Just taking a screenshot before the inevitable shutdown of the feature in this community.
Sonic's Yeahs

I never really asked before because I was scared to know but do you guys think I was a good Miiverse user? Btw. I might try to speed through Leaf Green before USUM comes out because I feel like it ...

It’s been real...
Well, when I wake up tomorrow I won’t be able to access Miiverse any longer... I don’t know what else to say but, shout out to all my friends & followers! I’ll mis...

Maybe the reason why Mario is no longer a plumber is because he found a stable job as a doctor, Dr. Mario.
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive an...
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive and I absolutely love chili dogs anyways I hope you enjoy my posts if you comment on my posts and I don't reply I'm either out of posts or low on posts
Fun is infinite