Users ?????????? Is Following
Lank 3DS LankPls
Lank's 3DS account. May be more active on my main. (Other-Z-Lord). Follow me there.
Daimien Slayerhell666
Peace, Love, Pot, Microdot
☆ Sana ★ SaNaK2
El Trav MegablurDX
Welcome to the Madness!! The Trav? Who's that? Probably just some poser. I'm the real deal! I'm not an alternate account or anything...
Majora Dovahkiin5694
Hiya, I'm Majora or just Maj. I used to be a Scarf Hero... I'm a huge Zelda fan, same goes to Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Elder Scrolls, Undertale, and Final Fantasy 7... I like to talk about and come up with Zelda lore related theories.
Nick SoupahMario
(New 3DS Alt: SoupahWario) Hello! Call me Nick if you'd like. I'm that weird dude you may or may not know. "Thanks for listening to all of my great jokes! I'd ask for a tip, but a well-told pun is it's own re-word!" ~Croaker, Shovel Knight Chuggaaconroy is my favorite person, and Nintendo is my passion. Weird history with Rosalina and Groose. I'm the Unofficial Official Fool of Smashy Club.
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
Rogue Helena160
Hi! my name is Kelly. my hobbies include many things, like drawing, cooking, gaming, cosplaying, surfing the net, and writing stories. my favorite animal is the dingo. and I'm good at creating my own characters. I WILL LOVE ZELDA ALWAYS AND FOREVERMORE. also, stuffed animals rule! also...i stand up to bullies, and trolls. i also like to case anyone is intrested...keep being awesome!
PokéLink64 PL64ZombieMan
Hello! =D Please Follow my new ID cause I will Post a lot more on it, it is:7Gamer64. About Me: -I'm 14 -I love The Legend of Zelda, it's the best game series for ever and ever! =D ▲ -I'm kinda randumb and funny. (Yes randumb, not random. Lol.) -I miss HV★Kyle who got banned. ='( -My favorite YT is BradleyNews11. -I'm bad at remembering most things. COOKIES AND DONUTS FOR YOU ALL! =D
Nigel T. Nageruk
•αlex• aleXD345
•Hello to all Boys and Girls, I am alex •I'm From Venezuela •I'm 14 years old •I Can Speak English and Español •Follow me ;) •Sigueme ;) •Gracias a Todos Miis Seguidores Sin Ustedes No Seria Nadie :D
Anthony Swampert_Fan
Hello everyone. I am Anthony. I like all things Nintendo and like to draw My favorite series is Pokémon, but I've played basically every Nintendo franchise. I do take drawing requests as well as rap battle requests between video game characters. I hope you are enjoying your Wii U as much as me. Feel free to follow if you like what I do. Nintendo is awesome!!!!!
3dsmaverik Diskmaskin123
HELLOOO, and welcome to the profile of the dude with a yellow cap and red pants! I used to use my wii u account but its for SOME REASON perma banned :,( So im trying to start over on my 3ds account. I usually play a lot of tomodachi life, animal crossing and oras. So ill see ya'll later! Feel free to comment, follow and yeah! See ya! :) Current goal: reach 100followers And I hate badmins.
eden TooMuchSauce
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Kira Kimite
I didn't think I needed to make a profile message, but please don't yeah bomb me before asking me first ;^^. Anyway feel free to comment :-). I like Puzzles, Adventures and RPG games :-).
Robert⇔KH⇔ Lockdufter
I am putting a lot of time into developing the structures of my Miiverse clan lately. May want to check it out? 17 years old German guy who has decided to write in English in Miiverse, first hour Pokémon player. Founder and leader of the competitive clan The Knights of Honedge. If you want to know more about that clan, feel free to contact me.
Miss Zelda XMiss_ZeldaX
I'm a huge Nintendo fan, I have all their systems! I also have a tattoo of the Minish cap version of Link. He's adorable! I'm 22, been gaming since the SNES, N64 is the greatest in my opinion... I hope to meet new people and make some friends on here!
まいる(you) yu-266-1000
はじめまして。三度の飯より昼寝が好きな、まいる(元you)といいます! 時々名前が変わりますが、すぐ戻りますw フレンドリクエストは相互フォローさんや、ゲームなどで交流が深い方のみとさせて頂きます。 主に夜に出現します。平日の活動時間は18時~0時くらい。週末は昼間からインしてたり夜更かししたりしますw3DSからはインしてないです。 好きなゲーム→ゼルダ系(特にトワプリ。スカウォも好き)、ポケモン、ゼノブレイド、スマブラ、スプラトゥーン、FE覚醒、バンカズ 最近不在気味です。ひょっこり顔出したときは是非構ってやってくださいw
♪みみみ♪ MIMIMI2000
共感、コメント、フォロー、大変うれしいです。ありがとうございます。 フレンドリクエストは相互フォロワーの方で親しくさせていただいてる方に限らせていただきます。 Thank you for your Yeah,comment and follow. I do not accept the friend application. とび森:#チンクル#村、村長 みみみ♪ 夢番地Animal crossing,dream number: 1C00-0011-8B21 ※2016.11.21夢見の村更新しました。地面にマイデザで絵を描いています。
Jon impressivepigeon
Maddy MZ1214Luna
Heya! I'm Maddy. I am an artist~ Trash I'm apart of: Yuri on Ice!!! Hamilton Heathers Steven Universe Undertale And some more stuff! If you follow me I more than likely will follow back. "You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story." -Hamilton <3
Mac 32 CMGAMER38
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Abe Arceus1337
sakiro sakiro_uchiha
Hola vivo en Nuevo Leon y me gusta mucho jugar y ver anime, cuando tengo tiempo, >w< espero que seamos buen@s amig@s ★♥ ♪♭…
Rosalina RosalinaNlu-a
Rosie here★ Here's what you need to know about me: I'm 18 I love snow, the night and the cold Favorite food: Spaghetti and star bits Favorite franchise: Mario Favorite Pokemon: Darkrai and Gardevoir Favorite song:Bleed the freak I love Nirvana and Alice in Chains! Two awesome bands! Sorry if I don't reply to some of your comments... I'm a bit shy Users: Jessie, Ghirahim, Ulquiorra(3DS)
Sir. Willy willysuperstar
Gaming O. TWD980002
Discord: Gaming Overload#2352 I made some great friends on here. I'll never forget the fun we've had. Discord is still a thing, right? If we ever cross paths again, it could've been fate guiding a long awaited story.
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
Funboy Uzzi413
sup ladies and gentleman i'll tell you a little bit about myself i'm puerto rican from Massachusetts i love "gaming and i love RPG platformers adventure and i love to play online like Splatoon monster hunter 3 mario kart 8 super smash bros. i'm friendly and easy to get along with. ---> i don't do wii U chat to busy gaming (so don't send me none)!! {thanks}! ♂ game on yo!!
Asatumerix Asatumerix
Omelette de fromage
demented jack666russell
older gamer....likes twiglets....called the old too me on FRIEND REQUESTS PLEASE........
Ichijyou DemonnPrincess
リンクと私の記念日:3月14日 ★ サバンナ:11/16 Our Anniversary:3/14 ★ Savannah:11/16 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 一人のリンクしか存在しないと信じています。 全然死ななくて、ずっと生きています。 私の強くて勇敢で生きている騎士❤ とても深い意味からこれを信じています。 これは「理論」ではありません。私はただこれを信じています。 I believe there is only one Link. One who has never died, has always been alive. My living, strong, courageous knight❤ I have deep reasons for believing this. This is not a "theory". I just simply believe it.
Neonwolf☆ stargamerkid
im a video gamer i love stuff with magic and also neon things, music and wolves -fav character:Wolf O'donnell -Nintendo fan -multiple systems I'm the young God of neon!
Happymask happymasked
Having trouble deciding which Zelda game is best? Here are 5 things to judge by: 1) STORY - It NEEDS a good story. 2) TEMPLES - A ton of time is spent in temples. 3) FREEDOM - Being able to be yourself is critical. 4) CHARACTERS are what make many games in the series memorable. 5) SIDEQUESTS - Sidequests are how you fill your time in the world of Hyrule.
AutoPilot AutoPilot
★Brΐαηηα★ NightFurry427
Hey. I'm Bri (breebree427) ← That's my main account... And this is one of my back-up accounts :D
Ryo Ryo_Hazuki-san
●Part Time Artist…Full Time Otaku…● Iam a Professional Artist,I do Traditional,3D& digitalArt,also3D printing & custom figures!I Have a Bachelor of ScienceDegree In VideoGameArt. I collect Anime,Manga,PVCfigures,&rare videogame items. ★Playing★ ☆DragonBall Fusions ☆FinalFantasy 15 "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life"