hi like if because every one is awesome:) ;)
Blue's Yeahs

your just a fan of stampy im tired of people who say that there a youtuber in this case stampy cat (no fan pun intented)
Play Journal Entries
nintendogs + cats

Got a new boy kitten (in real life) called Avery i hope he gets along with Smudgey-Wudgey (Smudge)

My Family is COO COO!
My Dad is getting sued by my Aunt, My Mom got adopted when she was 2, so I have 3 granny's and 2 grandad's.
Super Mario 64 DS Community

Who has SM64DS on a DS Game Card?
Yeah if u do. I have the North American version and it no longer works on my 3DS, un4tunately.
Miiverse doesn't exist anymore