Sodapop's Followers
Molly HOME-E6A2
I'm planning Miiverses Funeral. Cheesecake is ending- I mean Miiverse is going to end at 10:00.p.m. Today. Thank You all who followed and supported me and let me be myself. I think Cheesecake- I mean I think you all are the best, I won't forget you guys. If you want Cheesecake heres some Rip Miiverse 2012-2017 Miiverse history 2012-2013 miiverse 2014-2015 memeverse 2016-2017 modverse goodbye.....
Jersey◆3DS J-Whizzy1234
i'm jersey what's up i have a best friend food i like japan /\____/\ ( º ω º ) мèοω hatsune miku drawing youtube i'm female and has a brother i also luv Anime my fav is the devil is a part timer plz yeah bom and comment if we get 50 followers that would be awesome i can't wait to see u guys again thanks so much for stopping bye bye guys
Hatless Supernut06
Hi my favorite game is, hold on im gonna say this in one breath (gasp) STARFOX EARTHBOUND UNDERTALE SMASH MEGAMAN DEFAULT DAN MARIO SONIC METAL GEAR SOLID KIRBY AND DONKEY KONG...... oh also shout out to cringey my new favorite account right next to zachjones ;)
Derprai FergusonD
Hi People Of the internet how you doin im pretty good uh ill try to post more offten im 12 years old and i love video games uh peace out maybe see you on my new posts
GrapeJuice Grape712Juice
Well Miiverse is Gone Basically So I Made a account 2–9 Days Ago....
Nachus[CL] ignaz13
Hola miiverse me encanta los videojuegos me encanta sbb, splatoon, mario kart y mas acepto solicitudes de amistad pero no wiiu chat Mi juego favorito es Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U/3DS un usuario vetificado le puso aja a unos mensajes mios!!! Gracias por todo Miiverse <3
koon jkoon78076
It's hard to say goodbye to Miiverse. Miiverse wasn't just a Social Media. It was a friend making community that allowed people to talk about games, send messages, and make inspirational drawings. I have been on Miiverse for about a year, and it was a mind changing community that allowed me to make many friends. My name is Jake, and it is time to say goodbye my friends :,(
Gwendolyn gw1.56p
X, watch youre weaponry next time. XD Talk to you soon ^^
Nina vampirekitty1000
Hai :) If you give me a follow I'll follow you back.I love old and new Mario games,Pokemon,Kirby,action games, shooting games,I really am not picky because I am a total gamer.Comment and like my posts and I'll do the same for you Do not be sad,Miiverse will also be in our memory! ~ Nina ~ 2 more days till Miiverse permanently ends!
brendon Sonic560
hey guys my name is brendon here i play video games watch tv playing PS3 do some videos on youtube playing 3ds and do some stuff ever i want to do ever i want check out my gaming channel i watch spongebob breadwinners gumball and the loud house thanks guys! miiverse is shuting down on november 7
Savage >:) SAVAGEsamatha
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***** ** AKnet_1.0
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Midna yoshiandmario08
Hey guys it's me, Mordy. So some thing 'bout me: -I LOVE Undertale -I only have 8 IRL friends (But I make it work.) OCS Name: Mordecai Wears: Orange jersey and jeans. Notes: Mordecai is nice and laid-back but fierce when he needs to be. He was born with teleportation, healing, and shape shifting.
buddy nelliebelly123
HI FANS my nickname is NELLIE i love you all you people are AWESOME i think you all are cool thank you i am in 6th grade
Houston KOOLDUDE101
This is my end. This is the end. Let me introduce my self. I'm Houston. I'm 13 and I like Stranger things.
Jaden Jaden4Prez
Hmm Nothing Much Please stop I Dont Have Cookies You Want Some Coffee? Well To Bad Told Ya Nothing Special
Elijah tovipoodle
Pls add me on nintendo switch 7992-6060-6712 Youtube is Echo Space
phillip kirto06
Bowserq qadanq
Hi my name is Qadan if you want to help me frend me i like sports cartoons Minecraft and frends like doodle and spanky i like all of my frends and hide and seek in minecraft so freind me and i will show you some stuff. and im a youtuber so make sure to freind me oh and id like to give a shout out to DOODLE and kiitylitterXL you shoud chek them out trust me there very cool and try to sub todenis.
toad (^-^) UnaidedTurtle15
Hi i am a very kind person i like to play minecraft, splatoon, and mariocart 8. you should follow my friends. My friends are very nice and love playing cool games. That's it for now stay fresh XD
☆★•Memo•★☆ memo2005
Heyo! I never thought I would change this,but Miiverse is ending.I loved this place so much, so many great memories with people.And the fact that I can't transfer my posts to a NintendoAccount haunts me.To Kera,remember me.Your actually the only friend I had on here.All my dudes haven'tbeen onformonths.Again,it was great here,and I willalwaysremember this place.♪I Love My Friends♪- FosterthePeople
Derpy Dog GooseBerry131
Hi my name is Tracelyn.I'm 10 and, I like to play multiplayer games with friends .I love to make new friends,play minecraft and splatoon,draw and color many things such as animals!My favorite color is blue and purple.My favorite animal is a wolf becauses, my sence of smell is better than any person.Thx for listening and splat on!Bye!:D
imbroke Partygamer11
▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Why ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
YukiWinter YukiWinter6656
Hi my name is Yuki Arikashi, and i love playing games. My favorite game is Roblox. Stay active!
Snugglefus snugglefuss2006
I am a Toadette fan. I post in тнеšё çőмцпìтìё$: new supeя luigi ů new super mario bros U & activity feed. I love Mom!!!!!! I POST IN MORE NOW =D
Kaito RouttMeister
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CAM IllDelicious
Sans schtink
heya i'm sans, i LOVE Undertale my favorite food is hotdogs, i like to play mario maker for 3ds i'm 11 and yeah. my favorite character in Undertale is of course sans.follow if you Undertale ;)
★♪ιгφп_н♪★ Robin3813
Hello I Am Ryan! ¶§√Facts¶§√ Age:15 Favorite Color:) Red and Blue Favorite Food:)Sausage and HashBrowns Thanks For 125 Followers ♥Your Awesome!!! I Play Mario Kart 8,JD2017 and Cubeshift and more! 200cc Experienced Player! Clan in MK8:мк¢ (Member) Invite only! Bye Love You!!! XD▲■◆●▼☆★♡♥√¢$§¶¤Updated 9/22/17 And R.I.P Miiverse... 2012-2017 Nov.7 10:00 PT... ):Best Buds:★♥Dylan,Alex,Cam And More.
belannat★ Holly1414
hi im belanna torres im married to tom paris im a chief engineer im half kinglon and human i am a huge a-ha fan :-P my actor who plays me is rocanne downson
GabyJr. NyokoKitsune
Hola soy Gaby y me gusta DIBUJAR tambien soy buena jugando videojuegos de cualquier tipo ¯\(ˇ˛ˇ)/¯
mushy☆☆ Ajohnson1122
qaqa 33wsxaa
☆♪★E®i©★♪☆ ericandtaffy
I enjoy playing games with my friends. I also like to goof off In splatoon if you want to send me a friend request. I have smash bros wii and 3ds with all DLC on it up to Feb 3rd. I play this game Called squid finder that i made with some friends that i can show you too! Animal Crossing New Leaf is a game i play alot of on my (New3DS) its really fun and if you want to play send me a friend request
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