Users Rich Is Following
Xhbcharles 2hayden75583
hi im charles i jist wanna enjoy my Page and make sure to comment also here are some people you should/shouldnt check out Greninja812,jrobuk23,footballwes and more now for the ONE PERSON YOU SHOULDNT LOOK AT Bobble5 he is a griefer he blew up my mansion but unfortunately for him it back fired
Cassandra cassjohnson
Brandon John_Cena0123
Caleb weathergeek96
I'm pretty cool
AMBIA guillermo2601
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SplatKid RomanReingsFan25
Hello! My name is Izan. Age, I can't share. I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Goku, Huskies, Chilly, and SuperMarioLogan. Here are the games I own on the Wii U: Just Dance 2014 New Super Mario Bros U Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros for Wii U Splatoon Minecraft: Wii U Edition Mario Party 10 Super Mario Maker Thanks for stoping by at my profile. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time on Miiverse, bye! :)
househole deafault
poophead cainspecht
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HIGHscores HIGHscores
Hi! Classic gamer here! I grew up on Atari, c64, NES and have collected and played ever since. Love arcade gaming/pinball and own a few machines myself. Castlevania is my favorite game. I love to follow the artists on here. I draw lots of old video game/heavy metal/movie art. My wife is Snackz, please check her out too :)
nick A198.823
Hi im nick and im the person how loves everyone wether it on games real life or overthings i love posting my best things or achevments i also love looking at over peoples post and realy like leaving lot of likes im the person how your my freind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for reading my profile book hope you liked it and realy hope you leave a follow and them become besty
Dalton kjhalm22
im good at playing splatoon
Emilie bitemole
Hello i´m Emilie. Hallo ich bin Emilie. Salut je suis Emilie. Salvación soy Emilie.
cutey Lalaus
my favourite title is mucic
Cap'n cptamrica949
Hello, Ive played too many games to count. Want to know something? Ask away! Nintendo Switch HYPE!!!!!Eagle Scout here, 18 years old, oh also I am doing a service Mission to the country of Georgia for two years... so Ill see you all later! **Nintendo4life**
Pat 8uuuuu
The defenition of gamer these days is known as people playing hours of GTA, COD and GOW ( God of wars ). As for me, I consider myself as a REAL gamer and that means people playing lots of diferent kind of games with originality, inovations and most important, FUN.
Gabriel gabeLamas
Hello, there! My name is Gabe. I'm an avid video gamer, but I also double as a professional 3D artist.
TFOZ emmatyanna
Mario Kart 8, got Roy!
pearl mamma1805
Jayda jaydaburtenshaw
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beto semabeglo
nkirby1 nkirby1
whats up my maximum tomatos nkirby1 here and welcome to my miivrese i love kirby check my sutff for post drawings events sribblenauts ainmashins and more. you may have fun where and the game i use like smash bros 4 kirby sonic pokemon and lots more. so what are you waiting for go check every post i did and enjoy my community.
Ben bcole99
fbm.98 fbm.98
Lil Devil Magic.Mushroom
i enjoy music,art,video games.mostly stuck with Nintendo through the years,although some of you may know of my love for the Dreamcast (: the wiiU is the most enjoyable piece of electronics ive ever owned.and that says alot as im somewhat of an electronics junkie,ever since i was a young lad,anything i could get my hands on that i could pop batteries in and do something cool with made me happy :)
yan cézar YanCosta2007
oi eu sou yan tenho 9anos hoje estou começando a usar o miverse obrigada
adam frodo0611
Hawk-D Coolman1o7
Goodbye, everyone. It was fun staying here, chatting, and greeting you all. I really do miss Miiverse. All things come to an end don't they? Well, this was a great experience, I honestly will miss you all.... Whats a Wii U without miiverse? How do we know who will be host of our PBs.... Miiverse was a fun social interacting world in the Wii U. Im just sad, this is my final goodbye. Bye guys. ;-[
FanTDM sannjaythegamer
Hello everyone. this profile will no longer be supported. for more info visit my latest post
MalakverX MalakverX
Army vet and long term gamer!!! Proud to be an 80's kid and to see the dawn of all the nintendo classics!
Jaroslawa polishhockeygirl
I'm an ornithologist and zoologist. I'm 44 i have 6 kids 2 boys and 4 girls
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star ...
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star with my bare hands. I like squirrels, wait scratch that I like cheese burgers.........ya ..... cheese burgers.....Im hungry.