Users Connor Is Following
Skul kitty_abbey
Hi, welcome to my profile. Fav. Games: Splatoon, Pokken Tournament, MincraftWiiUEdition, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, SuperSmash Bros, and Youtube. Youtube Fans: ZackScottGames, Jelly, Kebblekop, Slogoman, Markeplier, jackscepticeye I also have a youtube channel but i dont have a camera to record splatoon videos so sorry guys! :(
∞★Cody hylianoracle1000
This user's account has been deleted. Deleted on 6/26/17.
isaiah thunderwonderz7
hello i love to play games i try to post every day and i follow people every day and friend requast people every day please follow me and add me if you would like oh and also im super lazy by the way also i only wii u chat with friends who message me anyway im out peace
Sami lioody
My name is Matt welcome to my profile I post stuff on miiverse If you follow me I will follow you back and if you yeah me I"ll yeah you back my nintendo network ID is NINTENOGAMER2468
quick man frankthecoolguy
i got a wii u on 12/25/15 and i own a NES and my cousin owns a SNES my favorite game is pixel gun 3D and im addicted to games and i love anime and i broke my ankle 5 years ago. ok stop... stop go away... I WONT TELL YOU MY SECRETS I KEEP GETTING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON PLZ STOP... >_<
Baked Tato MissInnu
Missingno-Senpai here. (Or call me Flo.) LEADER OF {PA} and [Sв]... It's only a matter of time before I disappear. So please, my friends, try to contact me, with the informations I gave you. Farewell, Miiversians.
haus lila42303
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Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Destiny snicker_12345
This is destiny.... dont bother trying to hook up with me id do online relationships thats waisting my time.... freshman in highschool ~varsity volleyball, Junior Varsity softball crazily weirdly cute girl
JustinRoK★ JKROK983
Upcoming Games: Super Smash Bros. Wii U- November 21, 2014. Splatoon - 2015. Holiday 2014. Skylanders Trap Force WiiU 3DS Wii - 2015. Mario Maker WiiU - 2015. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse WiiU - 2015. Yoshi's Wooly World WiiU - 2015. Mario Party 10 WiiU - 2015. Other Releases in Eshop - 2014 - 2015.
JustinRoK★ justinrokwiiu
Hi guys, this is JustinRoK★ here! Welcome to my profile.... Taken by: Smol~Neko~ (Jada) <3 Plz follow my friends: Smol~Neko~ RioluGamer Inky Rondoudou♪ (EeveeTMI) James Ann CrazyEevee Foxy (CrazyEevee's Bro) Foxy (Female). I hope you guys have a good day. ....You still here.... ..... Bye...
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
Kenneth KennethUSA
I'm Kenneth & i'm the Nintendo Wii U & New Nintendo 3DS fans. My favorite characters is Mario, Sonic, Wario, Yoshi, & Link. My favorite game on Wii U & N3DS is Mario, Sonic, Zelda, NES Series & Super Smash Bros Wii U & N3DS. My life is playing my Nintendo 3DS with DS & 3DS games. I love drawing things. I love Mario, Sonic & Cats plush. I love Cats, i love Japan & Anime too. I love Anime Neko Girl.
janiyah niyahswint
hi my name is maniyah and i like watchdog and need for speed and im single and i have 7 brothers and 5 sisters i exept friend request i can break up with boy if they have another girlfriend or they attitude i call boys lover or honey and bae and sometimes i have attitude Peace!!
Rose(οωο)/ Rose125
~~WELCOME TO MY PROFILE~~ \(οωο)/ I like: Cats, Drawing,Anime&Manga, Legend of Zelda , Ponies, Reading , Mario And other stuff!!~ I dislike: Bullies, People who are faking that there young … My favourite colours are : Black Red and Aqua blue. I DONT DO WII U CHAT So that u know that~ \(^ω^)/ and I take request!(drawing)~ P.S. Watch out for randomness attacks... X3 just that u know that!~
xcplotting Marth_Love
My Wii U broke... :( Please bear with me, and when I get a new Wii U I'll post my new name here, so we can continue to be friends! Love_Marth Yep, that's it. Please friend again! Comment on one of my posts if you wanna chat, because for some reason that still works... -_- I'll never give up on you guys! Me and Marth will NOT allow all that opponent searching to go to waste..
rudy ryuk60
Tank TripleTank
hi. my name is tripp. I am 5 years old and about to turn 6!
keela ms.keelaz
hello people im Ty so I like to rp and build things in mcpe and I like mcsm also so im a big fan of minecraft and btw i dont like fudge or marshmallows....
Allie Crocodile0rZack
Ewa ewekittycat101
Bao JiaBao
久しぶりにミーバースやってるから、ブログ更新。 こちらは任天堂ファン、それと無双シリーズ大好きのBaoです。 新光神話中のピットが好きですから、ピットって呼んでもいいよ~ チャイニーズの大学生です(一年生で)、born and live in Beijing ゲームのために自習した日本語、ヘタですけど、話しやすいので、どうぞよろしく。 でも自分はちょっとおかしい性格ですから、たまには失礼なことがある。 趣味もいろいろ、ゲームとか、ドラマとか、歴史とか。。 ショタコンです(///v///) 最近とっても好きな歌手はさくらしめじと宇多田ヒカルでーーーす! 一緒にゲームしよう、いつでも何でもオッケー! ちなみに最近は落ち込んでいます、たまに、ね。 最後に、ちょっと遅かったけど 2017年新年快樂 i wish you a happy new year
carlos att236
★☆ゆうた☆★ raridon
自己紹介します。好きな食べ物、クレープ・パンケーキ・ステーキです。好きなゲームは、妖怪ウォッチ2 元祖/本家・真打・パズドラZ・とびだせどうぶつの森・ファーミングシミュレーターポケット農園2です。好きなアニメ、テレビは、(アニメ→ドラえもん・クレヨンしんちゃん・妖怪ウォッチ)(テレビ→エンタの神様)です。好きな動物は、犬・猫・モルモットです。将来の夢は、電車の運転士です。 ゲームランキング!第1位→ファーミングシミュレーターポケット農園2 第2位→とびだせどうぶつの森 第3位→妖怪ウォッチ 第4位→パズドラZ 血液型 A型です。悪いコメントを出したら、通報します。そこのところ、よろしくお願いします。みんなが楽しいミーバースが、出来ると嬉しいです。
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
ぱこさん sqsqkiikkq
Nikki arconia
hello new here and hoping for friends
Gabrielle gabriellemarlowe
This user's profile comment is private.
marissa naillhoran
Amy jalbafam
This user's profile comment is private.
bilel LuFFy_Veteran
●★ехотiс★● GAGAMARIE
I am lost. Scared. Abandoned. I like turtles. I like trains. I like memes. I like WOOMY. Woomy is love. Woomy is life. (This profile was abandoned by €χθτiс)
ιεffεη~ Hector546
♡~ ı ιονε ενεяу liνiηg ρεяςοη bεсαυςε αιι οƒ уου αяε ςρεсiαι αηd οηε οƒ α kiηd. ~♥
bean sabrinamarie
I just wanted to say, u guys have all made a change in my life & u guys deserve it. Give yourself a pat on the back doods. thanks. ;)<- is happy crying)
creed gabestalcup13
hey guys! my name is gabe stalcup i love both assassins creed and batman. i also like god of war. thanks guys please follow and i hope we can be friends
SavageIsMe Cds2525
I am back I'm sorry I haven't been chatting much for been on mirrors much it looks so much different now I hope I find my old friends and well have a good day
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