Oh my god I've been looking at my watch this whole time. I didn't adjust it for Daylight Saving I am so stupid. I thought MV had ended but I was somehow still seeing new posts.
Kaттsuya's Post

The purple lipstick I wore for my costume last night is still stained on my lips. But hey I still got some of my fav candy bars, crunch.

Two days till Halloween. Guess I should get out my costume & red lipstick. I wish the teen & adult costumes weren't so, ya know, words.

Okay so my Gοοglе widget thingy isn't working on my phone & it hasn't been working for HOURS. A pop up keeps saying 'Unfortunately, Gοοglе app has stopped working'. I've tried erasing the cache & r...
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábric...
Hola peeps kon'nichiwa, I love playing ACNL & Rune Factory 4.
Me encanta jugar ACNL y Rune Fábrica 4.
Princess Peach·Japan·[as]·space & stars·silver·pineapple stuff·wisteria·cheesecake & brownies·classic rock & alternative·
New Town's Dream: 5C00·0018·4BE4
Got that Pocket Camp hype☆
Check out♭Zοгα♪ sometime~☆