Ferris's Followers
Jake 2017 Chavon
Friends, please read: This place is almost gone. I'm getting sentimental, and I'll miss you a lot. This is my very last remaining post, so I won't be able to respond to anything you say, but I promise to read every single comment. If any of you have Switches, you might enjoy this story: Back in the year 1495, there were 8091 aliens that invaded 9422 planets.
7spice secretGOLF.nes
Maria maria4373
Yeah that post please ↑ Hello, I'm annoying! Obsessions: Queen, Zelda, GMM, VenturianTale, Splatoon, Roger Taylor <3 Siblings:6 Dogs:3 Homeschooled. Catholic. Crush: EVERYONE IN QUEEN #FreddieForLife! (I really like Queen.) Give RobiN!! A follow! Favorite Queen member: John Dea con! (Deaky) Roblox: CrazyDogLasy I'll miss you!! Deaky's dancing gives me the will to live.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Ruby♪ Sonicsbiggestfan
Goodbye Miiverse... Shoutouts to: Angel ax-01 Ally Guzma (I'll always love you) Alfredo Statisky And all my followers Even if it ends, the memories shall last forever! -Ruby♪ 2017 ____________________________________________ HeartofBug is Me x Guzma.. He's too cute! >//v//<
★Mike★ 133700Pika
Hi, I'm Mike. I guess I should say something about myself. I'm a guy physically, but I'd like to be genderless- he/they pronouns. Just use he pronouns if you think it's a bit complicated. Anyway, I like to play games. Mostly Nintendo. Leftie for life, by the way. I play Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and whatever else I feel like it. Lately I just off topic post, sometimes I do play journals too.
JohnLucina SomeBritishGirl
well its been a nice run switch name is JohnLucina and i'll try to get my mii name on anything else
Statisky tiko14
*** "Statisky" easy to find. Blue Birb not Articuno *** Farewell Miiverse. Thanks for the nice memories.
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Gavin Gavin2120
My old ID was Gavin781.
Shulk dgd332
You never defeated me, admins. Yours sincerely, Infernape.
Cooper CoopTheGamer17
You know what they say: "When life gives ya potatas, ya make potata salad." And I've got just the recipe! I'm very sorry to be kept waiting for a new Kid Icarus game. Play The Wonderful 101. DO IT!
MeGa sagegoomba
Bluest of Birds:@MegaTMysterious Deviοus Artist:MegaTheMysterious TumblΙngDown:MegaTheMysterious Universe of the opposite open: megathemysterious *probably will go unused* It is the end, my friends. Always remember, Praise Lord Bigley.
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Caleb BrightGalaxy
Mr. BlueBird: MachineOfMeme a CLOSED uniVERSE: BrightGalaxy A DISsing ChORD: BrightGalaxy#1073
Laruz PPLaurzAlt
At the time of writing this, I was preparing for sleep. So, I'm sorry if I didn't see any comments you made on mine or Laurzy's posts. I guess this is my final goodbye...
Gabriel henryvidal
MagolorZX #2238 Hey there. I'm just some guy on Miiverse who for some reason likes Xenoblade, Pokemon, anime, memes, and other things that I either forgot to put in this description or just didn't bother putting in. Ducks
chara 9xcharax9
JD 2 cowboydog20032
im the alternate account for JD. He got perma banned so you will be seeing me from now on. Tyranitiar is my favorite. I hate Admins as I like to call Badmins profile comment hidden by an admin
double L lldanes1
thanks aeroidy i love the willu if you want follow me please follow me hello people my name is LANCE i love aeroidy
Utu™ ACC_R2D2
<Inserte información personal que a nadie le importa aquí> <Insert personal information that nobody cares for here>
Snowcone TruUnknown
☆Hello there☆ Welcome to this random profile. *\(• v •)/* Notes: •Thx 4 all the support!★ •I draw for fun, NOT for fame. >vo Thx 4 visiting mE, Have a snowcone, any flavor! :>
(Marcus) Swim_555
Wowie it's been some time we had wasn't it? *furiously points at I.d* I hang at the verse of closed nowadays. You will be missed Miiverse. Not you badmins go away.
øηαкц οω~★ saphire600
heyo ! i see ya here for some reason truth is theres not much cool stuff here just ramdones ._. .... and i mostly just play minecraft and do crazy stuff with meh friends ... thats al i guess ....and i also do random art as i said just randomness φ~ο
Hαrrγ .·•★ Terrashock_YT245
Hey! Im a kid who turned 9 on the 23rd of June 2017! Lv 43 Spla2n2 I got the switch so if you find a name of: Harry, That's me xd I love to draw, It is my passion And Yea Boneless pizza for life for ever for in the name of memez Thx for 500+! Bye! #StopMiiverseFromShuttingDown ;^;
M.Freeman Rogan95
Favorite games: Kid Icarus: Uprising, Sm4sh, Rune Factory 4, Fire Emblem Awakening, Zelda OoT. Been here since December 2013 with a two year hiatus that started in Spring 2014. I host random stupid contests all the time, so feel free to check them out.
Caleb TheOtherCaleb
I'm not from the UK. Also, please don't send friend requests.
Sydney alphatek9
Guess this is my trashposting alt now. It's still Brooke. I'm more active on my other account: 8r00klynm8 Go follow it, there's much better art on there, and characters as far as the eye could see, I guess. **The mii is my sister, not me. I don't look that bad irl, but I still look ugly.**
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
Venoct ALT manlydipper
this is an alt used for posting when I run out of posts on my regular Wii U account oh yeah, follow my more active account known as Venoct U Fun Fact: this used to be my sister's account
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
Jonathan:D Peach5254
(An account a friend let me borrow, don't expect me to post frequently though)
Ransom Ransom.3
hey there happily taken i will do an rp or two, just gotta ask A7X (Avenged Sevenfold) and Wind Rose are LIFE for me hopefully we can be friends follow me and i'll follow back ookay bye also 18 and an amateur drummer (self taught, soo, basically i suck)
ςροοκγ~κυη thedragonite149
Let us be the ~spoopy~, my Onions! Sm4sh Mains!: (MAIN-Main) Diddy Kong - Black and Gold variety (Secondary) Cloud - Green 'Advent Children' variety (Situational) Fox - Grey fur and Black and Purple coat variety (Coming on my B-Day) Bayonetta - White and Red 'Bayonetta 2' variety I won't be very active because of school Miiverse Resident Since: March 16, 2017
reggigegis war_lizerd
@Frogmin_2 A frog is any member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, composing the or(Ancient Gree-, without + oura, tail). The oldest fossil "proto-frog" appeared in the early Triassic of Madagascar, but molecular clock dating suggests their origins may extend further back to the Permian, 265 million yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It was a good run while it lasted, guys. See you on the flip side.....