Ania's Yeahs

Comment on Ania's Post


17 hours ago

Huh? Did your other profile get banned??

Comment on MKЯStephie's Post


23 hours ago

I don't know what mine is. But you guys all have great numbers. I laughed when I read your number Chara. So thanks guys!

Comment on Ania's Post


1 day ago

Ania! Thanks for being one of the coolest Versers I've ever met! Ttyl! Goodbye, Miiverse!!!

Comment on Ania's Post


1 day ago

That is sad..... Well, this is the last time i'll be on Miiverse, See you, Space Cowgirl. It was fun while it lasted.

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

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1 day ago

Well, since this is the last one...

In-Game Splatoon Community

luis fer

1 day ago

noooo adios miverse

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

one last selfie before miiverse ends :(

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1 day ago

Final Selfie here u go

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

Miiverse is ending in less than 24 hours. Goodbye to my fellow inklings and keep on gunning!

In-Game Splatoon Community

CGamer X

1 day ago

Thank you everyone for sharing your amazing art over the years on Splatoon and Miiverse itself!

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

What's going on on Miiverse and why is everyone saying goodbye to it??????????????!!!!!!!!!

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23 hours ago

Its being permanently shut down tomorrow, tomorrow is Nov 7th at 10:00 pacific time

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

Play Journal Entries YouTube


1 day ago

1.) Good Morning Miiverse! 2.) How are you doing? 3.) Have a marvelous day! 4.) Daily Question- 5.) What is your lucky number?

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1 day ago

mines 69

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

goodnight sweet prince

Drawings YouTube Community


1 day ago

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35 minutes ago

Guys she haves a YouTube Channel named Angel Toon

Play Journal Entries YouTube


1 day ago

Goodbye, everyone! I'm really going to miss you all! Thank you all so much for being such wonderful friends to me! I really appreciate it! I'm so happy that I got to meet each & every last one of y...

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


1 day ago

this is from august 2016

Play Journal Entries Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga+ Bowser's Minions


1 day ago

Miiverse on November 7th...

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42 minutes ago

ik it but im doing this to share this sad notice, and put my sentence on ur post(about this news) bcuz i am old fan of Nintendo(since GB) and miiverse is only way to talk with people like you that ...

Comment on Ania's Post


1 day ago

In-Game Splatoon Community

Spark Dash

1 day ago

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1 day ago

I'm happy I could meet you awesome friend. Thanks for being with us until the end of Miiverse, being with you always made me happy. ^^ Heh I wish we could save all our role-plays on each other post...