Users Kaттsuya Is Following
←↑Vinniε↑→ o0Vincent0o
Closedverse Is A Thing. Spread The Word. FOLLOW: o0jessica0o RebbyJR D/A: #RebbyJR I'm Old.
Foosuke Foosuke
そろそろ終了なのでコメント欄、開きます。 忙しくて返信は出来ませんが、それでもよろしければコメントどうぞ(^▽^)ノ Left 3days... I open my comments again. But now, I'm busy in the care for my mother. I can't reply. sorry. Drawing is a language. It has no border. 描画とは国境無き言語である。
«—Ğυссι—» LilMamiiCapri24
Princess vexy13
Hello everyone!, My name is Princess. I'm very happy to be a part of miiverse for some time now. I just would like for you to get to know me just a little. As you know i'm a fellow gamer just like yourselves. I love Nintendo very much. Video games is one of my hobbies. My favorite games are Zelda series, Animal Crossing, and always Mario. Just to name a few. I hope to hear and follow from you.
☆Never hurt´s to help ;) ★Hate´s great, best villain –_– ☆TRUST NO ONE! ★Reality is an ilusion, the universe is a hologram ▲ ☆Nobody exist on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody´s gonna die; Come watch TV? •~• ★WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! :'D ☆You both love me and I love both of you ♪ ★What´s the use of feeling BLUE? ♭ ☆Stay DETERMINED <3 ★In this world, it´s KILL OR BE KILLED >:3
Ellypuff elipuff916
I love art, animation, music and lots of different kinds of games :) plz do not go too far back into my history...
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
+:*ωεεв♡:+ MayorKaitlyn
lmao what even am i
JoséJavier Joseja12
Buenas, me llamo↑ y tengo 18 años. Lema: Se lo más original que puedas (porque en el mundo hay muchas cosas bonitas, pero casi todas son iguales). Mis gustos: Me gusta la música pop estilo Ariana Grande, Fifth Harmony, Rihanna,... También me gusta Pokémon, dibujar y me encanta la Semana Santa (sevillana) Numero de suño de Solaria: 7E00~0021~A41B, de Roselia.
WindowsXP Amber1345
If you have a Switch check my following list. Follow Jacob (richards9498) I love him with all of my heart. ♥ Words cannot explain how glad I am that I met him. I appreciate his presence in my life. It's people like him that make me realize how much I don't want Miiverse to end. Out of everyone I know on here, I'll miss him the most. Thank you Jake. :) May the odds be ever in your favor my d00ds.
Boy Wonder PrinceIney
Faves... Consoles: NES, Atari 2600, SNES, Dreamcast, Wii U Games: SMB 3, Doom, Ms. Pac-Man, GTA Vice City, Dig Dug Musicians: Bowie, DEVO, Sparks, John Foxx, Gary Numan Movies: Suspiria, Dawn of the Dead, Reanimator, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Robocop Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return some videotapes before my meeting with Cliff Huxtable.
Patrice :/ xXNekopupXx
I will continue posting till the final day...not as much though :c R.I.P Miiverse (Nov 8, 2017)
"Treelian" hyliantree
ew I'm on Closedverse, by the way. My name for it is hyliantree. Real creative, I know. Goodbye, everyone.
I'm Glurp and despite my odd appearance I'm somewhat normal. I enjoy opinions, debates, questions, theories, drawing, jokes, and just talking about various subjects of interest. Some of my interests are Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Metroid, RWBY, DC/Marvel Comics, Star Wars, movies, philosophy, etc. Follow me if you want to see my content and provide feedback or just talk.
IsDisEdgy? BlueStarsAgemo
I'm just another Memeverse account spreading my toxic opinions on here. Oh, and I draw pictures on here occasionally. Pessimism is welcome.
★Lee★ GalaxyTheSaiyan
Hi i'm Lee! My interests include; InuYasha Dragon Ball Rick and Morty Minecraft Animal Crossing And Pokemon! Things i dislike; Spam Undertale People who use incorrect grammar Follow Squidy363, hes the best man on Earth! :D
Nii-Chan★ Pandemiii
I draw anime bs and that's really it lol. Current trash cans I'm in: Ensemble stars Splatoon Fire emblem Fates/Awakening Blue Birb:@Riminiii0
Beholder blkn3ko
Addiction list: Smash Bros - Street Fighter Pokemon XY - Town of Salem One Piece - D&D Mystara Food - Shonen Jump (/ '-')/ I like taking snapshots.. Please check out my screenshot album and posts before leaving! Thanks! 🐔
OlOOlOOl pi_r_round
my ACNL dream addresses Tamavill (English): 4E00 0011 FBA9 Akishima (Japanese): 1F00 0013 9058 Hatonosu (Japanese): 3F00 0013 27CA
Bitsy BITSY21
Hello! This is an update of my profile. I like making new friends and learning languages; I'm an awful dancer and I can't draw at all. My hobbies: reading, playing ACNL and watching The Big Bang Theory and Vampire Diaries.
Spookninja DerpUndercover
Welcome to my profile! I like video games. I draw sometimes. Criticism on my drawings is appreciated, as long as it isn't blind hate and can help me. NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU! «Request Rules» 1. What you request has to relate to the theme. 2. No OCs 3. Unless I say otherwise, I will only take 7 requests per post and 1 request per person.
Satine Souldalite
Daniel SkyhawkRBG27
♭Zοгα♪ SakuraTortoise
You've stumbled upon my trash...Congratulations... ♭♪Total Band Nerd♪♭ * Marching Band * Jazz Band * Symphonic Band ♪♪♪I play Trombone♪♪♪ Kaттsuya is fam I'll do follow for follow This, (♭) is a flat NoT a MuSiC nOtE (Aggravates me) Rip Miiverse G'bye guyz /\__/\ \(· ·)/ (____) ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Cean cean920
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábric...
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábrica 4.
Princess Peach·Japan·[as]·space & stars·silver·pineapple stuff·wisteria·cheesecake & brownies·classic rock & alternative·
New Town's Dream: 5C00·0018·4BE4
Got that Pocket Camp hype☆
Check out♭Zοгα♪ sometime~☆