??????????'s Followers
ivan heerogonkenobi
Ethan NinjaHuskey
Hi guys! i just got a new nintendo 3ds and found this thing called miiverse and it seems cool so hi. My favourite games are zelda,mario and pokemon.Bye... FOR NOW (evil laugh) i only have zelda,mario and pokemon games so far
alyssa pepermintfizz
new super mario bros wii u super mario 3d world sonic lost world i love art my favorite nintendo princess is daisy my favorite game is mario kart 8
Lank 3DS LankPls
Lank's 3DS account. May be more active on my main. (Other-Z-Lord). Follow me there.
zelda majorasmask30
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keke mxellchabine
slt sava bien
jr xdowns
gender: boy (no duh) age: why u want to know? plays rated E to M play splatoon alot online untill, 5:45-11:50 or more [ö] online [ ] offline [ ] other [ ] away from console i have a 2 account its call xdowns2 so im going to use that rarely
Sarah Nyandash
Nyandash its my real name, so don't call me Sarah ok
Yo! Trying to get good in pokken at the moment and improving everyday. Just got recording equipment so on the weekends i may upload clean video game gameplay. my yt is mike o'leary. I watch anime alot right now pokemon, dbz, one piece, and any other anime in my suggetions. My ps4 games are tekken 4 and one piece burning blood♥♡♥♡
Deadeye mrdeadeye14
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Somari Tyler1965
Yeah so my mains in smash 4 are Sonic, and Megaman. Im not a pro but i know the basics and have done online battles before and won so yeah request matchs if you want and maybe i can reach back. Im also a fan of series like Sonic,Conker and so on. (Im from a bootleg called Somari for the NES its basically a what if senerio where Mario is Sonic.) Now then...GOTTA GET TOAST!!!
Skelter #2 ReturnOfSkelter
"I can't let you brew that, Starbucks..." My main is jonwskelly, but I will be using this account to add another 30 comments/posts to my daily allowance
SM☆Ean meso613
hello im SM☆ean im the leader of the clan of mario favorite games:nsmbu and pokemon x and y follow me to join the clan of mario i can accept friends requests in a different way. i joined the wii u warriors you know my pokemon nickname is jolt cause im a elekid. i live in new jersey my birthday is 12/02/5 favorite robot masters from megaman:iceman elecman. favorite users: eugene jr ca and cole bye
deadcity deadcityradio
J-Manix J-MANIX98
Hello! My name is Joshua, and I'm an amateur artist, and aspiring storyteller with a strong passion for video games! If you ever want me to draw something special for you, just ask! and I'll be absolutely thrilled to oblige. Have a good one!
Rogue Helena160
Hi! my name is Kelly. my hobbies include many things, like drawing, cooking, gaming, cosplaying, surfing the net, and writing stories. my favorite animal is the dingo. and I'm good at creating my own characters. I WILL LOVE ZELDA ALWAYS AND FOREVERMORE. also, stuffed animals rule! also...i stand up to bullies, and trolls. i also like to rp...in case anyone is intrested...keep being awesome!
margo martin20144
Joseph FireHorse54
If you are reading this, you are a mutated kitten. Hi! I'm Joseph (aka FireHorse54)! I love playing video games and my favourite game is ROBLOX. If you don't have ROBLOX then on the Wii U you will find me on Super Mario Maker, Lego Dimensions or I will mostly be playing Splatoon. I also occasionally play Minecraft on my Xbox. Thanks for taking your time reading and byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
tipy Tipyhal
Hey Im Щ¼Valco i use this acc when my ds is lost or my mom took it 4 some reason make sure to check my 1st acc. the ID is:' valcoclive ' i also do CLOTW thats all folks Later!;)
Steflepko trolledmcdonald
rachael101 KittyJr05
im a nice one i play locross
Travis TravisIsBacl
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eden TooMuchSauce
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Kind Adam™ 124567Adams
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Isaac icerack0987
Hello everyone! I like to play all sorts of games! im 15 years old and i like playing video games! I've been playing video games since i was a little kid and thx to all of my friends and followers *brofist* (^-^) (hablo español)
Maddy MZ1214Luna
Heya! I'm Maddy. I am an artist~ Trash I'm apart of: Yuri on Ice!!! Hamilton Heathers Steven Universe Undertale And some more stuff! If you follow me I more than likely will follow back. "You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story." -Hamilton <3
sakiro sakiro_uchiha
Hola vivo en Nuevo Leon y me gusta mucho jugar y ver anime, cuando tengo tiempo, >w< espero que seamos buen@s amig@s ★♥ ♪♭…
Mac 32 CMGAMER38
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Abe Arceus1337
Gaming O. TWD980002
Discord: Gaming Overload#2352 I made some great friends on here. I'll never forget the fun we've had. Discord is still a thing, right? If we ever cross paths again, it could've been fate guiding a long awaited story.
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
judah HUarmy
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Ichijyou DemonnPrincess
リンクと私の記念日:3月14日 ★ サバンナ:11/16 Our Anniversary:3/14 ★ Savannah:11/16 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 一人のリンクしか存在しないと信じています。 全然死ななくて、ずっと生きています。 私の強くて勇敢で生きている騎士❤ とても深い意味からこれを信じています。 これは「理論」ではありません。私はただこれを信じています。 I believe there is only one Link. One who has never died, has always been alive. My living, strong, courageous knight❤ I have deep reasons for believing this. This is not a "theory". I just simply believe it.
Neonwolf☆ stargamerkid
im a video gamer i love stuff with magic and also neon things, music and wolves -fav character:Wolf O'donnell -Nintendo fan -multiple systems I'm the young God of neon!
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