Dawson2.0's Friends
Joseph Joesphleon
Sριkεfιгε Spikeflame
Hey I'm Alex or as my username suggests Spikefire... well my ID says Spikeflame but apparently Spikefire is an inappropriate username..? >_> I am 17, and a huge nintendo fan! Particularily Mario, Zelda, Smash, and a bit of SEGA (that being Sonic!) My favorite WiiU game would have to be Sm4sh! Feel free to follow me as I post lots of Smash 4 related content, like some cool drawing or replays!
BamBam Geramey
Hi my name is geramey but you can call me bambam new to the wii u thing i normally play playstation but im coming back to my roots of gaming im looking for new friends. SO FRIEND ME!!!!!
Im Victor i have a Xbox360/3DS/2DS/WiiU Im a Big Mario Fan i have alot a mario toys and plushs and luigi to im 12 im excited for super mario maker i always wanted a dream to be a video game master im also a good editor of characters in computer im smart when i was 2-12 Im Very Proud Of Myself Im Half Peruvian Half Camden
Bryce Brycenice100
I'm a 12 year old kid who love zelda and call of duty I also help people I even do research
Nick DarkBowser01
Welcome to my fellow Miiversians! Follow me, please? Mean/Hateful = Blocked Games I play: MK7, MK8, SSB4, ACNL, Splatoon, and more! Ask before you call me on Wii U Chat! Ask me for my alt. account if you want to follow it!
Wuff AlbertoElias2000
I'm a little wolfie short and stout. Here is my tailhole, here is my snout~ When you bend me over, here me shout, "Oh- gosh, yes~ please don't pull out!"
Cole mckennaarp
Blaze 2ac84646
Sup i like playing video games
l_g_2 GW-Team
Sup GWs its me, 2G! This is my new account my old account is L-G_2_bros if you wanna know for some reason. It is in my friends list. I am here to spread God's name in peace, because I am a Christian and proud! Gotta go, God Bless Y'all, Peace!
john-w :) 078316
hay john her my real name is johnwilliam reid i am a drawer i am a traveller i am 10i like drawing boxing l am a boxer an you hit my mii an thankyou for cumming good by. go a whay! say what?you ar crazy x) come on!! ok my top 5 games 5tank tank tank 4 supermarlo3dwold 3battle for earth 2super hero 1batman
Alfredo Alfredosoup
Hello I am Alfredosoup, your geeky friend and gamer. It seems like you stumbled on my profile, well let me tell you about me and not you. 1. I love Nintendo 2. I will Wii U chat if I met you. 3. I watch the Kwings 4. I...that's it... You should visit my town in Animal Crossing, if your figure out my friend code, MUHAHA! Are you satisfied with this profile description? Yes ■ No ■
Lukey lukenbach
wesley wesley30
single bi trans woman lookin 4 GOOD TIME
my name is Bronson i have a 3ds 3dsxl 2 wiis a ps3 ps4 nexus 7 and a wiiu mk8 clan:ες leader of ες: missouri2004
Lawlyn pcmchamp
Hi! I'm Charles, I'm 17 and from Northern Ireland! I love manga, anime and video-games. Playing at the minute: 3DS - Animal Crossing, Pokèmon X, Bravely Default & Fire Emblem Wii U - Super Mario 3D World PS Vita - Persona 4 Golden & Danganronpa PS3 - Lightning Returns PSP - Persona 3 Portable Anime Watching - Mekaku City Actors Manga Reading - D.Gray-Man I also sing in Japanese on Youtube.
Cameron kirbo2
jeje jgpyro
ρгσ★Jακε♂♪ jakebailey11
I am banned from the user Jakebailey. So i'd be using this account until my main account ban expired. My other account has gotten over 5,500 posts, 1,500 followers, and over 200,000 given yeahs. If you follow me on my original account, please follow me here. My ban expire on April 17 at late night on my time.
Jeebuzz NajeeU
I love video games, watching TV and going on the internet. Systems I own: Nintendo DSi Nintendo3DS Wii Wii U Gameboy Advance SP Programs I like to watch: Adventure Time My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Spongebob Squarepants Littlest Pet Shop 2012 Teen Titans Regular Show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many more... Games I own: Super Mario 3D Land Mario Kart 7 Both Super Mario Galaxies & more
•Aidan•ツ AGamer1000
Returned 12/27/16 It's a me Aidan! Going to start drawing again in January so yep. My best friends are Liz, Came, Skulli, Alphonso, Chris, Jewels and Landon! Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros 4 too Kewl bruh I r8 it 8/8 m8 Also, feel free to Follow me!
PhantomXP Pwns129
Dear, Friends And Followers I Am Sorry To Say I Have Moved To Psn But Dont Be Disapointed I Will Still Play On Current Twitch Account Playstation But Host Wii U Games On There And Stream Wii u When I Get Capture Card And CPU So Yeah I Will Miss U All But Delete Me And Follow And Friend Me On PhantomPhysicXsV2 So Yeah Follow Me On Twitch.tv/PhantomPhysicXs Bye Friends! ;)
∞мαгqύιςε³ BigBangPegasusM
I'm мαгquιςε's second backup profile! For my main profile, I'm BigBangPegasus. For my first backup, I'm BigBangPegasus2. Please friend and follow ALL my profiles. This used to be my мαгισ™ profile, so posts made before 10 /11/ 2013 were about me being мαгισ. This is now my miscellaneous profile, and right now, I'm talking about the debate of Androids and iPhones.
B.J. ZimKirby
Hi, I'm a huge dingus. I like playing vidya gams and drawing. I draw sometimes on Miiverse here and I hope you enjoy. Please no friend requests unless we've talked before and no Wii U Chat requests. k bye
Adam xironerules11155
Hello everyone! My name is Adam I dont post much but I would like to be friends with everyone! :-D
Michael Coolguymike3910
I'm 13
Michael»şƒ CinosThePhantom
Hi there, my name is Michael but im better known as Cinos The Phantom. Im a huge fan of Sonic the hedgehog! :D *In a relationship with Selena (Nina)* Age:21 SPEED FORCE: a team i created at first to help support the Sonic franchise. P.S.- I draw for Fun, not for Fame. with that said i hope you all enjoy my art! ^.^ »şƒ
K1★ K1.Crash
【大学2年目になりました 17/4/27】 閲覧有り難う御座います。以下、スペック的な ・道産子の学生 ・2013/3/16U購入 ・アニメカービィ好き ・マリカ8はガチ勢です ・スマブラ4はデデデ使いです ・東方に絶賛どハマり中 ・共感、コメやフォローはお気軽に ・上手い絵、分かる投稿、返せなかったコメントなどに共感します ・テレビ電話不可 ・人をよく選んでフォローしています。 ・l can speak only easy English. I'm 19 years old. 絵のリクエストは受け付けられません また、都合上コメント返しは基本遅れます>< フレンドはよく吟味します [個人的なカービィ神曲ランキング] 1.マスクドデデデのテーマ グリーングリーンズ 2.コルダ 常夜の星ハーフムーン 3.激突!グルメレース SDX,Mt.DEDEDE 4.マルク戦 洞窟大作戦
Ben LuigiIsAwesome2
Hey I never use Miiverse or my Wii U in general. k bye
Folkloner Lonefolker
Folkloner's Personal Account. Status -------- Wii U News - Folkloner (active) 3DS News - Folkloner3DS (active) Playing (Wii U) -------------------- Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 Zombie U Playing (3DS/DS) ---------------- Luigi's Mansion 2. StreetPass Fishing. StreetPass Zombies. Future Titles --------------- Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS) Mighty Switch Force (Wii U)
Flame hollybacon
MiiYourMii Total_Gaming
Hello! I'm MiiYourMii! I'm a avid video gamer who loves Nintendo! My favorite video game series are Mario, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Madden, Super Smash Bros, Sonic, and Animal Crossing! I also enjoy sports! My favorite teams are the Orioles and the Colts!
Macklin Macklin
Hello there! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me. I like Video Games. And I'm a boy. Not a girl! That's all you need to know for now so thanks for reading this. Bye!
Flik Beffyjane
Back here for now! Heyo^^ long time no see! I took an unintentional extended break from miiverse. I'm in the middle of exams, so it just kinda happened ._.; But hopefully I'll be on here more now ^^
Jem♪ Jemi-01
Hello people, welcome to my profile! I suggest you turn back now as you won't find anything recent or interesting... So, yeah. (Unless you still want to look, go ahead.) ☆ηοτε☆---★*Sorry Guys, taking a long break from Miiverse, I hope to be back very soon so bye-bye for now!*★
エナ/Ena LeoneoL
共感、コメントありがとうございます。 Thank you everyone for the kind comments and Yeah! MK8:Viva Miiverse☆
2014★dhian sabnamas
goal: 150 followers! Could 25 more people follow me? Followers: 25:11/07/13 50:18/09/13 75:26/01/14 100:18/02/14 125:31/05/15 150:??/??/15 M.K.W stats: characters to unlock: 1 v.r:8444 (yahoo) b.r:5632 (yahoo) golden wheel Rank:★★ W.S.C Grades: Tennis:★6 Bowling:7 Golf:3 M.K.8 Stats: V.R:3367 B.R:1653 #Follow4Follow Enjoy looking at my posts! Bye, and have a nice time!
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
©onno® Mr.cman
Kyle bobthepig
Welcome to my Miiverse page! \(^o^)/ Favorite Post: Viridi in SSB4! I like a lot of things: •Luigi, Kirby & Toad! •Kid Icarus: Uprising, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker & Super Mario Galaxy! •The Kirby Dance! ^(^·^)> <(^·^)^ <(^·^<) (>^·^)> ^(^·^)^ Game Progress: ☆ Completed SMG2; 242/242 Stars! ☆ Completed SMG; 121/121 Stars with Mario & Luigi! ~Thanks for 25,000+ Yeahs!
Çħąõş~Jõjõ jojo23
Hi, I'm Joseph. My favorite Nintendo character is Mario, & my favorite video game series are: Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, etc. One of my favorite hobbys to do, is draw. So enjoy my artwork, wish to follow, comment, & ask for drawings. And don't forget to check out my best friends, like Max, Benny t, Nat, ©onno®, Gamerboy64, Kerem, Kyle, J~Pιαy & many more! :D
Eric Aerius_Sygale
Greetings! I hope that life finds you all well. I am a fan of Smash Bros., Super Mario and Pokémon mainly, and am a furry (wolf). :3 I myself enjoy star-gazing, swimming, and have some interest in Tennis and Golf, but am not really a sports fanatic by any means in general, just casual. Oh, and I'm crazy about the game Okami, probably my favourite video game of all time... Truly one of a kind… <3
Dj ChuggaaconroyLuv
Hey Everybody it's Dj!Welcome to my miiverse profile!I am a huge fan of Nintendo and Mario.I own 95 Wii games,140 3DS games,and 30 Wii U games (maybe even more)!If you wanna add mii as a friend i'll be happy to be yours!Also im a self taught artist also.Now I started drawing on art academy.
Xander XanDaMan
Welcome to my profile! Im a professional Sm4sh player! That diesnt mean I dont play others games though. ;-) Im currently playing Splatoon! I also draw and do news updates sometimes. Feel free to send me a friend request anytime, I will accept! Cant wait to see you around! „„„„„ ˇ\(õ¸ô)/ˇ («~») ˛/ \¸
MoonMoney MoonMoney
Or Moon for short ^_^ Thank you Miiverse for all the support over the years. There are so many great artists here that love to share their imagination. Miiverse is a wonderful place to view artworks. Thanks for the inspiration, and if I have inspired you in any way.. my heart is happy ^o^ Joined Miiverse Christmas 2012
Tino FaustinoRojo10
My favorites: •game franchise- Super Mario •Wii game- Super Mario Galaxy •3DS game- Fire Emblem Fates •Wii U game- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U •rapper- Young Thug •TV show- NCIS Mario Kart 7/8 main: Rosalina SSB 3DS/Wii U main: Rosalina, Cloud, Link, Corrin, Mega Man
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
The Hat davethehat
Hi everyone! Feel free to send me a friend request if you want to play any games with me (I'm not much of a challenge though LOL). I love looking at the awesome artwork people have been posting on miiverse - it's really inspiring!!! Fave games at the moment are - Yoshi's Woolly World Splatoon Tomodachi Life Zelda - The Minish Cap Gargoyle's Quest Metroid Fusion Metroid - Zero Mission
arugam arugam
Wave, snow and Epona rider Miiverse was so cool... :( Thanks for your so many yeahs and comments. Greatly appreciated ! But many friend requests I can't accept... Sorry for that. Feel free to follow If you like my stuff ! :) Aru
Aaron Wariofan64
Hello, everyone thanks for stopping here, I really love Nintendo, and everything they put out, I'll always be a dedicated fan. I own both a Wii U and 3DS and love them, if you wanna become friends just ask! I plan to get Super Mario 3D World, and Mario Kart 8. I hope to play with you all.
SuperJDkun SupaDragonYoshi
SUPA DRAGON YOSHI!!!! Every day of life is a day to make a positive impact on others! I cannot accept BLIND friend requests so please follow if you want. I love Nintendo games and more! (Especially Yoshi's Island!) I also enjoy drawing many pictures as well as admiring others! I wish to become a game developer in Nintendo someday...Did I mention I LOVE Yoshies? p.s. I do not use Wii u chat.
Julio toad403
Profile comment hidden by admin.
FunnyDalXL Nintend0Dal
Hello! Big fan of Nintendo--first played the NES in '85. Loved Mario Bros., Zelda, and Metroid since the originals. Since I'm a fan of the originals, I started Project Nintendo Classics HD. Wouldn't you love to play the Classics in remastered HD? So would I! :D Let's get Ninty's attention! Thanks to everyone who has supported Nintendo Classics HD and continues to do so! Happy Gaming All!
Vincent MrL1333
Hello everyone. On this miiverse I will be posting thoughts to remarks as well as hints to games I have or planning to get down the road. Have fun and stay tuned. If your friends list is full just follow me.
Bomb tksbatcave
Kyle dbannon9
■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■ I post for people so I can make them smile. Oh, and just to let you guys know - I do not like to do Wii U Chat, and my birthday's on 01/16. The reason why my birthday's private is because I messed up.
Zack attak zackattak99
LUIGI IS THE BEST! Favorite Games: Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Paper Mario: TTYD, and Super Smash Bros for Wii U! Favorite Game Series: Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Pokemon, and more! I hope you enjoy my drawings! :D Check out Eric (MarioLuigiLink)! If you are a Nintendo fan, always be proud of that. ;)
King Kush KingKush
Hey everyone, I'm Dawson!
Thanks to everyone who helped me get 1000+ followers!