Rich's Friends
mommasbaby keniyahingram100
Hi im a new member my name is keniyah and keep it adventurus and dance and keep it on 100 and also taken
SAVAGE M savageyonni
i get turnt up
Levi irinaanddustin
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savge max dragenguy
xiomi potatounicorn14
hi hmu for just for fun
Jungkook Moiseskiki
najhae superjj1224
hi i am new so can you guy help me out here my game are super mario3d and mario party 10
ziah jziahkilgore9
hi i love games so much they are life tbh
just chill abc123thecool
hey im your average teen boy.My name is Anthony and I am really easy to talk to,and who knows maybe we have alot in commin.Im currently in 8th grade this year at the age of 13. things i like/enjoy paintball guns quads drawing tv my pets friends makeing people smile music jacksepticeye rocks!
malgirl300 eleven.five
ummm.... hi.
matthew pojoroom2
hi this is my gameing file i will only friend somebody i know
skitlz1647 skitlz1647
RyGuyRocky GoldenSonic74
Hi Guys!
Dontez Dontez246810
AMBIA guillermo2601
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carson cemrjd83
fbm.98 fbm.98
goku ssj 3 juancamolly
hey cuanto tiempo ..... no os voy a mentir estoy un poco deprimido peroooooooooooo no voy a irme nunca mas yyyyyyyyyyy me gusta : reir , tener amigos y mucho más , me encantan los animes uno de mis amigos que mas confio es lobito ok ,seguidme y os sigo my friends , mis youtubers favoritos son : elrubius , fernan , german , town y muchisisisisimos mas ok que tengais buen dia :) XD
kyle schnauzers4life
cain spechtcj
hi bull dog
racket alexloya710313
hi my name is alex but call me echo i like playing wii u a lot i have a brother and his awesome in splatoon and call of duty his name is dedsec or serch skrill710313 if wanna be friends with him or play with me fallow me and send me a friend request and enjoy playing with me have fun and bye
Mathys miss_pink666
Ma console que j'ai mérité, c'est une Wii U
BRONY alamoqbert
Jaroslawa polishhockeygirl
I'm an ornithologist and zoologist. I'm 44 i have 6 kids 2 boys and 4 girls
AndyPascoe Andrichico
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no face ajenkinson
im a gamer
miles Milesthebiles
disney infinity
tone antonio4410
snowsnow Snowsnow4806
fernanda edidrafael1234
hola me llamo fernanda
Morimoto MorimotoWiiU
#JusticefòrBâññèdMììvèrseUśérs #DemòcracyforMiiverse This is Morimoto's ält, which is kinda like a báckup. But this is a Wii U acóùnt. Máin (bâñéď 4/9, 4/15): 291 fòllòwś 2.7K pòsts 11K yèahs And, I can't Wii U chát
shamar KhakiAxe
Hey Im Awesome
kelkevbsb5 kelkevbidseabre5
Mohamed bigdady0125
derp winniekwin
i love to play with others ] friends with anyone do acept friend request i am a great friend i am mostly avalible every day (^o^)(^o^)[$$$$$$$$$ =youtube(^o^) RIP MIIVERESE
Dadda Zombiedadz
everyone is cool, epic and a expert
jaske Jasked
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max gnarwhale
poophead cainspecht
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Ryan giryan
i hate everyone but i love games
Cassandra cassjohnson
alex toogoodforyou
Emma mjboom96
Sup?! My name is Emma and I LOVE having fun! I love games that deal with music and adventure. My favorite apps are and instagram! Please follow and friend me. Thanks!:)
househole deafault
Dad HanSolo78
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Jayda jaydaburtenshaw
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aahan RaHeat
duke jemel04
Jonathan amyjohnson595
vic vick49
hi im a gamer
Jaysin maximo_jd
33 Yr Old father/husband,musician,gamer,game designer(Xavier Orion Gms), and merchandiser.
HIGHscores HIGHscores
Hi! Classic gamer here! I grew up on Atari, c64, NES and have collected and played ever since. Love arcade gaming/pinball and own a few machines myself. Castlevania is my favorite game. I love to follow the artists on here. I draw lots of old video game/heavy metal/movie art. My wife is Snackz, please check her out too :)
Jeremii Nintendium128
I got more Swagger than TM87!
Gabriel gabeLamas
Hello, there! My name is Gabe. I'm an avid video gamer, but I also double as a professional 3D artist.
Lil Devil Magic.Mushroom
i enjoy music,art,video games.mostly stuck with Nintendo through the years,although some of you may know of my love for the Dreamcast (: the wiiU is the most enjoyable piece of electronics ive ever owned.and that says alot as im somewhat of an electronics junkie,ever since i was a young lad,anything i could get my hands on that i could pop batteries in and do something cool with made me happy :)
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star ...
hey I am a hobbit trapped in a normal mans body. I also have a dream of catching a shooting star with my bare hands. I like squirrels, wait scratch that I like cheese burgers.........ya ..... cheese burgers.....Im hungry.