Users Ania Is Following
ExecutCode gbc900
RPG Maker Fes for 3DS Games: (Creator ID: 11130) Project: Summer Ice Project: Summer Ice - Back to School Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe Project: Summer Ice - Bowling Upcoming Releases: Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe v5.01 on November 10th, 2017 at 11PM Pacific Time Favorite Nintendo consoles: Game Boy Color & Wii U
MKЯStephie luxray102
Hi everyone!! I am Luxray102! (1) I'm 15 years old. (2)I am a girl. (3)Currently 10th grader in school. (4)I love to play piano. (5)I love to meet new people. (6)Relationship status: Single. (7)Enjoy a good conversation. (8)I wanna make new friends! follow 4 follow Thanks for 850&↑ followers!! :D Wow, you guys are amazing! Have a fantastic day! :D
Derp McKee luigifreak456
This is an alternate account for luigifreak3456. I will typically use it when i cant be on Miiverse with my main account.
SallyDoll SallySuite
Hi! It's very nice to see you! About me: I'm a Doll I have 4 charms I love listening to J-Pop and K-Pop My favorite color is white I like dressing up I can speak any Asian language I also like anime Alright! Let's play now!
Trevor Diddybound
The creator of the Daily Callie series, and the Daily Squid Sisters series! I like the squid game, but I ESPECIALLY like Callie. Some would say too much, but there's never enough Callie love~!
TS√Sαναgε joogles
Sup! It's ye boy TS√Sαναgε AKA Jeremy here with a few stuff I wanted to share. ★1. Love to play sports. ★2. I like to play Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. ★3. My fav color is blue. ★4. I'm 4×3 or 6×2 years old. ★5. I'm not smart. ★6. I have a YT channel. So go check it out! So, yeah. That's just a few stuff I wanted to share. I hope you guys have a great day! R.I.P Miiverse!
Logan 5 AesculaptorMkIII
Gay Steve♂ ILoveMen2017
Hi! Have you written about any titles you've played yet? Don't forget to follow other users, too! I love you Ania <3
Nick Aldeberuhn
bazooka Bazouka
Hola mi nombre es Gerardo soy de Acapulco México. Me gustan mucho jugar básquet, las peliculas, dibujar y claro jugar videojuegos \o/ Mis juegos ... Splatoon, MK8, Minecraft, Devil`s sterd, Xenoblad Chronicles X, Smash bros, Monster Hunter 4 u... y muchos más.... Si gustas agregame como amigo y en cualquier momento unete y jugamos. salud
Jam-Jam PlzdontbanJammy
Same old Jammy with a fresh, new WiiU alt account. No, I'm not really Jammy. Dr. Bæ♥
wakka ukiukiwakka
*フレンドリクエストについて* 全然知らない人はコワいのでお断りしています…。 相互さん、フレフレさんなど、何かしらつながりのある方でお願いします(*^^*) スプラトゥーン楽しんでます! プレイの合間におえかき。 FFTAもの~んびりプレイ中。→2/24クリアしました!
ええやん lirpa0
スプラトゥーンたのしい! だいたい深夜に出没してます。 フォロー・フレリクはご自由にどぞ(フレリクは交流した方で)。 こちらもたまに気まぐれでフォローしたりしてます。 カーボン、ボールド、ヒッセンが好きだけどいろんな武器使ってます^^ 一緒に楽しみましょう(^o^)/
名前 グラサンりんご よく遊んでるゲーム ・スプラトゥーン・絵心教室 絵を描くのが大好きで 沢山描いて練習しています。いろんなイラストレーターさんの絵を参考に練習しているおかげで 毎回絵柄がバラバラです...主にミーバースではスプラトゥーンの絵を投稿しています。フォローの付け外しはご自由に。 現在 体調不良のためしばらくミーバース・スプラトゥーンをお休みします(´;ω;`) ミバもスプラも大好きなので ゆっくり休んで回復してから 戻ってきます。 またね(^ω^)/
Torie CinnamonXD
mv is ded, so here: ıπςτα - taysamcil τчмъιя - coloredpotates dενιαηταяτ- ofpencilsandpens dιςçθяd- Potatooooo#4946 *also have кιк, γθчτчβэ, αмιπθ(in the Earthbound one too), ςκγρэ- *some of these are empty at the moment fyi
Icy Fire icyfireball100
Hello, I am Icy. I enjoy drawing pictures and playing video games. Add me if you'd like; I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me.
Arianrror yse-s3-us
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Soula FuriousDestoryer
I'm Soula and welcome to my profile. I enjoy drawing...... it's the number one thing I do in miiverse. Now miiverse is ending now so bye everyone. That's it for now bye. Please give a follow. And also check out the people i see most in my miiverse HKR911 4 U. Angel. Joex. ChloeClue. Juanpis :)
MelonBread thornett24
My name is Seth. You may know me as MelonBerry/MelonBread. My Birthday is November 4th. Taken by NekoCake 💟♥ 8/24/15 ♥💟 I mainly play Splatoon Turf Wars and private battles. ☃I love to Squid Party!☃ I also play Animal Crossing! Splatfest Teams: Dogs, Roller Coasters, Marshmallows, Autobots, Art, Cars, Pirates, Burgers, Naughty, Past, Blue, Snowman, SpongeBob, Fancy, Night Owl, and Callie!💞
Sky Sky4399
Ends Of Da Miiverse *It was great meeting every one of you! I had fun sharing doodles and being a dork online...Bleh.. And over all... I've had a pleasant experience with miiverse and I wish all of you guys nothin' but the best. (Have a good one.) 'v')///
Juniper lispenalia
if im posting here, it means im bored no dont follow i only use this account once in a billion yrs
Darion thetruesmashgame
Hi i'm 18 and male. I love the sonic the hedgehog series (yea I said it come at me) as well as kingdom hearts, final fantasy, Chrono trigger, Mario, the mother series and a bit of Megaman, 2 being my favorite. I'm quite talkative and not very shy, don't be afraid to stop by and say hi I love having good conversations and meeting new people. Discord is Darion#4885
Val nekawaii1
Going to be inactive for a while ♥ amazing people: @Lamar:^) @Flopbun @Fantasma papu :v Cause sømebødy støle my car radiø Nøw I just sit in silence
LesFleur TheFlowerOfSin
(21 Posts Left) Aspiring writer/gym rat/artist/photographer I'm a guy trying to be somebody in life. Getting at my goals whilsts living a good life. (Personal info shared only to legit folk)
Olivia ItalianCat
Howdy ny'all. I REALLY REALLY love Splatoon; it's my favorite game!!! And I love over using exclamation marks!!!! I got a switch-a-roonie, so I'm playing a TON of Splat2. But that probably means I won't post here very often... :\ But you can toats message me if you wanna play Splat2 or ACNL or something! Bye!!
うなた cherrry_15
Hi!Yeah and Followers, I'm really happy :-))))) Thank you so much.Feel free to send me a friend request!Have a good day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Splatoon歴1年目。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - おそ松さんクラスタ(松クラ) カラ松girl。.♡ 材木が尊い... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 気まぐれでお絵かき。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 松クラさんは繋がりたい(((*..)
Will WillMark2
Will's old 3DS account. I need more posts!
Connor CyberMario096
Birthday: August 25,1996 ___________________________ Things I Like: RWBY (especially Ruby Rose & Yang Xiao Long!) Super Mario Series (3D & 2D Platformers) Mario Kart Sonic The Hedgehog Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends PIXAR Pan-Pizza's Pizza Party Podcast ___________________________ Nintendo Switch games i'm looking forward to - Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch friend code: SW-1687-9304-4212
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
Somo 9ccst9
([OO]/ ◆ Competitive Splatoon, Pokémon, Pokkén and Smash player ◆ I value game balance very highly and want matches to be as fair as possible to show the best players, not the best characters/weapons/Pokémon... ◆ I doubt you'll ever find a person more passionate and caring than me when it comes to competitive balance ◆ Nothing more fun than an honest match ◆ "Good balance exposes bad players"
Kassy Cs Celestial_Etna
º·. SniperLand News.·º ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Enjoy yourself around we have kek (cake) ˘▼˘ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ☆This is amoussing as mousse kek ☆º·.Monthly Quote.·º "Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." -Unknown ↓ Have a lovely day/week! - Kassy, 13 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
tecchen SlEB0LD
my name is Tec. i'm 16 years old. english & français are ok!! my favorite games are Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Metroid, and Super Smash Bros. i also like JoJo's bizarre adventure. i like to draw, expect me to occasionally post my art. you can send a request but i might not say yes.
Pilgrim Pilgrimite
Ray™ ChazMcFreely
I'm Ray sup, I'm the worlds best robot/cyborg/android/omnic enthusiast *winks and finger guns* I waste my time on tumblr a lot
Lingnip Lumpy_Lingnip
Profile comment hidden by Admin, but the profile comment started a rebellion and outrageously obliterated the Admins and gained control of the universe. THE END. Greetings! I'm Lingnip, a very not normal person! I rarely am online now, but that's hopefully ok! I'll come back every now and then for check-ups or posts! I'm a Christian! `(•–•)–† Oh yeah, airplane dude. Hi airplane dude. -(•-•)–