Dawson2.0's Followers
Matthew GreninjaFan91
Hi I'm a Big Fan of Nintendo. I have been supporting them since 1999. My Favorite Colors are Turqoise,Orange,Red,and Blue. Also My Favorite Nintendo Games are Mario,Pokemon,Legend of Zelda,Animal Crossing,Kirby,Splatoon, and Fire Emblem. I'm also a fan of ATLA, LOK, Teen Titans, Sailor Moon, Transformers Prime, Naruto, and Sword Art Online.
Troplay JR 04Ben08
Ich bins Ben Gucke Gerne LPM Kari Fumiko Troplay Games gucke ich:Miitopia Splatoon 2 Kanal von YT:Gertendo Yeah Rekord 30 Geboren-Niedersachsen Lieblingsessen:Hawaii Toast Info!!! es ist noch nicht fest aber vielleicht werde ich in ca. 1 Jahr wieder in Niedersachsen sein Ich habe eine Wii U Nintendo Switch N 64 4× nen 3DS Gameboy Super Nintendo Classic das war,s viel Spaß auf meinem Proƒil
richi 09richi
i am 10 years old and i love games. games are my live to me.
I'MPUSHEEN MikuFreak123
◆Iove_Rao◆ love_Rao
Ahmad SixxWrk
Just another nerd
Marco Aqua_Fire420
Pixel Da-Pixel-Artist
Yeah...this account is inactive, so I guess you can say my account is dead, I have a switch now tho. I may sometimes visit the Wii U, and talk to old friends, and..well yep. XD Thank you all so much for the followers I never expected to have more than 800! And..yup. Cya around..
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Fasil Fasil.M
Salut ! moi c'est Fasil ! vous pouvez me faire confiance (^o^) ! OBJECTIF : PLUS DE ★★★ 500★★★ ABONNER ! je connais plein d'astuce sur les jeu alors poser moi des question ! (ENGLISH) Hi it's me Fasil ! You can trust me (^o^) ! TO TARGET OVER ★★★500★★★ SUBSCRIBE ! I Know plenty of tip on the game then ask me questions!
Lenny face NoscopeProscope
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ЦÐ☆Louis Shisui-44-Fr
Hi I'm Louis and I have 14 years old ! I like vidéo games,manga/anime and I love drawing :D I speak English and French but I'm French and I do my best for improve my English level :) Don't hesitate to like my drawing and thanks you for 1700 followers ;)
Vishal Volatilis
Hey there! I'm Vishal and I love video games that are Adventure, RPG, and Shooters to name a few. Feel free to add me if you want to play, chat, and have a good time!
★☆sysy2.0 heureuxmecontent
je m'appelle sylvie j'ai 9 ans je cherche des ami(e)s . gentille ★★★★★ méchante ☆☆☆☆☆ amitié★★★★★ sympa★★★★★
im 16 year / im a wolf evil =^,..,^= / im fière / im sociable / im fidèle/ im brave/ im courage / im a emo and gothic real life / im spéciale/im no single/i luv chu 4ever∞ my baby ♀♂ NeoNull²♥♡♥♡☆★☆★☆♭♪♭♪
Spekktrem Spekktrem
Lorenzini MateyLore2
hola soy lorenzo me gusta baila comer jugar y porfiiiiiiiiiiissssssss pideme solicitud de amistad y jugar video juegos :) y por sierto tengo7 años ya se que tengo muy poca edad,amo la música alto volumen, mis youtubers favoritos son: vegeta777 wilirex bystaxx luzu games alexby11 killer creeper55 fernanfloo hola soy german juega german y sus perritos etc, ahora si gente de miverse adios .
Rodri Rodri_J
Fΐς★Jordan Nikki-pokenerd
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vinc 365354
Marco 844marc4
»^Νε•κσ^« J_Soul_Brothers5
*Je retombe parfois dans la dépression et le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif *Sûrement pas, ça pourrait-être ma vraie nature, je ne sais même pas […] *J'avais environ [x] ans quand ma sociophobie a commencé *Oui, c'est vrai, à cette époque, ma santé mentale est devenue pollué *Parfois, j'ai peur de moi-même *À cause de ma haine de soi et de la dépression qui ont de nouveau pris le dessus... #Saku
Coco Lucy563
Coucou,je suis coco et je suis fan : -Des mangas, -De dessin, -Et de musique. Note : Je suis une licorne qui aime manger du pop corn bien à l'aise devant youtube. J'ADORE les loups, les trucs kawaii et les chibis. Bientot 100 abos ‹3! Peace! ^^ ;D #I'mAnOtaku #Nekomimi A toi ma meilleure amie, repose en paix la où tu es désormais...Tout nos bons souvenirs vivront à jamais dans mon coeur...R.I.P
Micah H. KHfan826
(Farewell... ,é_è) Greetings, one and all! Welcome to my profile! ^.^ Name's Micah. I'm 17. My favorite things: cartoons, animals, anime, mangas, and Kingdom Hearts(of course). Sometimes, I can be an oddball, but that just me. Me← otaku trash...(·3·) (I'll add a few more things whenever) ★My FE Fates Castle Address★ 13278-71539-01907-14502*
Heidy heidy032006
Hi I'm Heidy. I am really jumpy most of the time. I'm sometimes funny and I like games like five night at freddy's, halo react and minecraft.
David captainaustralia
Was formerly Jacob NNID:dgb-jwb Jacob is my son's name I needed my own ID so I wasn't using his character in games anymore.
TKO EonKucax
Hello I'm a crazy monster who lives under a party rock; please don't fear me. I like Hide-and-Seek, Rainbow Ice Cream,and The Funnies. ☆If you like yourself that's all that matters☆ ~~~~ Best NonDLC OFFLINE Multiplayer/Tactical Race&Battle: Super=64=DD=Wii=8D? > SC=DS > 7 >8=Arcades> ? > ? > ? ☆☆☆ > ☆☆ > ☆ >*> ★ > ★★ > ★★★ ~~~~ Follow Me, yah dig? ((I am not an artist.)) ~I'm available cuties.~
YaBoyAlden marioman1248
Hello everyone! I love to draw!I don't take any random friend requests.I am a big fan of Nintendo I love there games,I also collect some amiibos.I have a Wii a 3DS Dsi Dslight and of course a Wii U.My Dream is to become artist/video game designer! No Wii U Chat plz :-) IntenseBeaver420 is my second account. I don't care about spelling.
Abner Renba5690
Hello everyone here at miiverse, my name is Abner. Welcome to my profile and below is a list of stuff about me. - I love drawing, video games, Art - My favorite game is Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and my favorite characters are Bowser, Fox, Pikachu, Lucario, Greninja, and Link. - I dont use Wii U Chat(so don't bother calling me). - I also would love it if people ask for drawing requests.
Isaiah kokogalnu
This user's profile comment is private.
Elliah elliah
I'm off and on with MiiVerse, but if you ever have a request, just leave a comment... =)
Au®é Aureo9
Hey ! Hablo español/ I speak and I post sometimes in English :) Salut, moi c'est Au®élien, et j'ai 17 ans! ^^ Toujours en train d'alterner, entre m'occuper de ma ville EkaLand dans ACNL et des Smash enflammés sur Wii U! Mes jeux, c varié! J'adore dessiner (hé oui, encore un…xD) des BD! Mon rêve est d'faire des dessins animés ou des design de jeux vidéos :) Mario Sunshine et les Mario Galaxy ‹3
Tark MarioSonicWorld2
Hello everyone! My name is Tariq, but my friends call me Tark. I'm a 14 year old gamer who's a huge fan of the Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Shantae, Pokémon, and Smash Bros. series. I'm well known for my fan-made Mario and Sonic pictures! I own New Super Mario Bros. U, SSB4, Sonic Lost World, Shantae & the Pirate's Curse, Nintendo Land, MK8, and Super Mario 3D World. My dream is to meet Cobanermani456!
Matthew Zombie812
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Johannes eponazelda
hi hi hardcore gamer. like rock metal punk, jeux videos, nature, l'espace. walking dead , Z nation, american horor story ,naruto, gaime of trone, one piece. rpg aventure game, tactics, mario. gta. bob l'eponge :o kaamelot marié 2 enfants‹serie slayer pantera slipknotgarcons bouchers led zep the who fatal picard. violeta‹lol ma premiere console de jeux:atari 2600.
Utsuro awetaawera
I am the Hollow one Utsuro. ._. That's it. I guess I like Pokémon. And anime. And blue. Hmm... <.< >.> @=[>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, hey, it's a Squirtle. I strive to be a neurosurgeon. Physics 'cause why not. I'm demisexual. Hahaha you don't know what that means. Sayonara.ж
LaurinLaki Laurinlaki
Semicolon Parenthesis. Hey Guys! This is Mikalaki´s 2nd Acc. It is unused yet, but will be used with the update, to have 60 Comments/Posts instead of 30.
Baccano! rurouni123
I'm a Film School student who is currently studying Animation and Japanese. I like movies, anime, manga and video games... I mainly speak English and a little Japanese... I DON'T ACCEPT BLIND FRIEND REQUEST, sorry. Feel free to yeah, comment, follow or whatever...
ƒϊşħγ Solos06
U touched my face! That hurt! Anyways, hey game nerds! I love fishing, gaming, and watching anime! My favorite Wii U games are Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 8, Need 4 Speed, Splatoon, and Hyrule Warriors. My catchphrase is''BEAST ON 'EM!'' NO FRIEND REQUESTS! NO" Only my familia and my amigos IRL are my friends! Sry! Got a SWITCH on 03/27/17! Won't be on Wii U that much anymore.
Gaëtan Honoka1994
Hi! My name is Gaëtan , I am a amateur artist , I'm 16 years old. :) Thank you for your support My second account , ID:jadoredessiner. Good visit!!!
Kirito sonicfan111
Hey everyone, I'm Dawson!
Thanks to everyone who helped me get 1000+ followers!