Users Ferris Is Following
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham! beards_n_sketches
7spice secretGOLF.nes
Gavin Gavin2120
My old ID was Gavin781.
Yoshi03 Flynn2013
"The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on into the future. And so if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?" - Grovyle, 2009
JohnLucina SomeBritishGirl
well its been a nice run switch name is JohnLucina and i'll try to get my mii name on anything else
Shulk dgd332
You never defeated me, admins. Yours sincerely, Infernape.
MeGa sagegoomba
Bluest of Birds:@MegaTMysterious Deviοus Artist:MegaTheMysterious TumblΙngDown:MegaTheMysterious Universe of the opposite open: megathemysterious *probably will go unused* It is the end, my friends. Always remember, Praise Lord Bigley.
Caleb 2.0 BannedFromFun
Why admins?
Laruz PPLaurzAlt
At the time of writing this, I was preparing for sleep. So, I'm sorry if I didn't see any comments you made on mine or Laurzy's posts. I guess this is my final goodbye...
KITKAT N.and.zekrom
I will leave you with this: You said you had a dream... that dream... make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it'll become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! I hope to see you all again! Well then, Farewell!
(Marcus) Swim_555
Wowie it's been some time we had wasn't it? *furiously points at I.d* I hang at the verse of closed nowadays. You will be missed Miiverse. Not you badmins go away.
ToonZach smashbrothers694
Welcome to ThatGuyWithTheAfro's 3DS account and alternate Wii U account in case my other one gets banned temporarily or permanently. I don't use my 3DS as much as I used to, so don't expect me to post here very often unless I get banned on my alt. I DO NOT USE WII U CHAT. I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly comfortable with that sort of thing.
M.Freeman Rogan95
Favorite games: Kid Icarus: Uprising, Sm4sh, Rune Factory 4, Fire Emblem Awakening, Zelda OoT. Been here since December 2013 with a two year hiatus that started in Spring 2014. I host random stupid contests all the time, so feel free to check them out.
VirtualBoy karenjs1
"People are afraid of what they don't understand." - Man of Steel, 2013 hola. my name is virtualboy, vb for short. goodbye, miiverse.
Venoct ALT manlydipper
this is an alt used for posting when I run out of posts on my regular Wii U account oh yeah, follow my more active account known as Venoct U Fun Fact: this used to be my sister's account
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
dino StickmenAreLife
"Memes are like the force: All around us and in everyone." -Me, 2017 Hey, I'm yet another Dino account, here to annoy you with unfunny memes. Here's a bit about me: 14 Nerd, Cowardly Nice for the most part Bookworm Well, that's it. Did I mention that I'm the best around? Well I am.
RealShig LegitMiyamoto
Video game designer at nintendo. Creator of Mario and all that stuff. Just here to talk to my fans. *parody account obviously*
B mamammy
Snowcone TruUnknown
☆Hello there☆ Welcome to this random profile. *\(• v •)/* Notes: •Thx 4 all the support!★ •I draw for fun, NOT for fame. >vo Thx 4 visiting mE, Have a snowcone, any flavor! :>
(?) hiscoconutgun
Cameron PokeMasterWiiU
Blushing faces covered in pink Rushing bombs, exploding ink Faces blush, a rush of ink Bombs explode, no time to think Says I only have a Wii U, but I have a 3DS and I have a Switch.
Kaede Kaedeko12
Hello!i'm 17 years old and i'm a Tomboy!Nice to meet you! Final Fantasy,Cytus,Tomato boy and Ravioli are my life. RPG Game:Justice. Don't COPY my characters for your GOALS!
ºJαιαρεñøº MONKEY2034
"When a child gets in a car and drives into a tree, you don't blame the child. You blame the adult who got into the passenger's seat and said, 'Drive, kid. I trust you.'" The car being Nintendo, the tree being Miiverse, the child being Iwata, and the adult being Tom. The tree just fell over into someone's house. The house doesn't exist.
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
Arrgh. MysteriousGopher
You have made your last anime refrence, Konata, and for that, you will walk the plank! I dunno.
Peanut Largedy2
Disclaimer: This is Largedy's WiiU profile. Make sure to follow if you are following Peanut (Largedy) Hey I'm Peanut! I like to draw and I like these games The Legend of Zelda Pokémon Super Smash Bros. Fire Emblem Final Fantasy Mother And more! Also, I am a Pansexual girly boy! Until I can get Art Academy, I won't be making many drawings, unless it's with Miiverse. Follow and Yeah, Peanut.
BwarkCase bananas1215
Welcome to my profile! Favorite Pokemon (in order): Popplio, Goomy, Froakie. Currently Tranformed into: Popplio I wear a green hoodie with a fennec fox on it and wear black glasses with black pants. Yes, I am an object show fan. Hotel Bigley room number-726 *ON HIATUS*
KekWeegy neelixnoodles
It was a good run while it lasted, guys. See you on the flip side.....