*Plinkett voice* 59 MINUTES
Ferris's Post

Well it's been a nice run. I think this is when we say goodbye before the eventual madness. I loved having fun on this place, and wish it could stay a little longer. Thanks for all the fun, fellas....

A bIu songbird once told me that there was a place somewhere that was beautiful, with all kinds of good stuff. But he told me to be careful, as Rabbit Twitches(hinthint). I also noticed an (extensi...

Well this has certainly been quite the experience. I've made and lost so many friends here and this place has been a huge part of my life. Just wanna say it was a great experience using Miiverse, a...

Ugh I just want the admins to change my profile comment already so people can still find me after Miiverse ends.

So apparently the T. Rex ate Triceratops by first dec@pitating it. I didn't know dinosaurs invented Mortal Kombat.

I seriously hope there's someone else here who watched HoopsandDinoman's A Dinosaur Story when they were a kid. I always tried to search it up on Youtube when I was a little kid. It's actually a pr...

Does anyone else think the noises animals make to communicate are kinda like the automated messages in Mario Kart Online? Like they can't do full sentences, but other animals can still understand w...

Ok, so kids dressed up as Zelda and Luke Skywalker grabbed some candy, AND their dad recognized the chestburster prop. Adding to that, the girl knew her Zelda costume was specifically from Skyward ...

lmao I let a friend use my account for a few hours and people freak out thinking someone's taken over it.
It was a good run while it lasted, guys. See you on the flip side.....