Rich's Followers
David SuperMariofan65
RIP Miiverse 2012-2017 "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."-Dr. Seuss
Morimoto MorimotoWiiU
#JusticefòrBâññèdMììvèrseUśérs #DemòcracyforMiiverse This is Morimoto's ält, which is kinda like a báckup. But this is a Wii U acóùnt. Máin (bâñéď 4/9, 4/15): 291 fòllòwś 2.7K pòsts 11K yèahs And, I can't Wii U chát
bradyn. gangbusters75
kelkevbsb5 kelkevbidseabre5
SB★nine★♪ CreamyBunBun09
hello im SB★nine★♪ i am the leader of the SB clan i play splatoon so much im on lvl 50 im from USA im a party squid this is what i am
MetalSonic TheHotdogMan
Happy Birthday To.... ME! Join Team SlyLeaf! ( SlyLeaf My Future Youtube Channel ) For your own Shoutout, and Acess to the SlyLeaf Survival World in MC, Plus Other Future Benefits!
jaidybug jaidybug0425
my name is jaidyn im in third grade im 8 years old. my favorite food is hot chicken wing whith mac and cheese . my favorite disrut is cake pie ice cream . when it's a holiday we go to my gramas house. my family does fun things to me .
katie pen15lick3r
Boy Wonder PrinceIney
Faves... Consoles: NES, Atari 2600, SNES, Dreamcast, Wii U Games: SMB 3, Doom, Ms. Pac-Man, GTA Vice City, Dig Dug Musicians: Bowie, DEVO, Sparks, John Foxx, Gary Numan Movies: Suspiria, Dawn of the Dead, Reanimator, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Robocop Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return some videotapes before my meeting with Cliff Huxtable.
jayden tailesandyoshi
Cameron cameron414
Deija deija12
♥Best friends: Brayan, Manny, LUFFY^^,Gabriel, KC, Tyler, Brandon, and Dj. "I'm used to being sad," "Because, i'm that person everyone replaces after a while." Last day announcement, "Be careful with the people u trust." So u don't make the mistake I did." "Friends can break you're heart to"
seth roger DylNiktoo
hi i am 14 my name is dylan some of my favorite games are dragonquest9 dragonquest4 zelda spirit tracks zelda windwaker and super smashbros wiiu and now minecraft some of my favorite shows are naruto, pokemon, swordartonline,fairytale blue exorcist and seven deadly sins. also now bleach and feel free to follow me i might follow you. 1366203359757867029 is a good seed watch unspeakablegaming!
EL WASON xXpelon13Xx
shamar KhakiAxe
Hey Im Awesome
david davifer2371
Daniel !!!
dash-girl dash-girl562
Ella tater2659
malgirl300 eleven.five
ummm.... hi.
probie 11 starpower2017
hey guys if u friend meh, u can play minecraft with me!!!
rebbeca bballgirl2116
hi I love and play basketball. i also like to play games.i also write songs, play guitar and love to sing. i absolutly love hanging out with my friends
ziah jziahkilgore9
hi i love games so much they are life tbh
M. Simpson davdim
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jayship jayship12
mommasbaby keniyahingram100
Hi im a new member my name is keniyah and keep it adventurus and dance and keep it on 100 and also taken
Poh clpatri
iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton !!!:] .i usaully play on my xbox ^.~ im the only person who keeps it 100!theses♥ daysXD fr tho if ur being rude then... my inner ghetto comes out just saying lol BE WARNED YOU could leave nowó_ó no fake ppl allowed here so skr skr outta here #northside dont trust nobody :`(!
SAVAGE M savageyonni
i get turnt up
carson cemrjd83
yevgen yevgenigor
Hello! ive played demos and full games! like Miitopia
SupaBadmin STrickster824
Hello What brings you here? Miiverse is like about to end tomorrow. So goodbye
Levi irinaanddustin
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Dadda Zombiedadz
everyone is cool, epic and a expert
mikey d metalmike5500
Hey guys!!! I LOVE to have friends to chat with. To let you know, My actual name is Aaron Moore, and this is my FATHER'S profile. If you friend me, I'll friend you back!! Also, I'm 14, and single!! ;) (Female name)
BRONY alamoqbert
Xhbcharles 2hayden75583
hi im charles i jist wanna enjoy my Page and make sure to comment also here are some people you should/shouldnt check out Greninja812,jrobuk23,footballwes and more now for the ONE PERSON YOU SHOULDNT LOOK AT Bobble5 he is a griefer he blew up my mansion but unfortunately for him it back fired
ENDERninja djmedina0105
hi I play minecraft
kyle schnauzers4life
Savannah srs2008
~мiηi βαε~ imanialexis
firebird firebirdpf
i played wii sports . on wii sports you can play tennis baseball boxing bowling and golf i also played game party its the same thing but you get too pick your type and it has all the other sports
Larry!!!! larryHolman
eq eq21108
hello im eric quint
Gaige&Bob haxtoy
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star ...
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star with my bare hands. I like squirrels, wait scratch that I like cheese burgers.........ya ..... cheese burgers.....Im hungry.