Users Blue Is Following
Õιίνία Pandahugs12
Īτ δοεςn'т матτεя αлумогз. ;^; I'm going to мίss yόu αιι… bтω jυςт мαн ƒгίεибς! >υ0 Rίcкy Ίs мαн wiƒεу! >:3 Οιίveг Ίs му ιυv!♥ x3 quøte: "Sтõp ριαying wiτн тнe cυτs yσυг tгуiñg tő hεαι." … Gõøðβуε Mίίvεяsε! I dőn't uиdðεяsταnδ iτ αnумørε. ;^;
よもぎもちもち marimari731
あ、もう読んでる! あ、えと、顔ポチアザっす 一応学級委員の人です。ハイ ゼルダbow、スプラ、どう森、マイクラ、マリオ、 マリオメーカーなどいろいろ好きなんだze あとボカロ好き~ フォロー大歓迎! フォロー返しは必ずやる! フォロワー1000人目指す~ ひじりとみゆうとレイとASPSはリア友だから 手出したら許さへん(たまに出る関西弁、福井弁、博多弁、、、) 仲良くしてやれよ(謎の上から目線) は!?宿題なんて知らねーし!(さっきから()使いすぎじゃね?)
りょうた ryota-kun0624
フォロー返しします!!ぜひフォローもお願いします! フォロワー900人突破しました!!! フォロワーの方ありがとうございます!! スプラトゥーンとポケモンサンの投稿をやっています 最近はカーボンローラーを使っています!! 立ち回りやコツ等を教えてもらえれば嬉しいです!!w
«てるメンさんś_# papatosyuchan
*フォロわー* 1000人突破!! Tank You! 少しMii変えました!….どうでもいいねうんw 顔ポチ有り難う御座います!(なぜか漢字w) フォローしてくれた方には僕のサブアカでフォローするよー ども!イケてるメンこと申す。 漢字だと池照面子です(冗談)w [プロフィール]好きな食べ物 ハンバーガー(チーズin) 最近はまっていること *野球* 好きなプロ野球選手 *柳田悠岐* 好きな球団 もちろんソフトバンク! 住まいの県 奈良 好きな歌 ロビンソン *スピッツ* スプラ好きな武器 ヒッセン 好きなYoutuber.ポッキーさん フィッシャーズ PDRさん ラファエルさん *リア友* りょうた たつき イカしたイカソーメン ゆうき nanaka *ミバ友* さだはる わたさん さだはる テレ電いつもありがと!またしようねー りょうた いつもありがと またプラマしようね〜
Meech meechie2015
Hi, My name is Meech. I am a good gamer. I like to draw and be creative. Have a nice day!
kelly girlsplay4fun
Pixel Da-Pixel-Artist
Yeah...this account is inactive, so I guess you can say my account is dead, I have a switch now tho. I may sometimes visit the Wii U, and talk to old friends, and..well yep. XD Thank you all so much for the followers I never expected to have more than 800! And..yup. Cya around..
god goku nqfdjcgdkcy
hi i am anthony but you can call me aj i am friends with angle and i am a bigggggg fan of minecraft and pokemon i will friend register you!:)
βεητε Bubifisch2
Hi guys,drawer,gamer,amies,amigos, Pls, like my favourite post. Follow:HSVWarrior,Aurora☆★☆,Joni Deutsch★★★★★ English★★★☆☆ Français★☆☆☆☆ Mein alter deaktiver Account: Schuhbalou THX MIIVERSE ‹3 THX FOR ☆230☆ FOLLOWER!‹3 ☆ Follow4Follow ☆ #Walkersjoin
AL AL Alex alexrhianna
If U Saw That Charizard Post Post Ur Fav Pokemon On it!!! if u do i freind request u but u have to accept
Merletsy Merletsy
Hello I am Gwen! I am 19 years young. I am mostly here to lurk / speak my opinion. Willing to chat with who ever needs/wants to. I am mute. ( Cannot Talk.) I love to answer questions. Online() Offline(*)
Corndogman NIN3DSCAM
hey im corndogman a popular miversian with some popular friends Popularity persentige 82% DAB I PLAY Mario isz cubecreator FRIENDS: CAT KACY,Gamer! I LOVE CORNDOGS If wants to be freinds comment #Friended or comment followed on favorite post and i'll make an event discussion were we can talk #FNAFFOREVER BE MLG BE SWAGER DABBER Thanks for the support on follows FOLOW! plz BYE!
Michelle mlivengood0612
i love to play splatoons and mincrart and is very fun to play with
Genuine Wm h3ll0buddy
BdayGirl 08636lol
It's only hours!!!!!! EEK!!! My Party is on at 2pm 12th August Irish/UK time feel free to join!!! My ACNL 1 is on at 5pm!!! Hi guys! Yvonne here! You can call me Eve! Here are my aims for my bday. 270 followers √ 250 followers√ Following 320 √ Be Happy√ 280 followers√ I do a thing called 'Shoutout For A Week' So please play. Free Shoutouts To: ☆DjStarboy SFWL=Shoutout for Week List Umaari
→†ιøvё†← 6emily
Hello my name is emily u wana have a conversation come on over and follow me join any chat and lets have fun .... p.s. im 14 and i love photography , ( CHOCOLATE ) and watching youtube And of corse video games :]
Peanut BearPrincessss
hi i love cats and playing video games i have a best friends called crazy and if you are mean to him you will have a bad day :3
★BÍSÇUÍT★ demefive
hello every body my nick name is biscuit, i like Splatoon, Mario kart, Super Smash Bros, and Minecraft too!! I will except friend requests and will follow you. PS please ask to play Minecraft with me bye!!!!! BFF's Da-Pixel-Artist Dmorgan 1dist7 Oliver818
Evil MPinGE
Grettings Mortal i am Evil i am the most powerful Dark Soul To Exist EVER Hm Hm Huh Huh. here are some things you should know about me 1. i am a Pro Prankster and troll 2.i love to disscus games 3. love to skate on my scooter and skateboard 4. i love to eat souls especially Dark souls .5 Deep below ground were memories sleep anger is restless and secrects don't keep. Online : [* ]Offline : [ ]
DarknessDB Barnett2008
madscientistboy6 wants to tell all of you that his wiiu is broken.
Nawel Nawelwiren
Salut tout le monde je m'appelle Nawel je vous laisse découvrir mon monde salut. classe : 5 ème G prénom : Nawel âge : 12 ans sport : judo ( ceinture orange ),hip - hop music : guitare intéligente : ★★★☆☆ sportive : ★★★★★ Je fais de la gymnastique forte : ★★★☆☆ belle : ★★★★★ courageuse : ★★★★☆ Et vous avez vu la barre a augmenter alors on peut se tenter un 400 abonner
♪Naylaaaa♪ nmchan13
Started: Aug2015 ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ |She/Her♀| -Doodle -Game -Occasionally write ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ What are somethings I play most on the 3DS? -Animal Crossing (NL&HHD) -PAA -SSB -Pokemon ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ blue_rabbit13 <--- :33333 ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ No more school. ¯\(°¯°)/¯ my life is now boring & my parents are forcing me to go outside everyday. (τωτ") yay...
Ð^ Day_5th
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•PuppyCat• H.L.311
Hi i really want to be friends with all of you because you're all so cool!I'm Fifteen years old.I,uh,also am English.I love anime,and I'm such a weeb for one punch man!I just LOVE undertale!I love Sans,but a problem stands as if I sit there for too long with the blue light I get a MASSIVE headache.I am also into literature like Cinder,Warriors,Narnia,and The Red queen.I also like poetry.
Maja majaberglund
- JmichealD
Bru5ier88 jgray81
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Brаdlее Stuff108
hello i'm Bradlee, comment on my post if you want, now here are some things about me: ]1 i'm athletic ]2 i'm 12 ]3 i love meeting new people ]4 i started miiverse on feb 12 2015 ]5 i come to be shy at some points in the day but i'm also out going too last updated [6-19-17]
さっちゃん SachanYO0216
こんにちは。 今、スプラにはまってます! ランク35ぐらいのSです。 妹のアカウントで、ほとんど姉(私)が使ってます。 チャージャー得意ですが、ナワバリしかあんまり使いません。 マイクラではいろんな建築をしていきます! 夜中に遊べる人とか募集してます! 90越えたので少し消すかもですがヨロシクね
Amanda patis81
Hello buddies,Im Amanda and I love minecraft Come play with me,I love my friends and followers.I dont have low self-esteem because i know im beautiful.I like makng new friends and I LOVE food I love to wiiu chat.Im 14 years old and Im in a team called STREGA.Im dont except empty friend requests.Im a very fun gal and sometimes a mean one.No dating. Friend me,help me get to 100 friends bud.Follow me
Untitled AnneMartens
Anne From Anne's World Here. Here Are Some Updates On This Page: -New News Station Called "Eddelton News" -New Updates Daily For The City Of Eddelton ...And More To Come! Follow Me For More Exiteing Stuff #dontendmiiverse Online: Saturdays And Sundays Status: Offline
Marta Lulu-23-2015
«~DX-CB~» Coolbro28
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Sara Kitterzzz
Hi everyone! I'm Katelyn! I know that all of my followers haven't heard from me In a while, and I'm SOO sorry about that... but I'm not dead so... yay! BTW I also take drawing request, do comment on whatever if you want me to draw something for you! Thanks for reading!!! ^~^
toy chica carlosawesommess
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maverick sonic1234ism
here is somethings about me i love sonic and smash and poken tournament and i realy love blazekien and all people that like pokemon get sun and favorite pokemon is jolteon
Pizzαιοгd★ mariopasta
Well... this is it... the end of Miiverse.. My name is Christian I'm 11 I'm short I going through puberty I get deppresed a lot. There. Now I'll have to enjoy life without Miiverse.... bye guys...
Fut.Kelby ksmailman04
Hey, Do U Have My Pizza? JkXDNickname:Nebby•ω• Im In 6th Grade! Im 12! God Is #1 My Best Friends Are Awesome!♥ω♥ Bullys=Block>:/Watermelon Is Bae♥ω♥ Pika Pika! Gotta Catch Em' All! Wii U Chat? Yahhhhhh....No!ò^ó Status:Watchin'Memes My New Clan!:Stardust Crusaders! Remember: Im Spectral Boiiiiii
Purplie Fabiessnowwolf
Hi there.. :3 Pokemon Sun&Moon is out!!! I just recently started the game.. so please don't get upset if I don't understand something right away.
banter 123 morganismall
hi my name is morgan my fravorite game is minecraft am not really good at finding dimonds but im good at building houses on flat worlds also i have a really aweson survival world i love to play mini games to i always know where to get dimond wepons i can show you just leave a message and i will join
#lunerboy! Tomodachicraft54
Hi i'm Luner and I'm an 11 yr old kid who Is an aussie!! Plus I do have a Girlfriend but NOONE will know her name! Please follow these AMAZING people! ★Taylor ★Logan ★Logan 2.0 ★Harambe So plz follow them! Also These are my fav games! Terraria! Minecraft! Mk7! Undertale! Try not to Laugh! Pretty cool games!! -Lunerboy Out-
Miiverse doesn't exist anymore