cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 65,563

                                                                                                                                                1. OK time for me to do that “Thread of Threads” of all the sessions and hearings I’ve livetweeted during this legislative term (Nov. 2020 through now in 2022); this is meant to serve as a reference for the upcoming midterm elections. #NHPolitics
                                                                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                                My first official function as a state rep was actually a county delegation meeting: @cooljeanius/1337054627292975105
                                                                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                              My first session was the January 6th drive-in session where I was freezing my butt off in a bus while we voted on rules, and my phone’s battery died preventing me from learning much of anything about the insurrection in DC: @cooljeanius/1346839216790122497
                                                                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                            My local school district had a presentation for legislators soon after we were sworn in: @cooljeanius/1355154537481445376
                                                                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                          My first committee hearing was via Zoom; I miss being able to do them like that: @cooljeanius/1356235315116183553
                                                                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                        Highlights from my second hearing: - That stupid lemonade stand bill - Perambulation bill! (one of those geeky topics that not many people know about) @cooljeanius/1358776387193159682 (also note that when I say “his caucus” in the thread, @wmarshcc8 was still a Republican at the time)
                                                                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                      Highlights from my 3rd hearing: - Republicans mourning the death of Rush Limbaugh (blech) - Tilton & Northfield redrawing their town lines - Lemonade stand bill coming back via reconsideration after it had been previously killed @cooljeanius/1362392265516326916
                                                                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                    Oops looks like I missed one; *this* was actually the 3rd hearing, and the previous one would have been the 4th, then: @cooljeanius/1359139535691669507 There was a good lot size bill at this one.
                                                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                  (in retrospect I probably should have realized I’d gotten my threads out of order when I was seeing the lemonade stand bill getting reconsidered before it’d even had its first vote)
                                                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                                Thread for our 1st indoors in-person full House session; this was at the Bedford Sportsplex. It was the 1 where we tried to deny the GOP quorum by staging a walkout, but not enough of us went along w/it, & they closed the doors before we could all get out: @cooljeanius/1364554279521038352
                                                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                              ’twas a 2day session, so we were back at the Sportsplex the next day: @cooljeanius/1364925870767546372 “Highlights” (lowlights) from the day: - Good/big housing bill (HB586) gets tabled - GOP expands legality of use of deadly force - Tolkien Studies school gets accredited - Remonstrances
                                                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                            ok so after full-House session we were back to committee hearings: @cooljeanius/1366382128959733760 Highlights from this one: - Danville dogcatcher (“Animal Control Officer”) bill - anti-masking bill (HB439) - Corbin Park (Blue Mountain Forest & Game Preserve) taxation bill
                                                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                          Skipped a day that week before then coming back for a second committee hearing: @cooljeanius/1367111740954148865 Highlights: - First appearance of Rep. Pauer’s husband, Eric, who showed up to a lot of our hearings - Tiny houses - GOP kills anti-eviction bill (HB512)
                                                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                        Back at this; hearing thread for March 8th, 2021: @cooljeanius/1368912284786036737 Highlights: - That bill to reduce evictions (HB512) comes back only for the GOP to kill it again - @ivyvann’s 2021 attempt at a fourplex bill - That horrible racist anti-sanctuary-city bill (HB266)
                                                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                      sub-highlights (lowlights) for the HB266 part: - Rep. Potucek lying & saying it wasn’t about immigration - FAIR dodging my q. about them being a hate group - Chair Dolan being biased towards the bill’s supporters - @asmaelhuni giving a 🔥🔥🔥 testimony @cooljeanius/1368986237713985539
                                                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                    First full-House session for April 2021 thread was here; we were back in Bedford again: @cooljeanius/1379774738977935363 Highlights: - Budget stuff - (actually that’s pretty much it; it was mostly all budget stuff. There was a lot of bad stuff in there)
                                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                  That April session was a 3-day one; day 2 of it was here: @cooljeanius/1380123508466941953 (not much to note here besides further Republican attacks on public education and voting rights)
                                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                Day 3 of that first full-House session of April 2021 had its thread start here: @cooljeanius/1380489314665123845 Highlights: - Reopeners being bad - Melissa Blasek claims govt shouldn’t do good things - Car seats for kids are apparently really controversial [cont’d]
                                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                              Highlights from April 9th 2021 continued: - Debate on Qualified Immunity is actually really good, and I make my first floor motion to print remarks from the debate in the permanent journal - Speaker Packard apologizes for calling Anne Copp a “bitch” @cooljeanius/1380619594105229317
                                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                            Oh and this was also the session where the GOP messed with the calendar so that we only debated the bills that they wanted to pass and just straight-up ignored all the Dem bills: @cooljeanius/1380650068856946688
                                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                          1st crossover committee hearing of 2021: @cooljeanius/1391732632757710853 (hm, crossover started a lot later last year; we got to it a month earlier this year) Highlights: - Procedural mess for “Purple Paint” bill (SB84) - GOP continues to worsen climate crisis with propane (SB86 pt. III)
                                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                        So, while I’m going back through these threads, one thing I’m noticing is that there were a lot of things I would have asked questions about if we weren’t remote… being remote was nice for the convenience of attendance, but it also had the drawback of GOP being able to mute us…
                                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                      Having a physical hand raised in the committee room is a lot more noticeable for our GOP chair than having a hand raised on Zoom was…
                                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                    The following week’s crossover committee hearing: @cooljeanius/1394271261971394561 Highlights: - Nashua spending cap override mess - Propane bill (SB86) gets worse w/the GOP removing the only good parts (the housing portions) & worsening the ban on municipalities from banning fossil fuels
                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                  (yes I do plan on continuing this “thread of threads”; I’ve just been busy lately)
                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                ok, so first full-House session of June 2021, back in Bedford: @cooljeanius/1400419968555094020 Highlights: - GOP attempts to kill background check system for guns (Sununu would later veto) - 1st GOP attempt at that bill about federal gun executive orders that Sununu just signed today
                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                              June 3rd 2021 highlights continued: - more anti-democracy BS - more anti-vax BS - more procedural shenanigans - some actual good news for once: killing the “Right-To-Work” bill! @cooljeanius/1400509207380738050
                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                            June 2021 session was continued the next day on the 4th: @cooljeanius/1400804298376757250 (last June 4th the 7-day case average was only 48, before reaching a low of 16 on the 25th, so it made sense to be thinking about stopping masking then; we didn’t know the omicron wave would hit)
                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                          Anyways, highlights from June 4, 2021: - GOP worsens the tipped minimum wage situation - Procedural mess with SB86 (it eventually passes and GOP gets their way with protecting fossil fuels) - …oh wait I actually already included a summary in this one! @cooljeanius/1400900325301706756
                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                        …I think that was it for that summer, so it looks like that’s another good place to take a break again, before coming back later with the threads from last fall…
                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                      oh wait nope there was one more full-House session that June in Bedford that I almost missed: @cooljeanius/1402982093307617292 (not many highlights to note, though)
                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                    ok one more June session: @cooljeanius/1408044540292960261 Highlights: - Jess Edwards’ “make sure women remain hot” Freudian slip - Budget debate
                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                  sorry I was on break; time to pick this up again… onto September of last year! This was my first in-person committee hearing, since the previous ones had all been on Zoom: @cooljeanius/1435590847249145857 Highlights: - “return to in-person” adjustment pains (lack of mics, etc.)
                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                LSR filing period thread: @cooljeanius/1437815806268747784
                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                              Leg. Admin substitution thread: @cooljeanius/1450503763819630599 (main highlight here was basically just another attempt at getting remote access back)
                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                            Follow-up to the LSR filing period thread, from once the LSRs had actually become bills: @cooljeanius/1467932274591256581
                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                          Another county delegation hearing: @cooljeanius/1468581692633976846
                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                        This wasn’t actually from an event or anything, it was just one time I went and actually bothered reading the House Calendar for once: @cooljeanius/1468667987037200386
                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                      (ok so that’s it for 2021; I’ll be back with threads from 2022 later)
                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                    First full-House session of 2022 was here: @cooljeanius/1478698884717240323 Highlights: - GOP’s fails to override Sununu’s veto of their combo “guns on snowmobiles” + “weaken background checks” bill (they’d later pass the former as a separate bill) - Mike Sylvia lies about pandemic
                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                  To be more specific about that Mike Sylvia part, this was actually right BEFORE the major omicron spike: @cooljeanius/1478765901621178369
                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                Anyways highlights from Jan 5, 2022 session continued: - GOP votes to kill @Cassandra4NH’s bill to end child marriage in NH and Dem leadership yells at me for retweeting one of @monkey_reg’s #PedoconTheory memes in response to the GOP vote: @cooljeanius/1478767693683732481
                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                              Also, we received committee assignments for our bills that day, too, so I kinda had a multi-purpose thread going that day, interweaving email-checking with stuff going on on the floor: @cooljeanius/1478770701939228680
                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                            remember back in January, back before “groomers” had become the Republican insult-du-jour for Democrats? Anyways, reminder that there are actual legitimate grooming professions (besides the animal kind, there are also ski trail groomers): @cooljeanius/1478775868822638592
                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                          Oh yeah reminder to myself to submit a California-style food waste LSR this year: @cooljeanius/1478797876293771268
                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                        Max Abramson is the worst: @cooljeanius/1478798195459252230
                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                      Anyways that’s it for stuff from my thread for Jan 5th of this year; next I managed to fit in an additional mini-thread about committee assignment emails before the continuation of session from the next day: @cooljeanius/1479058028418805764
                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                    Thread for full session from that next day: @cooljeanius/1479075232170364929 Some good bills actually passed our chamber that day! Specifically: - HB238, to end the “gay panic” defense - HB579, requiring public notice for immigration checkpoints - HB629, cannabis home grow (later killed)
                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                  I may have said that Max Abramson is the worst previously in this thread, but, Mike Sylvia is also the worst: @cooljeanius/1479165458209292290
                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                So grateful that Al Baldasaro is finally retiring: @cooljeanius/1479225290220085249
                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                              …and that’s it for the 6th; on the 7th I did a “how to testify about a bill” thread for people I was trying to recruit to come testify on behalf of my #SOFTWAREAct: @cooljeanius/1479663133207764992 (but it’s generally useful for any bill one might want to testify about, really!)
                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                            Thread for committee hearings the day my #SOFTWAREAct had its hearing: @cooljeanius/1480908501899694088
                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                          Thread for committee hearings the day of my bill about fundraising calls from police officer associations: @cooljeanius/1481262262711111695
                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                        Back to my own committee: @cooljeanius/1481628878863056899
                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                      This one barely even counts as a thread, but still, it was a hearing: @cooljeanius/1483540751762010112
                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                    Follow-up to the #SOFTWAREAct hearing: @cooljeanius/1484164411459878912
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  On other days I combined multiple hearings into a single thread; on the 20th, though, I split them into 2; this one was for my own committee: @cooljeanius/1484179109563543552
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                Next day I sat in as a substitute on the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee; this was the day that the secession CACR got its committee vote: @cooljeanius/1484499445936967683
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              Oh yeah Al Baldasaro said more racist stuff during it, but since he’s retiring, it’s probably not worth the effort to clip his idiocy from it anymore: @cooljeanius/1484570628506140680
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            yeah even though the GOP joined us in voting against secession in this committee executive session, it seemed like their opposition to it was based more on implementation than on principle: @cooljeanius/1484575309987196928
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          livestream of that hearing was here, for reference: @cooljeanius/1484576399730126852
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        Back the next week for my own committee: @cooljeanius/1485613859524202498 I had to write my first minority report from this hearing…
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      Thread for my last hearing of January: @cooljeanius/1488151254270423046 Main highlight was the @Gunstockmtn bill, which has been a major source of drama in Belknap County.
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    My first hearing of February featured my #YIGBY bill: @cooljeanius/1489232205268324364
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  County delegation subcommittee hearing the next day: @cooljeanius/1489616625703788545
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                Feb 7th hearing: @cooljeanius/1490686180907749377 Main highlight from this one was @ivyvann’s “A Fourplex Is A House” bill (along with some other housing stuff, too)
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              Feb 9th hearing: @cooljeanius/1491404495821340679 Highlights from this one: - My bill to provide compost & recycling in public housing - Other housing bills, too
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            Feb 15th hearing: @cooljeanius/1493587780462653447 Lots of stuff in it; too lazy to summarize
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          Feb 16th full House session: @cooljeanius/1493992503934164995 Highlights: - An attempt at passing weed legalization - GOP refuses to rein in any of the ballooning expenses of their uncontrolled “give money to private schools” (EFAs) program - GOP anti-democracy election paranoia
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        Feb 17th full House session: @cooljeanius/1494304575163146248 The main highlights were from the governor’s “State-of-the-State” address (where a representative collapsed), which was before I arrived…
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Feb 22nd MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1496122832274743299 Highlights: mainly procedural mess and confusion
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    Feb 23rd MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1496486712134012929 Highlights: - My “compost & recycling in public housing” bill gets successfully amended and referred to interim study - GOP kills my #YIGBY bill, but that’s ok because I have a different strategy for how to do it next term
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Feb 28th MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1498297774512693250 Highlights: - Chair Dolan thinking Ukraine was in the Middle East - GOP passes a bad anti-mask bill
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        Mar 1st MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1498661330508787712 Highlights: - GOP guts authority of town health officers - GOP makes their anti-mask bill from the previous day worse - GOP attacks public education with their school board budget caps bill
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          Not really a session-thread, but I think it still fits here (it’s about emails… which I’m behind on again…) @cooljeanius/1501597227709575179
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            Mar 10 session thread: @cooljeanius/1501914049914757125 Highlights: - Renny memorializations - GOP are still gun nuts - 13 GOP Reps vote in favor of secession (i.e. treason)
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              County delegation meeting the day after: @cooljeanius/1502302220280377347 Main thing to note here is just more fighting about remote vs. in-person attendance
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                Mar 15th full-House session: @cooljeanius/1503683001519067141 Highlights: - GOP crypto millionaires vote to enrich themselves - Republicans seem to think we’re Ukraine being invaded by Russia - it’s just generally annoying
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  Mar 16th full-House session: @cooljeanius/1504073713674821633 Highlights: - GOP continues to prevent us from reining in EFAs (their new codename for vouchers) - Keith Ammon is a jerk - GOP hates squirrels - we go late (almost to 10PM)
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    Mar 17th full-House session: @cooljeanius/1504445140072484865 Highlights: - GOP continues to be anti-vax, anti-union, & anti-social-safety-net - Dem caucus sings “Solidarity Forever” together in a nice moment of camraderie - Max Abramson gives a horrendous speech against fourplexes - etc.
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      Mar 31st full-House session: @cooljeanius/1509491662912958470 Highlights: - GOP lies about global warming; pretends our ice caps aren’t melting - GOP fearmongers about immigrants - marijuana legalization debate is actually really interesting
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        April 7th MCG crossover hearing: @cooljeanius/1512028937311952899 Main highlight here is just the part for SB249, the short-term rentals bill.
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          April 11th Fish & Game Committee hearing & interim study session: @cooljeanius/1513497382520033286 (not much happened worth noting)
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            April 18th MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1516053000976048139 - I get an amendment passed thru committee unanimously (changing “trash” to “waste” in SB245) - SB249 (the short-term rentals bill) gets referred to interim study
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              April 19th E&NR hearings, first Senate-side, and then House-side: @cooljeanius/1516401146822369280 Main highlight is me presenting my “pet rescue” bill (HB1186), which eventually ended up passing later
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                April 21 full-House session: @cooljeanius/1517127017958936576 Highlights: …actually you know what I’m getting tired of summarizing these; never mind…
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  April 27th MCG exec session: @cooljeanius/1519313932820877313 (this was the one with some of the worst procedural BS of the session that prompted me to write an LTE about it)
                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                    In retrospect, my Twitter reactions that day were probably milder than they should have been; “ugh” doesn’t really fully capture how frustrated I was with the Republicans on my committee that day: @cooljeanius/1519345681575690241
                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                      May 4th full-House session: @cooljeanius/1521844432739446784 Lots of “Christmas Tree” bills that day…
                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                        May 5th full-House session: @cooljeanius/1522190370410483712 Highlights: - GOP votes to bring back child labor - I gave my first PI! - confusing housing maneuvering - GOP continues to be bad on energy bills - GOP’s last redistricting attempt before they failed - Jason Osborne is a jerk
                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                          as I said, the housing maneuvering was confusing: @cooljeanius/1522259136590884866
                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                            Oh right May 5th was also the day of Sue DeLemus yelling at people: @ColinGBooth/1522232989941485568 (that didn’t make my highlights list because I didn’t actually personally witness it myself, and plus the things I listed previously were all more interesting to me anyways)
                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                              also we got COVID exposure notifications from that week’s sessions: @cooljeanius/1523720888318799872
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                                                May 12 full-House session: @cooljeanius/1524744662472351746 Highlights: - Lech Wałȩsa speech - Solidarity - Concurrences and accedences - GOP tries to stop Linda Tanner from speaking about Croydon defeating the FSP attack on their school system; applaud when she mentions the original cuts
                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                  May 23 Merrimack County Delegation mtg: @cooljeanius/1528740619673378817 Main news I’d note here would just be the news from Rep. Alicea that her house had gotten broken into while attending her grandson’s commencement (stuff like disagreements over Zoom attendance are old by this point)
                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                    May 26 full-House session: @cooljeanius/1529806512306143232 Highlights: - @DebrasATeam puts in a valiant effort to do something about gun violence (unfortunately Republicans shut her down) (this was right after Uvalde btw) - Rep Sylvia gets Medicare and Medicaid confused
                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                      Also reminder that Twitter now has a policy that it’s against the rules to call teaching about LGBT as being “grooming”, so Rep. Roy could have gotten banned for this speech if he made it on Twitter now: @cooljeanius/1529878696814862336
                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                        This will probably be my last entry for this “thread of threads” for this term, at least until we have veto override day later this year: @cooljeanius/1538148076090806273 (it’s my thread for this year’s NHDP convention)
                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                          ok so yeah since Veto Day is still part of this term, I'm adding my thread for it here, too: @cooljeanius/1570439042591776769