Blue's Friends
Sunshine bowlerchick
Hello. Please add me. ♥♥♥
Kaitie SuperKat109
Dayana GoldenLemmy64
Well This is it... I just want to say thank you all so much for supporting me i really appreciate it i really enjoyed meeting all of you guys on miiverse i just wish nintendo didn't have to end miiverse but always remember that we have to stay strong no matter what and i will never forget my true friends FuntimeFoxy06 Gaming_Lemmy101
lil.Ellie Ellienetwork
hi everyone how you doing my youtube channle will be up in a few months
Michelle Korenemi
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Vicky chattyvicky
Hi! the games i play are: Disney Infinity 3.0 and 2.0, Minecraft Mario Cart 8 Super Mario 3D World and thats it. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your still here your amazing
DioX2015 MiivershionFun01
WHATCHA Touch me face? NAME Dan GAME Minecraft! :O FAME Yep! ABOUT ME I ...... uh ...... Dance a lot! And i game a lot! Usually I have a 2nd account Name: Dan NNID: SSMysticSS I am the Leader of the Genocide Clan. List: 700 Followers ERROR: If your happy and you know it scroll below!
«~DX-CB~» Coolbro28
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Richard Awesomerich4
Hey.I like Videogames on the 3Ds, Wiiu, and the Nintendo Switch! I play Minecraft, Mario Maker, BoTw, and More! #SaveMiiverse 2012 - 2017, You will be Missed. Today I feel:Sad... NO WIIU CHAT! No Birdo's of SMB2 or Ditto fakes. Before you ask, I hate Undertale and Arms, thank you.
littlepro NinjaConman2014
Diana HersheyThePup
Hello!! →A B O U T← Spanish / bad english -She / Her / Female -U.S.A / Texas -Critical / Hershey -Artist / Animator →F A N D O M S← -Sonic The Hedgehog -Undertale -Pokemon If you wanna talk about fandoms, or just have a friend, I'm more than happy to oblige
luke lucasmendezrules
iffy★ mbathje
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mason masonsmama
i love minecraft especially playing with my best friends 2006Honey,Zahk and toonkaboy.Make shore to friend theys users me too.WARNING DO NOT GREF ME!!! or else... .GOOOOODDDDDDD BBBBBYYYYYY!!!!2006Honey is the best.
Harley-Boy HarleyK13
Hi Harley, here im a professional gamer. I like Minecraft and ZELDA Breat of the wild. My friends are: orry, near, shaneo and catlin. That me @_@
Joe papajoe5
Hi im PapaJoe5 (BonnieJoe5) i make builds and also do some PVP the most thing that i like is playing VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!But most importantly i hate people that are bad or inapropiate and stuff like that but make sure if you wanna see some builds and play some PVP together all you have to do is friend me or follow me either way is fine!:p <derp
Untitled AnneMartens
Anne From Anne's World Here. Here Are Some Updates On This Page: -New News Station Called "Eddelton News" -New Updates Daily For The City Of Eddelton ...And More To Come! Follow Me For More Exiteing Stuff #dontendmiiverse Online: Saturdays And Sundays Status: Offline
k dog 22149awesomebutt
hey, the names k dog and here's a few things about myself, 1. I like five nights at freddys. 2. i like trains 3. l was just kidding about number 2 4. i like to swim 5. i love to snowboard 6. i dont accept any blank friend requests 7. i like girls i also like carrots
Derp Face beba0110
craftygurl craftygurlplayz
Potatos are people too. and im a potato. #MakePotatoesGreatAgain! btw im a tomboy. BOOBYE
- dscott705
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sevenstich sevenstich
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sophers learnforlife
#I LOVE minecraft
Nichole SavingNine
hi. my name is joie. i love minecraft and noruto! i am a girl. i want you (if you play) to have game chat on.i will give friend recests with hashtags. if you want to frend me on the recwest put #letsbefrends
Wøwiplier¬ splatgurlidboss
The FitnessGram pacer test-Oh hi. »Gender: Fruit Roll-up« »Age: Markiplier Fans age« Boi-Very ironic quote. Youtubers I like: •JackSepticEye•Markiplier•LeafyIsHere•Chadtronic•iDubbbztv•CrankGameplays•Bijuu Mike•RobertIDK• ♪I've been around..♪ ♥Septiplier/Zoeplier♥ Pretty Emo, too. Rawr XD :\I'm taken/: Online: Every 2 wks Mark the blueberry XD NEW ACCOUNT: WhateverHappens
Bru5ier88 jgray81
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Genuine Wm h3ll0buddy
«TS»Aaron™ kemopp
Hi my name is Aaron and my fav colour is blue i am a decent redstoneer and my fav game is minecraft!!!! Well i have more than 50 friends and if ur my friend plz plz plz don't troll me WHY U STILL HERE TRYING TO BE A CREEP HUH? OK U SERIOUSLY DON'T WANNA GIVE UP! BYE IM TIRED OF WRITING!
teddy sgv_2000
Hi im Teddy I love minecraft and build a lot. right now I am building a mansion in minecraft. when I am done I will let my friends go in it. and please follow me then I will follow you bye.
daquan jjnarie
Hi my name is daquan in my favorite game is mostly splatoon it's a pantball game specialy i dont have a lot of friends on the will,u but on my tre de's.and minecrath those are my favorite games in now i have lots of freinds now on wii u this game is the best of all of the world it is thankful for my dad geting me this conslol!
D_A_N Dandeman05
hope u like my posts
josh bighenry02
will i hear wiiverse is going down i am going to miss it yeah wow wii u is going to lose this wow going to miss getting new friends i hope thay don't take the friend list i will be a rilly .......lonely will going to miss u wiiverse bye
lukus awood6677
★BÍSÇUÍT★ demefive
hello every body my nick name is biscuit, i like Splatoon, Mario kart, Super Smash Bros, and Minecraft too!! I will except friend requests and will follow you. PS please ask to play Minecraft with me bye!!!!! BFF's Da-Pixel-Artist Dmorgan 1dist7 Oliver818
Michelle mlivengood0612
i love to play splatoons and mincrart and is very fun to play with
•PuppyCat• H.L.311
Hi i really want to be friends with all of you because you're all so cool!I'm Fifteen years old.I,uh,also am English.I love anime,and I'm such a weeb for one punch man!I just LOVE undertale!I love Sans,but a problem stands as if I sit there for too long with the blue light I get a MASSIVE headache.I am also into literature like Cinder,Warriors,Narnia,and The Red queen.I also like poetry.
Kiara Sunsetlover0405
Hi my name is Kiara. soon i will be come a youtuber yay, but any way hope we can be friends and play lots of minecraft together. Btw minecraft is my most favorite game ever and also Animal Crossing New Leaf let me know if you want to be my friend and i also play Pokemon Go and i love to do pixle art.
Amyboo Amyboo07
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☆★JØĦŇ★☆ rose_carlos
I know my name says rose_carlos but plz call me John. I'm 14 and most of the games I play are Splatoon and sometimes Minecraft to get things off my head. This is not my profile,I just got all my saved progresses in this account. BTW, I do look like my Mii My good friends: AnthonyAD, Raines100, and Soccerkid123456.
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
fox FalloutVault3
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Ryan rpurp2000
??? Nintenclub94
Lets Do this
Miiverse doesn't exist anymore