Kaттsuya's Followers
ΣΨRockruff OliviaWysynski
I'm Liv/ Rockruff I love Undertale Warrior cats and Pokémon I'm apart of Clan blue moon and Eclipse I'm looking forward to Ultramoon. I'm also leader of clan Ready Rockruff i'm buying pokemon Ultramoon of which i already preordered meaning i'll get lycanroc dusk form favorite band unknown favorite pokemon: Rockruff I'm looking for a Shiny alolan Vulpix and shiny Rockruff please follow
★ειενεπ★ Strangerthingsss
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Bri BubbleGumDrops12
Hi. If you didn't already know, Miiverse is ending soon, so im a lime. Yahoo. Btw Luigi is better then Mario
Stormi CCPika
Hi! I'm Pusheen. I like playing Tomodachi Life. I am american, although I know some Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. Hay barrel tickle bear!
★Zeldre∞<3 lynette1997
Save Miiverse Inc. ♪•°˙• in a relationship •°˙•♪ gr8 friends :Ray&sean team Zeldre 4life# Friends: Blaze☆team ,Abigail B. , Mary. Leader of Lve[Love] club# & Team Zeldre club# my bf drew is also a Lve&Team Zeldre club plus he is a Leader of eevee
Stefanie Cheshire1951
Living the dream
boodie Meredithgrace
Hello everyone! My name is Meredith, and I'm apart of a clan called the Шoodland Щarriors. Currently, I'm in 8th Grade, and I can speak English and Español! My favorite games: Wii U: Splatoon 3DS: Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo Switch: Super Mario Odyssey I LOVE lacrosse and soccer (also games!) R.I.P. Miiverse 2012-2017, it's been a good run. #DontEndMiiverse Anyways, Peace!
Randi glorytoGod70x7
I'm Randi,and I am a christien. favorite thing's: Rune factory 1,2,3,4 and I like story of seasons,Harvest moon,pokemon,Zelda. my favorite animal: Dog's favorite food:???? Make the most of the hour's that are left and post up a storm till the last second I mean it I love miiverse and I don't whant it to go but we have to face it........good bye everyone you guys are awsome! >.<
Emilee Emilee00
KittyKat cutestpuppy
Hey ppl who even follow me, im kittykat and thats about as much as im gonna tell ya but btw i CANNOT draw so dont expect that from me.
jaylyn FlowerDaisy12345
Hi my name is jaylyn and i hope you follow me and if you do i will follow you back.
Ellypuff elipuff916
I love art, animation, music and lots of different kinds of games :) plz do not go too far back into my history...
Andy PokeVeteran
Dani/Yinan FantasyPink
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Keira PositiveKookie
Hi, I like to be nice to others and play fun games! Derp! '0' :3 :0 :) :} º_º I Love To draw! (LoL) whether I'm good at it or not. But thank you for lovely support! ‹3 I like Tomodachi Life, Animal Crossing, and- yeah! For random facts: I play piano. Have two dogs. (but love all animals) Thanks for following! Always and Forever! Peace! 8-}
Avα ♪ PrincessEEVEE
★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*· My name is Ava, I'm 11 years old, 7th grade :) I like anime and nintendo and stuff and... yeah Thank you all so much for 200 follows! It really is too bad that miiverse is ending... but to all of my friends on here, know that I'll remember you all forever!! ★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·★*·.˙
ΑпίRMVШЩ gamerkid1100
I'm Ani, and here's a bit about me: ·I'm 14, in 8th grade ·I love Nintendo and Playstation ·I love baseball and LEGO ·I live in Cali ·#StarWars ·Most importantly, I'm Christian Ťpts: 5 Favies: Rex432, Alli, Callie, Mads, Zorhax BFFs: Bailey, Eli, Lea, Izz, Niko, Evan, Kaylie BFs: Umaari, Gabe, Ty, Moony, Other Banana/Alli, Peyton, Luny I Follow4Follow, jsyk. Thanks for 150 followers! Goodbye :(
BdayGirl 08636lol
It's only hours!!!!!! EEK!!! My Party is on at 2pm 12th August Irish/UK time feel free to join!!! My ACNL 1 is on at 5pm!!! Hi guys! Yvonne here! You can call me Eve! Here are my aims for my bday. 270 followers √ 250 followers√ Following 320 √ Be Happy√ 280 followers√ I do a thing called 'Shoutout For A Week' So please play. Free Shoutouts To: ☆DjStarboy SFWL=Shoutout for Week List Umaari
sheiilita sheylaca
HOLA soy nueva y hablo 3 idiomas que son español/castellano, inglés, y catalan
«—Ğυссι—» LilMamiiCapri24
ĶЯ»Hemi lovedog20
Hello It's me lovedog20 I just use this profile to just have fun although if this proflie becomes somewhat popular than lovedog2016 Then Just wow... #ĶЯ Clan member You still there? Happy Halloween! I've gotta go bye!
Princess vexy13
Hello everyone!, My name is Princess. I'm very happy to be a part of miiverse for some time now. I just would like for you to get to know me just a little. As you know i'm a fellow gamer just like yourselves. I love Nintendo very much. Video games is one of my hobbies. My favorite games are Zelda series, Animal Crossing, and always Mario. Just to name a few. I hope to hear and follow from you.
☆Gage☆ gage223
Welcome to my amazing profile! My name is the all mighty Gage and i like cake. (Cringe) I'm just a 12 year old boy who likes playing Nintendo and making friends. Some of those friends are Umari, Connor and Emma! ←(Banned forever) Welp now that i'm done with da talking, you can read my posts! P.S. If you follow me, I follow you! \Ö/ Other P.S. My roblox name is Mr_RainbowJR ↑Cause why not! /._./
Lia lianoonan123
yo im back on miiverse. im lia and i play: miitopia tomadacgi life acnl smash bros mario maker yokai watch2 runbow pocket ac:hhd pokemon sun. i hope to get a wiiu acount!! bye am i le only 1 who lieks teen titans go? ;[
☆Never hurt´s to help ;) ★Hate´s great, best villain –_– ☆TRUST NO ONE! ★Reality is an ilusion, the universe is a hologram ▲ ☆Nobody exist on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody´s gonna die; Come watch TV? •~• ★WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! :'D ☆You both love me and I love both of you ♪ ★What´s the use of feeling BLUE? ♭ ☆Stay DETERMINED <3 ★In this world, it´s KILL OR BE KILLED >:3
Chelbi >ω< Mohiccup
Hello I am Chelbi634 i love Pokemon and Minecraft and Animal crossing,I live in Japan.I am 19 years old,follow me i follow you back,thanks guys :D
Rockstar catscats256
I'm an adult gamer who LOVES playing video games especially LOVE playing video games on my nintendo ds system. Some of my favorite games include Tomodachi Life, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Mario Kart 7, Legend of Zelda Tri Force Heros and many more games I can't all list here. Ps. I Like Miiverse it's pretty cool!
くらいで RYUKI1341
スプラトゥーン&ゼルダの伝説ブレスオブザワイルドやってます!^~^フォローしてくれたら絶対フォロー返しますフォローよろしく~~~~ ゲーム神メーター★★☆☆☆ ゲームオタクメーター★★☆☆☆ ゲーム好きメーター★★★★☆ てかなぜスイッチ欲しい? (本当はスイッチ欲しいやつがよく言う言葉) 最近好きなアニメボクアカ 略していないの僕のヒーローアカデミア
Wiwife AnthonySeney
Just want to have fun!
Adeline Rudytheawesome
We must enjoy Miiverse while it lasts... And still help friend even after its over... Stay happy! Stay determined! BECAUSE READING THIS YOU'RE FILLED WITH DETERMINATION!!! .•★Adeline★•. heh.. did...uh...anyone get that? Um that's it... You're still reading? Um...well... I got nothing .
DaONE bearsolly913
Sup kids.
My favorite WWE Wrestler is JOHN CENA My favorite Wii U game series is the Mario Series My favorite Mario Character is Yoshi My favorite YOUTUBER Is DashieGames My favorite color is Red My favorite movie is THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE I accept Wii U chats when i'm board not gaming or on youtube My Favorite TV Show is American Grit My Favorite band is Maroon 5 Fallow me i'll fallow you back.
christendo christopherlaura
hello everyone my name is chris. im 15 years old.as you can see how i appear i love nintendo especially mario and kirby. to me there is no bad mario game. sense i was a little boy i always wanted to have the opportunity to work at nintendo and i want to get there when im older. and i want to support nintendo as much as i can. thank you for your time. ps. i love the legend of zelda series
Sammy HatsuniaMima
Daisy Smallville-Lex1
Hello my name is Carrie and I'm 41 years old.I just moved to Oregon a year ago.I'm a quiet,shy,honest,sincere,big hearted person.I like to watch movies and play video games.I like to play Zelda,Mario,Animal Crissing,Donkey Kong.I'm looking for a friend between the ages 40-50 that likes to talk about movies and video games.If this is you please send me a friend request.
☆★ホモ∞ニート★☆ shinobi123
Dana Dana42903
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Reagan reagan4406
jorge josetomasfumero
soy jorge tengo 11 y quiero ser amigo de alguien
★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
George +! Tesseract2
Beep Beep Beep Boooooooooooooooooooooooooorp.Oh,hello.I am George +!,the robot form of George.Beep Beep...I'll see ya' around...So don't go yet. Oh,yeah. POWER OFF.
Ty1908 Smilebones360
DO NOT PRESS THAT HOME BOTTEN READ DIS AND FOLLOW MEH 4 RANDOM CRUD BUH BYE!! Back to the point Hi Im Ty1908 hit that follow button and i'll catch up on your awesome Miiverse post's. ! Mainly on 3DS ! Online when i can fav game ACNL BFF CAM I hve TONS of games on both 3DS and Wii U my goal is to reach 1000 followers rember... STAAY FRESH! Wah You want Age:?
TDLqrcodes gaming_time1265
Hello I love ACNL and TDL. (which are my two favorite games ever.) But I also like HHD. I am part of the AC club Made by Shay. Also,check out my other account on MV: «SkylaШЩ» ~Have a nice day~
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábric...
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábrica 4.
Princess Peach·Japan·[as]·space & stars·silver·pineapple stuff·wisteria·cheesecake & brownies·classic rock & alternative·
New Town's Dream: 5C00·0018·4BE4
Got that Pocket Camp hype☆
Check out♭Zοгα♪ sometime~☆