Connor's Friends
Baked Tato MissInnu
Missingno-Senpai here. (Or call me Flo.) LEADER OF {PA} and [Sв]... It's only a matter of time before I disappear. So please, my friends, try to contact me, with the informations I gave you. Farewell, Miiversians.
james jmcqueen4
i love video games
isaiah thunderwonderz7
hello i love to play games i try to post every day and i follow people every day and friend requast people every day please follow me and add me if you would like oh and also im super lazy by the way also i only wii u chat with friends who message me anyway im out peace
Allie Crocodile0rZack
Ewa ewekittycat101
sonic 1ut3a9h
i am the speed
Beautifart StealthyStylist
Thank you for stumbling upon my profile, why dont you stick around and give a few of my posts a yeah! [''] <|/` /\
αму яσςε 3 MariofanOVER9000
нı! ıм αму яσςε 3! ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ ßθθßîεź î ιîκε мαяîθ ˙˘˙ ωμτ я μ ιθθκîпģ ατ?!?!! •■• •●• •◆• •▲• •▼• •☆• •★• :T |:D
ÇĄЯΘĻĮИĄ gotbannedonce123
Hi everyonε 1.I DON'T WIIU CHAT 2.Follow4follow 3.Love yeahbombing 4.Im 10 5.Follow my sisters:cool gal 6.Follow my other account cocoolicecream123 Don't forget to press the follow button if your not get out now JK :P List:Javonne,Kevin,evilpumkin,Redblinky,sarah,xcr4sh,Jack,slenderman,marisolc.,Bryce,Kanalo,lorenzo,kaktus01,sapphire,aj,Wolfie,Shadow,
PS4™★♪ olvino
Hi friends!!! I'm Steven, an italian boy 14 years old and expert Mario Kart, DS, Geometry Dash!:D MK8 VR: 24000+ (Semi-Active) Splatoon level: 26!!! ♪(^o^) NP: Super Smash Bros, Splatoon ♡, MK8 ♡, Yoshi's Woolly World, Super Mario Bros. U and Mario Party 10 !!! My list is almost full so I want to know new friend on Miiverse!!!♪ Have a nice day! :)●▼◆■▲ ◆R.I.P. Satoru Iwata (1959-2015)◆
~•★Jεςς★•~ JessieNetwork02
Hello .__________. Yeah yeah I know I'm a weirdo who likes Star Wars, Fairy Tail, Naruto, SAO and Pokémon. Okay I get it move on with your life don't waste your time to insult me; cause I'm not listening nor do I care what you think. :P 02/27 Is little sis's b-day!
swag$$$ swaglo
Kona konasmom1
Hi!!! Everyone my name is Peach. My favorite games are Nintendo, Some Sega games, and Yokai Watch. My favorite movie is Frozen and Wreck It Ralph. l have lots of favorite tv shows and I'm 16 year old. If you have anything mean to say don't put on my post. Please be nice and The blog is over.
juanito tundran
ChuChu-P2X ChuggaChuChu-P2Y
This is мг.ώцм ώцм's backup account.Yeah...he got banned from posting,commenting,yeahing and other things.So this will be my account for the next 2 weeks.Oh,and мг.ώцм ώцм is in Followers List.See ya'll!!!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Also,where's my bacon?
SolidHeart SolidHeart91
Just your average guy trying to find the next best game!
Ryan ryanhay
Here are some things that you shoud know about me before you friend me. No swearing please but I am vary nice oh and chatting please do because ya enjoy me as a friend I always accept friend requests!!! and I am 13 Oh yeah i got smash bros so lets battle and chat while in the battle please.
kiwii~ HouseHome09
hii im trash. i mean im kiwi ;)) follow my ig PLSS? @japanismm tyvm lmao tbh idk wht i do here i like scribble messy drawings OHH OOPS ANIME IS HOTTT AF OHK BYEEEE♡
Anthony Tristan3579
Hey Folks! I'm Tristan or Anthony (Call me whichever) ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ I am a Christian. I'm a Mario and an Animal Crossing addict. I enjoy drawing. I'm also a singer and songwriter. I'm in the bear pride (those who know what that is) I'm probably the niceness person on Miiverse. I don't judge, so your comments are safe with me. Friend requests are open :) Last Updated: November 30th, 2015
Anthony Jeremhy
Whats up People , Im Anthony and I like lots of game franchises ,Once you get to friend me Im really awesome. Anyway If you want to friend me feel free to text me on one of the posts that I made. BUT I CANNOT WIIU CHAT!!!
adrian ilovemyson012345
♪ωσιƒ♪™ Wolfantastic.123
Torstein GuroGresaker
I am a norwegian girl. My name is Guro Gresaker. My favorite game on wii u is Mario game. I have lot of Mario game, not only on wii u but on other Nintendo product too. If you follow me (GuroGresaker) I will be glad I like to yeah many post . #mario #game #wiiu #mariokart8 #supermario3dworld #lugi #followme #thank #you #if #you #read #this #ilovemyfollowers
clara nala222
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★RS™Ale★ 2 cass000000
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X F0ll0W-ME
Hi! I'm X. I wish to be a future artist. If you would like to send me a follow, or friend request you can do so. I will usually reply in comments. I'm 13. (My profile rules.) #1. Don't buly, we try to be nice. #2. Don't curse. #3. Don't say inappropriate or harmful things. You are now free to explore my profile!
Roy Koopa roy_koopaling
My real country is Costa Rica not Mexico! xD, everyone can send me a friend request and everyone can follow me.I'll NOT ACCEPT VIDEOCALLS XD...I'll hang up xD, I love Mario Kart 8, is the best game ever of the videogames history!, is my favorite game, if you have MK8, send me a friend request, I'll accept you! If you like mk games or any other game of cars friend me, or follow me '')
Jhostin ▼▲ jhostin21
Hola, mi nombre es Jhostin, tengo 17 años de edad, me gusta la musica electronica, Hablo español y un poco de frances e ingles! Me gusta el Longboard: es mi vida el skate longboard!!! *acepto wii u chat!!!* 100% RD= Dominicano " KLK " ATT: Jhostin▲▼
blue 1sonnyb1
sup guys, it is me,blue. i like video games,five guys,pizza,teen titans go, dogs,,, nerf guns, biscuits, Dantdm and star wars. i have a fear of sharks and i dislike lettuce,peaches and school. also i am a huge joker at school and at home.
Reagan BrineyBlueSea
This user's profile comment is private.
mackthecat Bigfoot32
DO NOT DO WII U CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥hi my name is mackenzie but you can call me mack or mack the cat ^.^ i have 2 little sis & 3 big bothers i have 2 cats & 1 dogs I ♥ CATS & i also LOVE LOVE LOVE gravity falls:-O :-> :-D and here r some of thing i like to do going to the park video games watch full house & gravity falls playing with my bothers & my sisters & my cats
Sarah sbear2001
Hi! I'm pretty average, but I like to be weird at times (who doesn't?) . I love Doctor Who, Pokémon, Zelda, MarioKart, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., and the cello. I hope I can become good friends with a lot of people! :-) If I'm on Miiverse but am not responding to comments or messages it's likely because I am drawing. Sorry if I missed you!
Kagura des Mrs.Mdog
super smash brothers
Vezoth BuddhaBuddha
This Post Has Been Deleted By An Administrator Post ID-13HM-907N-SNR5-8356-H6KM
Kris Rose Kristopher_Rose
A simple college student who loves games on almost all platforms.
ζαск Zack-Lego-Manaic
Hi! I'm Zack,my parents got my Wii U from America but i really live in Australia so the systems all confused. My Dad travels the world,so i CAN catch on to your language.Я говорю по-Pусски,Je parle Français, I love to play the Didgeridoo, like to draw..ON PAPER!And anyway,THANKS to all followers, and friends! Also, i'm currently banned from miiverse.. :( So sorry if i cant talk..
Noah tobygames03
hi :p i have NO cookies! Seriously! STOP!!! ARGH! How'd ya'll know there was cookies down here! /_º__\ hello! :p
Max DDTV211068
Hey and welcome to my profile. You can here see cool pictures and latest news. :) And have fun here! Looks at my favorite post.:D ┉┉┉┉▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇┉┉┉┉ ┉▃▃▃▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▃▃▃┉ ┉┉┉╱┋┋┋┋┋┋┋┋╲┉┉┉ ┉┉▕┋▋┋┋┋┋▋┋┋┋▏┉┉ ┉┉▃▃▅▆▇┋┋┋┋͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Coralyn Account4
Hello! I accept all friend requests. I love to chat. So you can talk to me anytime. I Wii U Chat sometimes.
orea elogro
Trinity trinity623
Hey im Trinity i like sleeping and eating i like ducks and my favorite color is blue i like basketball and gymnasticsics hmu tho :D
Abê kingabishai
hi everyone im Abê from canada I aways good accept friend requestes im a really friendly child I Love my childhood have a great day everyone and i got a baby sister her name is kyra she's 3 years old NEVER LIE TO ME please and im ten years old I love Wii U Chat And i have a Black Wii U Birthday 10/Oct Goodbye Miiverse... :( 5/19 5/19 5/19 5/19 5/19 STAHP :c HAVE A NICE DAY
Cora iloveanteaters
Hello! I'm Cora. I Wii U Chat. I accept all friend requests.I'm 11. I speak Canadian French and english. So I hope we can be friends!
Elenasofia cirociro
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ugly guy guerinash
Zelda is a rip off of minecraft because you hold a sword -super minecraft kid Zelda came out in 1986 minecraft came out 2011 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah id say zelda is a definite rip off
☆JÄ€Θβ T.☆ Ninrock3t
*UPDATED 3/10/16 Wow... I haven't logged in since March 14th last year. Anyway, I'm back with a temporary password b/c you can't change that on PC. If anyone actually sees this/is still following me, here's what happened to me: On March 15th, 2015, I woke up for school really depressed & told my mom she could just sell my Wii U, & she actually did. Anyway, I miss this place so much!
Ryan RyanDAD
Hi i'm Ryan! I don't do Wii U Chat, I accept yeahbombs and follows. I'm very nice and a kind friend. Go and follow Bpeach 1 fan,xenio,★Яσςςмэяγ★ and Evan and ME. PS: I speak a little bit of spanish tiny bit of french and alot of english!!!
Delia techguy16
Bao JiaBao
久しぶりにミーバースやってるから、ブログ更新。 こちらは任天堂ファン、それと無双シリーズ大好きのBaoです。 新光神話中のピットが好きですから、ピットって呼んでもいいよ~ チャイニーズの大学生です(一年生で)、born and live in Beijing ゲームのために自習した日本語、ヘタですけど、話しやすいので、どうぞよろしく。 でも自分はちょっとおかしい性格ですから、たまには失礼なことがある。 趣味もいろいろ、ゲームとか、ドラマとか、歴史とか。。 ショタコンです(///v///) 最近とっても好きな歌手はさくらしめじと宇多田ヒカルでーーーす! 一緒にゲームしよう、いつでも何でもオッケー! ちなみに最近は落ち込んでいます、たまに、ね。 最後に、ちょっと遅かったけど 2017年新年快樂 i wish you a happy new year
Calvin ƒ zeldafan649815
Hmmmm what can I say about myself.....well I love music and art. a few of my favorite bands are: Alt-J, MGMT, Foster The People, HighAsAKite, and Panic At The Disco c: ohh I almost forgot I absolutely LOVE the Legend Of Zelda ♥
Rose(οωο)/ Rose125
~~WELCOME TO MY PROFILE~~ \(οωο)/ I like: Cats, Drawing,Anime&Manga, Legend of Zelda , Ponies, Reading , Mario And other stuff!!~ I dislike: Bullies, People who are faking that there young … My favourite colours are : Black Red and Aqua blue. I DONT DO WII U CHAT So that u know that~ \(^ω^)/ and I take request!(drawing)~ P.S. Watch out for randomness attacks... X3 just that u know that!~
ARMANY abreu10
you yeah me i yeah you back . AND I REALLY NEED FRIENDS SO FRIEND REQEST ME Please friends friends friends friendsfriends friends friends friends friends friends friends fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddd mmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee ppppplleeeeeeeesssssssseeeee
duck/duke! gigan2
i am a christain (no vid chat from anyone i dont like to do them! ) hey yall!!! i am an easter egg hunter for games and my fav games are... kingdom hearts monster hunter pokemon legend of zelda mario harvest moon i am from the planet mallard i am working on writing a book what it is you will have to wait a couple years before you even here the title GOD bless you all remember GOD loves you!
riah soriah1234
I'm special because my name means princess.soriah means princess.Soriah is my name. My whole name means something soriah means princess my middle name kyza is a spice and my last name noel means christmas in french i'm 7 years old i'm in standard 2 barat i have 12 friends and their names are:chelsea,shakira,celine,Rainell,maleya,hope,jade,kalifa,curtisha,niomi,boo and alya bye bye girls bye~bye
Gumball zaelnetwork
My name is Gumball Watterson. You may now me from Cartoon Network. I watch animes like : Attack On Titan and more. I also draw
bub bub101
my name is galen i live in canada i speak some korea,german,spanish my b-day is oct 20 and my instagram is russianzombiecat
Federico paolinopaperino
Kawabonga ragazzi!! Chiudedete Miiverse ed andate a divertirvi con la vostra console!! Come avrete già letto mi chiamo Federico, ho 18 anni e quando non ho da studiare per verifiche o interrogazioni passo il tempo con la Switch, con il Wii U o con il 3DS! Siete ancora qua a leggere? Forza inviatemi l'amicizia e iniziamo a giocare!!
yerkoll_24 yerkol_24
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a mi perfil de miiverse, en él encontraran dibujos y diversas cosas.¡Sigueme si gustas!. No soy físicamente como el mii de mi perfil. Soy de Chile Insta: yerkoll_24 Hello everyone and welcome to my profile Miiverse. In the drawings and varius find something. Follow if you like!. I am not physically as mii my profile. I'm from Chile. Insta: yerkoll_24
Angela applesapples123
Hii everyone!!! My name is Angela in case you didn't see my profile, but anyways... you wanna be my friend?? just send a friend request!! Im my opinion im pretty nice (most of the time) tbh i will always be there for someone in need! thx for reading!! peace out! p.s. can u add me in my other account as well? :ang2121
brandonG 32sandra
hi it brandon go chevk out my youtube channel at brogaming
Axel axelriise
War/Guerra shadowxd13
ola k ase! Zoy d US (no zoy d Spaña) M gusta Smosh, elrubius, Willyrex, JakeDreamer, VALV, HTF, etc. Cosas sobre mi: Vivo: en mi casa Tengo: años M gusta: trollear Musica: Dubstep I ☆ VIDEOJUEGOS Ma burro Se hablar como un mexicano Keep calm and... NO M DA LA GANA D CALMARME!!! PD: Soy "un niño d guerra" naci para luchar PERO ES K NO TENIA NI PAJOLERA IDEA D K YO ERA TIO
Peter EternalDarknesss
I'm Peter Bougeard. I don't do Wii-U Chat. I Just use miiverse and play games on wii-u. :-)
isaiah Johnny58
hi im isaiah and im postive and friendly if you want to be friends it will be great!! thanks.
Dimas Dimas29
DarkVan MrK018
Salut c'est MisterK. J'accepte toute les demande d'ami ;)
Derek IrishMurph101993
Hello, my name's Derek! I'm a Nintendo fan since the N64 (oldest game system I've played). My favourite franchises are Pokemon and Mario. I'm willing to accept friend requests and video chat with people on the Wii U (want to learn more about the system, played very few times). Anyway feel free to send me a message, I'm a gamer and love to meet new people. :)
Nicktendo™ gangster123
Hey Miiverse. Im nick. Disgard everything you read here. This was me from a few years ago, and is full of absolute garbage. Thanks. Just.... yeah..
plutarco ZAZUETAMP
私はプルタルコスと呼ばれる Acepto solicitudes de amistad... Bienvenidos futuros seguidores y amigos :D Fav. game:The Legend Of Zelda Fav. animes: DBZ,Death Note,NARUTO,One piece,Yu-GI-OH !,Samurai x , y caballeros del zodiaco Fav. tv show's :Adventure Time Mi cumpleaños 30 de Mayo :D Tengo 15 años Mi color favorito es el Verde I speak english too, so, you can talk me in both...
ylan mariopikmin83
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Nøŕwaγ N0rway
15 | Pokemon, Zelda & Mario fan | Game collector
Axed BrianAxel
me love nk jude88
hi im jacobb and i make video for all are people and all youtobers and im 19 i want to be friends with all and im very shy so but im very nice and i workout every day. and i take friend request and when you follow me i will follow you back good bye :D
Sarah571 garry427
Evrything is awesome!
link Link87007
Peewee badandy
Hi, I'm Josh (Joshua can also be my name) my friends call me peewee so there, I'm 11 and thats all the personal balogne I will give out. Besides that I live in Ontario. I mostly play Clash of Clans® and Boom Beach® both by Supercell™ but I also play on wii U to and Minecraft™ or Tanki online™ on the computer. I like racing, action, and indy games
linse linse4blood
Hallo ich bin Linse aus Deutschland NRW. Bin 33 jahre jung und liebe zocken, und das schon ab dem NES Zeitalter. Hello i'm linse from germany NRW. I'm 33 jeahrs young and i love gamming, and that at the NES Time. Freunde sind willkommen^^ Friends are welcome^^ grüße, greetz linse :-)
Nintenby Person
You're my reason to smile. :D
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