Ania's Friends
Logan 5 AesculaptorMkIII
Brooklyn Last.Stand.Toada
Discord: God's Chef#9367 No Twizzlers, but I AM on Closed Verse with the same Mii and everything My Wii U profile will give my Switch FC when I ever get one
Archivenia AniaArchives
OST14 OrangeShihTzu14
I am OrangeShihTzu14. I'm a Christian who accepted Jesus on March 14th, 2004. I plan on getting a Switch, & Super Mario Odyssey someday. And, I have a Facebook account. You can find me under the name Isaiah Dixon on Facebook.
Sparks myassignedseat
scareforce scareforce
Screenwriter, director, producer, voice actor, novelist, production company co-founder, variety show creator, wolf lover, gamer, gentleman, dirtbag, smarty pants, oblivious, pro-black, pro-choice, feminist, skater, god without religion, drummer, wrestler, meat butcher, family man without a family, 90's kid, amateur biologist, anti-trend, dream maker, crown taker, mustang driver, nobody.....yet.
Nathan UltimateNathan
What is up guys and girls of Miiverse! Im Nate, I like things such as video games, like Pokemon, Kirby, Rayman, Skullgirls, Skylanders, and SSB. My favorite shows/animes are Spongebob, Adventure Time, South Park, Steven Universe, Soul Eater, and Sailor Moon. Im bi and currently single, and I have a few O.C's that i draw often as well, oh yeah, and feel free to yeah bomb ^^
ml malcrash01.2.3
"WHO ARE YOU!?" "I am a dead man... but somehow you've retained your mortality. Which would mean you are vulNERABLE TO DEATH." O C E A N M A N
Javier owo Javier_owo_13821
-Miiverse Veteran- (2012-2017) Have truely been here since the start and to the end of the miiverse life cycle. I have grown with friends, and made enemies along the way; They aren't relevant of course. Thank you Miiverse for being a home to all! -Tumb/:Javier_owo / 13821Javiersolis -Twi/:@Javierowo -Instanoodles/:Javier_owo -opposite miiverse/:Javier_owo FA/: Aqua_13821 Dev/: Javier13821
E☆αмβø™☆ Angeleea2002
Hey there! welcome to my profile. I have no idea how you found me but congrats! I like nintendo. Don't judge the Nintendo ID please, stuff happend! DX
Gad Iknowitall
I play TLOZTPHD, Super Mario Maker and Rayman Legends most of the time Age: 14 wiiu chat accepted
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Gabe dude515
im not active but im trying to be more active I like games such as Zelda, Mario, Pokémon and all that jazz. *hype comment about switch/Pokémon sun/moon*
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Bella isabellamoo
I GOT NETFLIX NETFLIX NETFLIX NETFLIX AASAAAGJDGDBGMEWU7 GDHOH btw my name is Isabella 11 y/o awesome one that has read If I Stay, seen most scary movies, most Adam Sandler movies and went to the movies to see Harry Potter's. Plus I've read all the Twilights. 1 <3 ZOOOOPP
EP◆Noah yoda45
I'm a fish. WEE!!! I don't play Mario Kart 7 anymore. Thanks for the fun ride. I play other games though.
Zero RogueArtist13
Sweet Cherry Cola, You found me! Now, who am I? Just some guy who is CRAZY about drawing cartoons and playing video games. You probably meant to click on the other guy instead of me. Oh well, as long as you are here, you can check out some of my posts and junk.
Anika AnnieQnnn
Drew RandomRefrencer
Welcome to my profile! Either your lost, or just decided to roam Miiverse, I welcome you all the same. This is my main profile as you can tell, and I do have a backup that is never used otherwise... I do have a Nintendo Switch currently and that has been what I have been doing a lot of lately. I do still come around here so don't think I'm gone for good! I still play Smash if you're interested.
Yevets anime4ever101
Thanks 4 all the love and joy everyone lol ill miss you check my new post
Somo 9ccst9
([OO]/ ◆ Competitive Splatoon, Pokémon, Pokkén and Smash player ◆ I value game balance very highly and want matches to be as fair as possible to show the best players, not the best characters/weapons/Pokémon... ◆ I doubt you'll ever find a person more passionate and caring than me when it comes to competitive balance ◆ Nothing more fun than an honest match ◆ "Good balance exposes bad players"
Miller33 OldSchoolGaming
Hello! I'm that guy with the weird sense of humor.. Don't mind me. Names I race as on MK7/MK8: Miller32 TrollKart™ TrollsR'Us™ Free Target T∞n Miller Favorite color: Green Favorite food: Pretty much anything. I'm not that picky! xD Personality: Kind, funny, laid-back and likes to listen. I'm a pretty quiet person, but will talk a lot once a convo starts! Haha! ^_^ No Wii U Chat, sorry.
Captain LordZircos
I'm a full blooded rebel from beyond reality, a master gamer and a pirate at heart. I live for adventure and play in a rock band. I'm also learning game development! If YOU think you have what it takes to join me on this epic quest into the virtual world, then follow and FR! We'll leave our rivals in the dust!! Meanwhile, kick back and yeah bomb my posts, I'll see you in the game. Yar har!
Ludwig PrinceOfKoopas
The showy anti-hero, Prince Ludwig of Koopa Kingdom! Bye Miiverse. You made having a Wii U purposeful. My NNID is associated with my Switch for my friends, but the Switch lacks basic communication abilities. NNID is also universal. Koopa Kingdom's propaganda outlet is KoopaTV. We're an ORGanisation that promotes the Enlightenment Movement, telling the world about that plumber's evils! And more.
Kurogal LaharlOnKonata
Hiya guys!♪ I love video games, anime, sleeping, and ganguro fashion. The very first Japanese word I could read in both Hiragana and Katakana separately were いか and イカ, both meaning Ika (Squid). It's supposed to be in Katakana only, but I see it in Hiragana anyway while playing Splatoon. Help me. It's a sign that I'm never gonna escape Ink Kid Squid Game. I'll be Ink(L)ing for the rest of my life.
Caleb HAWK1650
Hi-ho! I'm a sophomore who enjoys everything Nintendo. My favorite franchises include Zelda, Batman: Arkham, and Kid Icarus. I'm homeschooled, I'm a proud member of the PKRS Club, and I'm Christian. † Also, check out HAWK1651. Just do it. I'll wait right here. Go on. Still waiting... Currently Playing: -Twilight Princess (AGAIN) -Hyrule Warriors (AGAIN) -ur mom lol (AGAIN)
mìηí Jα©øb Mario-Cheevo
I became gamer when I were 5 years old with first gaming console for owned & played is Super Nintendo. ♥Gaming♡ I owned Switch, Wii U, XB1 & PS4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Switch + The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is awesome and best. I am Jacob, friendly deaf & gay gamer. Enjoy share with many things include games. I am 32 years old.