Users Sodapop Is Following
***** ** AKnet_1.0
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Sebastian fronnie0323
ĢΛßΣ Gabes9thAccount
@GabeTheFrick ĢΛßΣ#6205 You know the rest *BLOCKED BY THE FAMOUS GAME KING ON 09/04/17
Steven YeezusWasTrash
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Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Brenden smilesgaming4
Before you hit the block button, please know that I’m not a yeah giver despite my massive yeah count. If you seriously have a problem with me, however, go ahead and block me.
EggDanny EggsAreNotFunny
I'm Eggh and this is my pawn shop. CAUTION: EDGEY -Pretends to hate Miiverse to act cool -Does dumb drawings -Plz don't expect good posts from me kthxbai
Neττ NintenAlt
tweetybird: nintenm1 :)smashbros is cool gram: mmzero_ disc-: Ninten#4755 NINTEN4SMASH AND ILL ALWAYS SUPPORT IT BRING BACK WOLF AND SNAKE
Peter TepigBW3DS
(Psst... Check my following list) This was a fun ride while it lasted, I've met a lot of cool people here. I hope this last week can be something special.
Eli ImBakAgn
Fluid Banditmissy2000
Fluid's 3DS account. 1 Real name is Nathan. (if anyone cares) 2 I'm Kirby, Mario, Fire Emblem, Earthbound trash. 3 リュカ and ネス are the best Smash bros characters. 4 I'm kinda edgy. 5 Lucario and Feraligatr are Bae. 6 Toad is best Husbando. 7 Mother 3 is gr8. 8 Chuggaaconroy is the best. 9 Are you even reading this? 10 So yeah, have a good day.
Emma Lioneye45
Heya, I'm Emma! (^w^)/ I'm a bit shy, so I don't often comment on posts.. ;w; But, I hope that we can be friends! c: •Kindness makes the world go 'round!♪ <3 Miiverse is ending.. let's enjoy the time we have left together, my friends, and cherish our memories together with a smile.. <3
Game³ This_NNID_Sux
Languages/Idiomas: English: ■■■■■■ [Native speaker] Spanish: ■■■■□□ [Rioplatense dialect] Portuguese: ■■□□□□ Currently playing: Smash Bros. Melee/Smash 4 and Puyo Puyo Tetris on my Switch. Melee main: Falco/Marth Melee pocket main: Fox/Ness Smash 4 main: Luigi Smash 4 pocket main: Falco i almost never use this site anymore
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