??????????'s Friends
lee allenLW
Cris moogmasta87
Hey there! My name is Cris I am from Kzoo, Michigan and I love all types of games and gaming, I am always looking for new friends to share that with so im always open to friend requests from anyone 18+ Hope to find some new friends!!! :-D
TIC tic456
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Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
RYAN Dat_Zelda_29
sup names ryan, so if you were looking for pete you won't find him here hit that follow button if you like quotes from songs i post em' i'm emo current band i'm obsessed with: Fall Out Boy bye "baby seasons change, but people don't"
bigbrown Bigbrown1979
It is what it is !!!
Sasuke Drevik
hi im ryan i eat sleep and breathe zelda ima 15 year old boy im also a really good singer and ive tried out for agt i let you know if i make it, im also writing songs but i often get stuck :( im a geek and i'm proud of it o.c. name: ryan powers: psychic body:althetic build clothes: camo tank top and jeans hair: brown buz cut age: 16 miiverse sister: malika miverse brother: ryan
ZeldaBoss Skullkid53215
I Am a summoner! TSM Fan, Zelda Fan for life, And I Love League of Legends!!
Z-Lord Z-Lord
Lank's old account. I may sometimes use this for commenting or posting gaming-related topics, but that's about it. I no longer post in Luigi U using this. Please be aware that I won't accept any friend requests from people I don't know.
MKTCONNOR! ConnorHalstead02
…..____________________ , ,__ ……/ `—___________—-_____] – - – - – - – - ░ ▒▓▓█D …../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ …..), —.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), —-” …//___// ..//___// .//___// my name is connor my best friends: olie47, sandra, bree bree, Justin.V, Zinc, tokis, bryce, and star fire please check out my faborite post it contains a video wich is epic
BagofPlums Alvarito-boy
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TIC ticotictac74
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doug xxfireboy1990
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alizabeth busybeth
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Jessica ArilaInsanityCos
now the proud owner of a Nintendo family... NES, SNES, N64, Game Cube, Wii, WiiU DS Lite, 3DS. still searching for Game Boys!! huge Nintendo fan!! love you guys!!! got a First Gen Game Cube today!!! Im so happy!! now for the Game Boys
Isaac icerack0987
Hello everyone! I like to play all sorts of games! im 15 years old and i like playing video games! I've been playing video games since i was a little kid and thx to all of my friends and followers *brofist* (^-^) (hablo español)
C. Falcon bountymaster
My hobbies include exploding universes with Falcon Punches, having milkshakes with Goroh and more FALCON PUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tyler MineBro211
Join me on an epic quest to save a princess and slay a pig man full of dark magic and gain three triangles and find a random sword in the woods and get attacked by chickens and drink medicine from old hags and bring peace to the land. Wait no that's zelda -_-
SweetCrash SweetCrash
ahoy my name is Bethany i am 15 ive got an obsession with the legend of zelda, mario, pikmin & pokémon series, the odd time ill play other popular series from nintendo like harvest moon and so on. nature | art | cats | nintendo | mcdonaldss| ^and no im not overweight or anything dont think that, im tiny and skinny goah and basically im really weird weird weird weird isaac is a beb :3
paul vegeta201100
iam a nice guy who likes anime, games, youtube and more My Favorites are dbz, fighting, gamegrumps
nuv harrystyles1211
-Mexican -Follow me ill follow back -bday May 31,2001 -14 years old -#proudtobeagamer
Dustey dusteysteward
Hi!!! my name is Dustey, I'm 19, I work as a phlebotomist at a hospital (that's right, I'm a vampire...and not the sparkly kind either) I'm a constant gamer that absolutely loves the Legend of Zelda series!!! I've played them all and I love to talk anything LOZ so hit me up, follow, or friend request! Thanks for your time! :)
kreep alizetta
hey everybody i love to race on mario kart 8 and if you friend request me i will say yes but you people need to now something this is my smiling face so dont get it twisted .....wish you guys all a happy day ....turn up
Morris Mediking9
NOTE: I DO NOT WII U CHAT!!! I'm just a guy whose nice and funny to others! I love video games, comics, and manga! I also love watching movies and listening to music! I also own a PS4!
Justin 2.0 Scruffy4
I had a home once... It was called Miiverse... I decided to leave Miiverse... Reality failed me... I'm back... For now... I guess...
vamp jones_ss
hi!! i'm vamp i haven't changed remember life is a game go play and if you get a switch please befriend me so we all can play.
area 51 aReA5151
hey everyone im 19 things i love: lord of the rings, sharks, video games, art, movies music i love: eminem, epic dramatic hybrid beautiful drama powerful uplifiting triumphant orchestral action choral inspirational driving music :p stays true to the legacy of being a hardcore gamer owns wii, wiiu, xbox 360, xbox one, ps3, ps4 'good men mean well.. we just don't always end up doing well'~me
paco paquit
mariocomps banksiafamily
hi. i am awsm. Ok, that's a trick profile. I'm awesome at a bunch of games. Especially Donkey Kong's Crash Course (high score over 18000!
Me! in’it YodaFoce7
I'm an old enuff Gamer N64, to know it an't right to talk to other strangers children, this miivers folks. I'm an Unkle to two under 13 and a Godfarther of two in there twenties so I know how that go ankle biters. I yeah, [probs why your here lol] alot usually if its, good?, art, a conversation or has made me smile or better laugh. Remember you R an individual just like everybody else, in a bit.
Super★Mii NinjaGaiden
♪When there's something Strange♪ ♪ In your Videogame ♪ ♪Who you gonna Call?♪ ★♪GLITCHBUSTERS!♪★ PS4 - PS3 - Vita - N3DSXL - X360 STAR WARS Edition ▲●X■SONY▲●X■ King of Consoles