Users Dawson2.0 Is Following
tere Mi5aMi5a
William J. AmarL_is_Real
The fire Koopaling (Main account NNID: Nineteen)
Peach-Pit PeachyCupcake
Yes hello you are here for details ok here you go Blue Bird vvv Peachy_Pit Sunny D to the A vvv PinkArtistPeach dis[bjdnajsomegibberish]cord vvv #0456 YT vvv Same as my mii name I typed this at 4 am bye :)
Sakino KingOCalebCraft
nam jeff
→Phantom← GeckoGamin
Canartoη TheSuperMe
☆● Welcome to my profile●☆ WiiU [Connected] 3Ds(Drawing) •I CAN speak French, German, English and Japanese. •I'm member of EÐ (Eternel Drawing) and US (UltimateSplatoon) •I love duck. They're so cute ♡ •Drawing is my life. Follow : -Toad28 -Audrey_Pizza -Vicky_and_zelda -LilaLadou -Lala112 -Farb-Klekx -DemCrazyFangurlz -King_Nunca1 -LucieWii -TheSuperMe
マキシム xenobanana
雑食ゲーマー。 [やってるの] モンハン4G/バンブラP/マリカ8/各種VC /スターフォックス3D/SEGA3D復刻シリーズ [終わってないの] 零~濡れ巫女~/ベヨネッタ/ゼルダ無双/ペルソナQ /スマブラ3DS/シアトリズムFFCC/DQ10/LEGO CITY [購入決定済み] スマブラWiiU/買わざるを得ない Splatoon/一人用キャンペーンも充実してそうで楽しみ XenobladeX/オンライン要素もありそうで楽しみ 「真・女神転生」×「ファイアーエムブレム」(仮称)の 続報が欲しい… 11/16
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Yin Tsang YinShen
Hello. After many years, miiverse brought back the motivation to draw. I'm an amateur who seeks to share my passion about games while learning from the great artists found in this community. ~ Friends list is nearly full, so i will only be adding or accepting friend requests from people i've known for a while. Thank you. ~
Connor CB0525
No one asked for this update Nintendo. No One. Literally no one. And everyone hates the update. That's because it's terrible. And it ruined Miiverse.
Cameron kirbo2
Linkfanxd michael1616
Paul GamerPaul01
¤Hey Guys Am Paul! οωο ¤I like Playing, Reading,Hanging out,Drawing! ¤ I own A 3ds, 3dsxl, Wiiu,Psp Psp3, Wii, N64 Gameboy, Gamecube ¤Top 3 3ds games:ACNL SmashBros3ds Fantasy Life ¤Top 3 wii u games: SmashbrosWiiU,Call of Duty black cops 2, MarioKart8 ¤Fell Free Too ADD/FOLLOW/LIKE : D ¤Am Nice and Calm ¤Best friends are Sophie,Cody,Jay,Chris, ¤ Thanks for reading :3
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Known for having multiple World Records on both MK8 and MK8DX. You can find me as the name SuperFX or SFX.
Selena»şƒ XxMusicLuvaxX
Hi, my name is Selena aka Nina, im 22 and i love music, games, drawing, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Mario Bros, DBZ, Adventure Time, Pokémon, Bruno Mars and so many other random things ^ω^ ★•I appreciate all the yeahs and follows•★ ♥•In a relationship with Michael (Cinos)•♥ •°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•º˙°•°˙°•°˙°•
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Dawson Donutgeek
★Hi my name is Dawson, im 15 years old and drawing is my thing ! i also love to play soccer, video games and Japan ★ Here are the names of my favorite persons on Miiverse : ⇒Shing Wind, ⇒1011Tasuku, ⇒mistirius¤, ⇒P, ⇒ThE Lazy, ⇒toika-tahako, ⇒Miy, ⇒panpoko, ⇒rice775, ⇒Pokedun.taylor i recommend you to see their profile. Miiverse is AWESOME your all the best
IKAさま ikachiyo
自由気ままにお絵描きしたり、イカしたりハンターだったり雀士などをしております 共感、コメント、フォローを励みに日々精進(・・出来たらいいなあ) 特にコメントは返して無いときもございますが頂けるとニマニマしながら眺めるほど嬉しいです。 フレンドに関しましてはリア友と今まで絡んでくれたイカをプレイしている人とさせて頂いております。 フォローはするも外すもご自由にどうぞ
NinjaChips phollandns
I remember back in the early 90's when dad brought home a SNES one Friday night with Super Mario World, F-Zero and Final Fantasy II. Those were the good ol' days. I love the Virtual Console and look forward to more SNES releases. SNES favs are FF3, SMW, Yoshi's Island, Zelda, Metroid, Chrono Trigger and I really hope they release Bart's Nightmare. Addicted to the h-Yeah's
Dawson different1
Welp... guess that's that, huh? Best of luck to you afterwards, I suppose. I had my fun here, memories good and bad, but the end is coming up. psst... The bird social website for me is wet_cheese_puff and CV is Wet_cheese_puff. Maybe I'll see you around?
ProJared ProJared
I can't say where, but you can find me on a popular user-created video site, a tube that you view of sorts.
Luigi jwillz
I'm Luigi, Number 1! I'm the best! Nothing get in my way....! Except....m-m-maybe.........g-g-ghosts........ B-But...Luigi will still the job done... Oh, and don't tell Big Bro, but, I'm kind of a brony... Please don't tell Mario! I love to do art, and I draw ponies. They're so adorable! Pinkie Pie is Best Pony. My real age is 17.
★Ask★ GameVisioners
●◆hello◆● ωειсοмε το мγ ρгοƒίιε!!! name: Sebastiano (Ask) age:15 you tube channel: Game Visioners info: I like to play nintendo games first profile: sebasonic64 NO WIIU CHAT NO DRAWING REQUESTS if you follow me, I follow you!!!!!
Whiskers WhiskersCI
My thumbs play games, ears hear rock, tongue tastes tea, bowel is irritable, eyes see all, heart beats on, brain works overtime. "Social media* is a massively multiplayer online game in which you choose an interesting avatar & then role play a persona loosely based on your own attempting to accrue followers by repeatedly pressing lettered buttons to form interesting sentences." - Charlie Brooker
Magic Zant Magic_Zant
'Sup Gender: Mage Type: Illusionist 20 yrs. Fav. type-games: FPS (CoD) MMORPG (Aura Kingdom) ND¶ MZant HR100+ on MH3U, i'll help ^^ -Divine Bloodlines division "DLMs"
Oscar Soto OscarEspia
Hola, soy Oscar, tengo 21 años y soy chileno. Soy muy fan de Nintendo. Me gusta: 1) Happy Tree Friends. 2) Five Night at Freddy's. 3) Pokémon. 4) Steven Universe. Personajes favoritos: 1) HTF: Lifty, Shifty, Sniffles, Mime y Cuddles. 2) FNaF: The Puppet, Toy Bonnie, Chica, Foxy y Mangle. 3) Pokémon: Sceptile, Swampert y Blaziken. 4) Steven Universe: Peridot. Acepto Wii U Chat. Gracias por leer ^_^
ED☆Dαχυ sushies
♪Welcome ev'ryone •ώ•♪ •Hey there i'm 14! & I just LOVE DRAW!! =D a big "Thank you" for my followers, love you all♡ \(^0^ ) …Just a li'le passage in french: •Bon! Mes chers amis, abonnés... ou même adversaires :D j'vous en prie, vous pouvez regarder et suivre mes dessins! ça m'ferait vraiment plaisir! •Plz: -I take requests only from my close friends -No advertising on my drawings See ya♡
Matthew(∞) Mcubed2013
Thank you. Status: Final Project complete About me: Goodbye Miiverse! I am a graduated student who may draw on the CORD and the DEV in my spare time..when I have some. I've been a Nintendo fan for a while now, and I enjoy Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Splatoon, and a number of other franchises. Look for Gold13feet or #8793. Thank you everyone for the last three years on Miiverse!!
Red Rex RedRex357
I mostly post for video games I enjoy alot and play often. Look through my posts or screenshot album to see something that might interest you.
HugoJ8a HugoJ8a
Hello Everyone!! Love playing video games, and especially NINTENDO GAMES!!! I'll follow back if you follow me!!! I'll be drawing most of the time here on Miiverse!!! Thanks for viewing my profile! Games Playing: Pikmin 3 Smash Wii U / 3DS Mario Kart Pokemon (Ruby/Sapphire/ X & Y) Indie Games Bayonetta 1 & 2 Monster Hunter Animal Crossing New Leaf Splatoon and many more...
たけとも(LL taketomo915
普段はナットレイペースでポケモンのお絵描きしてます( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 共感、フォロー、フォロー解除は気軽にどうぞ(*'▽'*) 基本的にフォロー解除はしない主義なのでその分こちらからのフォローは控えめにさせていただいてます(^^;; 操作ミスで誤フォローしてしまった場合は申し訳ありません。 小心者なのでなかなか自分から話し掛ける事が出来ませんが今年はもう少し積極的にコメントに伺えたら良いなと思ってます(*^^*)
Calv Calvrp
I grew up with Nintendo consoles and handhelds. Lets hope they continue to create great inovative hardware and amazing games.
DarkSouls DarkSouls96
Once upon a midnight dreary, as I type this weak and weary, I promise I'll stay here more often, sincerely. Salutations! My name's Paul, a rare specimen of an italian Miiverse user: Are you impressed? No? You should be. I'm also the proud owner of two cats, Oscar and Shade. They're really cute :3
NSW☆Paul Folkloner3DS
My apologies, 3DS News on Miiverse is now closed. Thanks for reading.
ピカすー nekomepika35
ポケモンアニメ&映画20周年!星のカービィ25周年!風のタクト15周年!夢幻の砂時計10周年!ルビー・サファイア&水の都の守護神15周年!今年も周年をお祝いすることに執念を燃やしている!!← ★投稿頻度:ほぼ毎日。最近は落書きやネタ系が多め。 ★ジャンル (メイン):ポケモン、ゼルダの伝説 (サブ):スマブラ、他 ★活動内容:イラスト&ラクガキ、ネタ絵、プレイ日記 フォローの際は投稿頻度やジャンル等を見極めて慎重に行ってください。フォローの付け外しは自由ですが、外されるとやっぱアレなので← 好きなキャラ:フライゴン、ネコ目リンク、カービィ、ヨッシーetc
あああああミーバース終わるうごメモも終わるううう 最近活動してなかったけど無くなるのは寂しい… --------------------------------------------------- Hello! My name is TAWONSA.(Mario fan) I likes Nintendo's&the action of drawing pictures very much. ※I don't accept furiend code. And I can't speak English very well.
まちゅう MATyU14
今までありがとうございました。僕の手書き投稿を楽しみにしてくださった方々には申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです。 現在は青鳥をメインにダラダラとやっております。よければそちらでお会いできたらと思います。 こんな地味だった僕を支えてくれたMiiverseや皆さまには感謝の気持ちしかありません。重ねになりますが、本当にありがとうございました! Thank you everyone! Thank you Miiverse!!!
Shane DidYouKnowGaming
Hey everyone, I'm Dawson!
Thanks to everyone who helped me get 1000+ followers!