) ポケモン、ポケスペ、マリカー、バンブラなどが好きです! ダークライと色メガサーナイトが好きでよく投稿に出てきます。 色メガサナのNNは「ディーノ」です! バンドでベース弾いてます(^^) フォロー、コメントなどご自由にどうぞ(^O^)! 逆にちょっとでもいいなと思った投稿はすぐ共感する癖があります笑 よろしくお願いします!
WWB◆MrCube MrCube
"Rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à point." Hello and welcome. 30-year-old Nintendo fan and video game music addict, who draws occasionally. Thanks for all the yeahs, comments & follows.
(^▽^)あかりん★ Happy-smiIe-lIIl
Welcome to my profile.o(*^▽^*)o~♪ I am always glad by much comment For the person who wrote bad comment, I make block correspondence without mercy 体調が安定してきましたので、絵を少しづつ描いてミーバース投稿を再開します♪ 投稿ペースは、以前より遅くなりますが 良かったら応援してください(*´∀`*)/♡ MHFGの再開は、まだ未定です また、どこかでお友だちの皆に会えるのを楽しみにしていますね☆
Matthew(∞) Mcubed2013
Thank you. Status: Final Project complete About me: Goodbye Miiverse! I am a graduated student who may draw on the CORD and the DEV in my spare time..when I have some. I've been a Nintendo fan for a while now, and I enjoy Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Splatoon, and a number of other franchises. Look for Gold13feet or #8793. Thank you everyone for the last three years on Miiverse!!
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Stevewagon Stevethefork
Welcome to the miiverse profile of Stevewagon. Expect smash bros clips and some cuhraaazy high level play. Nah just expect something decent and (hopefully) entertaining. From time to time I actually post drawings but Its nothing to get excited about since my drawing skills are a bit...ehhhhhh. Also JoJo fandom ahoy. Enjoy your stay. I am a speed bump from Chinatown.
【※œななœ※】 SKAI28
体調不良のため2月以上来れなかったのに絵を見に来て下さりありがとうございました、そしてコメントも返せて無くてごめんなさい、ちゃんと読ませてもらいましたし、とても感謝しています、わかっていてもミバが無くなるのはやはり寂しいですよね そしてここで出会えた多くの皆さんありがとうございました。 [更新]11月2日木曜日
WhiteIsMe GameNgeek
Hi, I'm just a simple guy who likes to play and draw stuff. A good chat means more than yeah or follow to me. Feel free to comment on my posts even old ones. You'll be soon able to find me on other sites, just look for an avatar that looks like my mii. Currently: Online
キャップ cap1210
Mello Mello86
Evan yspark901
Hi Everyone, It seems that I've reached my final drawing for miiverse. I hope that you enjoyed my drawings over the years, and I want to thank you for such kind support over the years. I am just getting started as an artist, so you may see me again somewhere else in not too far a future. I hope to meet you soon with new and even more interesting artwork! Thank you!!! :D
»NachoCat« NachoCat15
I'm gonna miss my friends and followers. óдò Things to know: ⇒I try to post daily now. ⇒I mainly use 3DS not WiiU. ⇒I'm an 18yr old dude. I support: ♀+♀/♂+♂ etc. My characters: Aeroni ♂ "Krow" ♂ Avidima ♂ Kalani ♂ Raffar ♂ Mythril ♀
AnonZer0 GhostOfThatHigh
In case the plethora of drawings didn't make this obvious, I'm an arti-OH GOD NO, NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FAaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh...
JereMii JereMii_91
プチ。+*Rozé♪ SWANLPG1
Rozéお絵描きアカ 2017 7.31更新 Welcome to my profile. Hello I'm Rozé.Thank you for notice my post.I'll cheering for you,my friends,and my followers. I'm here for you anytime.Please enjoy looking at my art. .:+*+:..:+*+:..:+*+:. ♪Here is you want to know things Rozé is my lovely character I made. I like Splatoon :*・:*・:*・:*・:* プチトマト~(*´∀`)
いろか iroka-07
メルスト勢です(/*>ω<)/ 青い鳥でたまに絵を描く ミーバースありがとう! *+。 ※ *現在、リクは募集しておりません *初対面でのタメ、呼び捨てはお控え下さい *フォローの付け外しはご自由に! *:;;;:*:;;;:*:;;;:*:;;;:*:;;;:*:;;;:*:;;;:* 私の作品をみて下さり、ありがとうございます! 嬉しいです♪ in率低いです。 お友達、フォロワー様、いつもありがとうございます!! 。+*v2750over、Thanks!!*+。
Sammy Kat~ JaYbirDwilly
:') ❀Special thanks to all my followers who stuck with me and encouraged the drawings.. can't say how much I appreciate that my little drawings were liked. <3 ❀Sir Raven, Blythe, Millicent, SnapperZz, Ryan, Adrehh, Judeh, White, V, Uncle_V, KiaN, Brittany, Seige, Jampster.. (and recent peeps/friends!); Y'all stayed from my start.. ty for meeting me and being my friends ♡
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
Radic Ray Rimmy_Stickmen
Hey there everyone im Radic Ray. Im an 23 year old artist/gamer who is chill and cool/ weird and bunkers!¿¦P. and sometimes really salty when angered. type of games i like: fighting, racing and adventure. favorite characters: Mario and Sonic i like anime i don't except blank friend requests, only ones with writing and reasons and i sometimes do Wii U chat. thats about it, ITS RADICAL TIME!
SHO SHOKazamori
SHO:ジョウト地方コガネシティの近くの草むらに生息している絵描きポケモン。毎週日曜PM9時頃に出現する。共感&フォロワーされると喜ぶ。 SHO: Painting Pokemon inhabiting the grassy place near the Johto district Goldenrod City. I appear at 9:00pm of Sunday every week in Japan time. It will be glad if a sympathy & follower is carried out.
Jazz childofgalifrey
Links JLinksesV
Hi, I love drawing! I don't really have any favorite game (might be FE Awakening...), but I love LoZ, Pokémon and Fire Emblem English isn't my native language so if I do any mistake, just tell me! ( º^º)/ (I speak french btw) Anime/Manga's I really like: Yuri!!! on Ice, Inazuma Eleven Go, Parasyte, Eyeshield 21, One Punch Man... I highly recommend them★ (ps: I'm a girl) ☆Have a nice day!☆
Manami まなみ sibukawamanami
名探偵コナン、スプラトゥーンを中心に絵を描いています。 私と話したい人は最新の投稿で。 毎度フォロー、共感、コメントなど嬉しいです。フォローや連続共感は断りなしでOKです。フォロー返しは一切行ってません。 ●フレンド:白紙不可。 ◆お知らせ スマホになりました!スマホからも行くかもしれません。 I love Pokémon,and Detective Conan.Please Feel free to comment .Thank you for reading. フォロワーさん、今までありがとうございました。ミーバースが終わってもどうかお元気で SNS等色々やっていますので、皆様とお会いできる日をまた楽しみしています。絵の投稿はそちらではやっていないですが、日常の会話は良くしています。愚痴もチラホラ……
ノア noa-ymgm
Morrigan M0rd0andRig5
I'm Morrigan Aensland, and I am a Succubus but... hmhm. I trust you already know. I also trust Akeno, Rias, and Lilith, who were my friends. You see, Lilith and I were born on the same B-day but only half of our souls have been stolen by a man who is responsible for our parents' death. I want to become playable in SFV… OH MY SWIRLS!
とさか orutega1343
Ame-chuu Zenestmarre123
MY I.G. : AMECHUU28 SKY : imbakachan Bye all!♥ Take care of you and I'll miss you ;w;/