Connor's Followers
francis... ebeniboys
game suvri ouvert de minecraft
SUSHI lulu_pt
hi I'M lu-lu please follow me !!!$$$
Bubba BubbaRoks
prashant35 pravinesh
Let's play minecraft
Skul kitty_abbey
Hi, welcome to my profile. Fav. Games: Splatoon, Pokken Tournament, MincraftWiiUEdition, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, SuperSmash Bros, and Youtube. Youtube Fans: ZackScottGames, Jelly, Kebblekop, Slogoman, Markeplier, jackscepticeye I also have a youtube channel but i dont have a camera to record splatoon videos so sorry guys! :(
∞★Cody hylianoracle1000
This user's account has been deleted. Deleted on 6/26/17.
InuYasha Pharoah2006
AHHH why u poke my face? ha ha ha ok lets get real here these r a few things i LOVE playing splatoon (privet battle) minecraft wiiu edition pokken tournament I GO CRAZ FOR POKEMON I ♥ POKEMON .i have a 3DS i am very nice to every body honest :] so exited 2 play with u! xD and i REALLY LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT!
★MewMaddy★ mewmaddy
Hello Miiverse!!!! Im Maddy and I'm in 5th grade. My brother is Zachary, listed under my friends, Jessaboo8 is my BFF so go follow them! I love baking and playing minecraft! Have a good day!
isaiah thunderwonderz7
hello i love to play games i try to post every day and i follow people every day and friend requast people every day please follow me and add me if you would like oh and also im super lazy by the way also i only wii u chat with friends who message me anyway im out peace
Sami lioody
My name is Matt welcome to my profile I post stuff on miiverse If you follow me I will follow you back and if you yeah me I"ll yeah you back my nintendo network ID is NINTENOGAMER2468
J,s15トモシン wiiu696
【速報】かっつーHPBおめでとう! ☆★☆★☆ぷろふぃーる★☆★☆★ ミーバースが.......終わってしまう........ J,s組に入れました!やったぜ。 好きなもの:カレー、平和、ゲーム、電人、仮面ライダー (背景は描け)ないです はまってるもの:電波人間のRPG 仮面ライダー ミバ友だぁぁぁぁ! ・ウニゾネスさん ・ミソシルさん ・かついさん 嫌な思いをさせたらオルァクサムヲムッコロス!(●皿●)クワッ しかも、男子俺だけじゃん(^q^) ここからはWIIU軍事部の事です 国名:ともあき平和共和国 領土:四連邦様と同じです。 同盟国:四連邦共和国様
quick man frankthecoolguy
i got a wii u on 12/25/15 and i own a NES and my cousin owns a SNES my favorite game is pixel gun 3D and im addicted to games and i love anime and i broke my ankle 5 years ago. ok stop... stop go away... I WONT TELL YOU MY SECRETS I KEEP GETTING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON PLZ STOP... >_<
juanito tundran
joshua joshuadavidid
i play super smash bros and transformers
haus lila42303
This user's profile comment is private.
Sharpie michellema123
»Dialga?.. family131181
I love games, especially Splatoon I enjoy playing with everyone, especially when it is a challenge My Birthday- July 5th
Anthony Jeremhy
Whats up People , Im Anthony and I like lots of game franchises ,Once you get to friend me Im really awesome. Anyway If you want to friend me feel free to text me on one of the posts that I made. BUT I CANNOT WIIU CHAT!!!
Momma MommaNat
anyone like this video game
Destiny snicker_12345
This is destiny.... dont bother trying to hook up with me id do online relationships thats waisting my time.... freshman in highschool ~varsity volleyball, Junior Varsity softball crazily weirdly cute girl
TaMasha tamasha2004
Supernatural is cool you should wach it on netflex
Chetes LegoJulian
Hi i'm CHETES. But my name is Julain i'm 9 year old. I love games. I like Minecraft, Yoshis Woolly World, Legos, and Splattoon, and Super Smash Bros , Soccer, and drawing too. My favorite Pokemon is Squirtle, and Charzard, I like Five Nights At Freddys 1-5 I like Freddy, the Puppet, Balloon Boy, and SpringTrap too. And thats it peace. DAB ON THEM HATERS. BOIIIIIIIIIIIII
Aye what up.My name is Destiny I'm 14 years old.I'm a gamer, dancer & artist.I'm a girl.I like dance,drawing.Video games are my life.I have desluxia,depression. And if you follow me I will follow you too & I might YEAH BOMB your posts.Hmu if you want to be friends:D.I'm Mexican/Colombian^o- P3ACE OUT #2017
♭R☆ animemaster.202
Eyyy!!! Welcome :D •Hi! Call me AnimeMaster :) •I'm 12½ •mean comments=block •I play Smash ,Splatoon ,and MK8 •I don't Wii U Chat •I change my mii everytime XD Splatoon Regular Battle: Level 1 Ranked Battle: C- MK8 1kVR 1kBR Thanks for Coming :D
james jmcqueen4
i love video games
jerrbo Jerrbo
Yo, you came the right place. Make yourself compfy. If your reading this, you're thinking of how awesome I am. Let us cut to the chase. (if your name is chase i won't cut you,lol) I love Godzilla King of the Monsters. Pokemon, pretty awesome franchise. Teen Titans. Attack on Titan. Sword art online. and free. I'm glad you came. Sorry I couldn't chat for long, find one my post, and TALK!
Allie Crocodile0rZack
keela ms.keelaz
hello people im Ty so I like to rp and build things in mcpe and I like mcsm also so im a big fan of minecraft and btw i dont like fudge or marshmallows....
Sofia shepaw
Hi im Sofia! (owo) ~ {} ~ /\ ♡I like My Little Pony♡ ♪I also like drawing cats♪ «My own character: Sugar Lump» <(ºˇ°)> ~ ( ) ώσσƒ! \\ //
CqρτιηTυrd captaintoad3110
Scroll down ↓ keep going just a little more... now scroll up and check out my posts.
Dr.DooM scroungy
If u poke my face again!!!! Well anyway, Sup,I'm Dr.DooM,I like sports like Football,Basketball, etc. I'll probably make funny posts here and there. I like video games like Sm4sh,Pokken tournament,Splatoon,etc. My mains in Smash are: 1.Corrin 2.Lucina 3.Yoshi/Donkey Kong My mains in Pokken tournament: 1.Chandelure 2.Pikachu 3.Blaziken I will hurt you if u poke my pretty face again. PEACE!!!!
noah noah2005aa
je m'appelle noah j'ai entre 9 et 12 @ns . J'adore FIFA 14 et15
Bao JiaBao
久しぶりにミーバースやってるから、ブログ更新。 こちらは任天堂ファン、それと無双シリーズ大好きのBaoです。 新光神話中のピットが好きですから、ピットって呼んでもいいよ~ チャイニーズの大学生です(一年生で)、born and live in Beijing ゲームのために自習した日本語、ヘタですけど、話しやすいので、どうぞよろしく。 でも自分はちょっとおかしい性格ですから、たまには失礼なことがある。 趣味もいろいろ、ゲームとか、ドラマとか、歴史とか。。 ショタコンです(///v///) 最近とっても好きな歌手はさくらしめじと宇多田ヒカルでーーーす! 一緒にゲームしよう、いつでも何でもオッケー! ちなみに最近は落ち込んでいます、たまに、ね。 最後に、ちょっと遅かったけど 2017年新年快樂 i wish you a happy new year
sassychism trinblue
splatoon is my favorite game right now favorite color: sky blue hobbies: dance,basketball,playing video games....... ppl call me queenb or trin trin
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