I’m actually going to be a bit sad that Miiverse is going away, but at the same time glad since this really failed, I mean I’ve had fun with this social media when it was 2014/2015, but I moved on ...
Sodapop's Post

WELL today I got to see "Happy Death Day", got kicked out of Target, got a Pumpkin Spice latte , and get a free cupcake all in one day with friends... I guess thats both good and bad??

I tried using my BelringBoy account but it says "THIS NNID CANNOT BE USED", so I think it's deleted... RIP 7,000+ followers.

>When you get 50 notifs on Miiverse >All of them are yeahs because you got the last comment on Tom's post

LOL MEMESENPAI GOT BANNED oh yeah, i also got last comment on Tom's miiverse shut down post so that's cool. oh yah last post adioss!!
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