Sonic's Friends
sans evanmichaelj
heya I am a enormous fan of undertale & Gaster is here _:'#`^;$@`%<;`<_::%':<>[]}(
Bendy sanstheskelonten
Hey man/women how you doing i am Bendy the ink devil and i like almost every game. im #%#^$@ years old thats it go to my post and yeah them follow me plz LATER! lol
Zelda Cool gustavom9
This user's profile comment is private.
joshua Josh535
Hiya people!!! i'm joshua and you can come by my profile if you want.
Frany TanookiHamster2
Hello! I've been on Miiverse for 2+ years now. Friend request me if you want to do stuffs together! Other accounts: TanookiHamster (ded account) TheJersyRodent (main accouht that I rarely use) Follow my friends: Mite (Midnight_Creeper) Danae (danaesa) Jade (Lovely_Rainbows)
C Meister foxylegend
Ok so you like where to find our smol bean C Meister. SAY NO MORE.... YOUTUBE. NAME IS C Meister.
ςƒ☆Mega★ SuperDude653
Hi and welcome to my profile! -I don't do Wii U Chat. -You can Friend Request Me if wanted. Birthday- January 20th Favorite Color-Purple and Light Blue Favorite Games-Splatoon,Majoras Mask,Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Maker,and Resident evil. Other acount Scoobyman10
Daysie ~^~ princess3126
Hi...there no point writing but hi im...well im daysie...this is the real me the one who played as chara from us.The one who draw the drawing. hmm this seems to be the last all of us would see each other.It very sad,but i love the support.I LOVE drawing,and i LOVE that people actually like them.I love you all my friends i love my followers i love you all.I'll miss you all(T w T)bye.I'llDrawAsICan!
jason slenderboy1987
i <3 splatoon as much as i love fnaf and undertale
sans Josiahsepeda2006
i play super smash and splatoon
slammer Gators001
Nath xXBill_CipherXx
Hey guys whats up Sniper here and heres a little bit about me. I love playing online with other people and my fav game is VainGlory. I am a Youtuber,Builder,Artist,and above all else a fun energetic Gamer. In certain games I can get competitive(especialy with friends). I will take up a challenge and I hope to get Vainglorious with 2 of my friends. So yea I will see all of u in the game byeeeee!!!
Superstar wiiuplayer936
I'm a SUPERSTAR! (Also, anyone who follows me or befriend me will become a superstar automatically too!) Also follow me on my 3DS, too! (I'll also play Mario Kart 8, Sonic Racing Transformed, Smash Bros. Wii U, Lost Reavers, Injustice, Runbow, demos, Wii Mode, and VC Virtual Console. But no Wii U Chats, please). 3DS: platinumboy910. Wii U: wiiuplayer936.
SonicDude SonicDude278
Hi im SonicDude
Skyler Skyler0531
Hi, welcome to my profile! Some know me as The Sky High Video Gamer, but just call me Skyler (and yes, i'm a guy with a girl's name, don't judge) I play sm4sh and my 3 mains are Sonic, (I regret nothing) Little Mac, and Palutena. ya doin'?
2τοгιεΙ Dying.Blades
Divined Destiny Come join some of the best Splatoon players around! ιм å çõмрётïтîνε\îñтêгмёďīāťę Šмâşħ 4\ςριατθθπ ριαγεг, ςσ ρļęāşė ďöπτ μπðëřėśťıмãťę мё! Ï’м άп anthropomorphic mother goat. ˇ ω ˇ Ï'м νεřÿ ìťęŕěşťěď īπ нεανγ шёåþõñřγ, βёîñģ αлγ ğīāлτ ωεαρσл! Ï мαιπ: Шноёνεя çâťčħęş му åțțęňťīöñ. ^ ω ^ Äм Î âñ èжþëřť? Щħāț Ďσ ÿöú țħıňк?
Shadow654 XcaliberX457
Hi my name is XcaliberX im a huge sonic fan my favorite sonic characters is 1.shadow 2.sonic 3.nux im 10 I have needforspeed,smash,MK8,supermario3Dworld, and others #hit that follow button and the Friend Request did you do it yet? no then do it!!!!! By do it !!
xander112 fambetome
Hello, and welcome to my place! Smack me in the face with a friend request, and if you like Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, or Splatoon team up with me. My goal is 100 Followers. Also, if you friend me, I will follow you. If you do, thank you for everything! Also, shoutout to my boi Traiter. Bye for now, see you next time!
★Mario★ SirAnthonyIV
Hello you hacked your way into my profile.. Here's some stuff about me Fav Food: Tacos Fav Nintendo series: Duh! Mario Main Games I play: SSB4, Mario Maker, MK8 Systems: Wii U 3DS Xbox 360 Xbox one N64 GameCube Fav Dog: Pug Favorite Game series: Mario, Smash, Kirby, Call of duty, Legend of Zelda Favorite Game characters: Mario, Shy Guy, Luigi, Kirby, Link, Yoshi... ect
Trevor333 Trevinator333
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
Sonic jacksondad
Sup! I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! My best bud is Tails! My enemy is Sonic.EXE. I play Mario games. I do like Super Smash Bros! I also play Splatoon and Minecraft! You can send a friend request if you want! I would be happy if you followed me! I'm not a good drawer. I like memes. If i'm not posting, i'm probably asleep or doing something else or out of posts. GOODBYE EVERYONE.
Sora fimasterkeyblade
Hi! The name's Sora! Welcome to my profile!~ Fandoms I'm in: Steven Universe Danganronpa Kingdom Hearts The World Ends with You Zelda Pokémon Fire Emblem Hetalia Je parle Français!~ That's it, I guess! Feel free to talk to me whenever you feel like it!~ Oh, and please use whatever pronouns you want when talking to me. ^^
SwordEater DeathFlamed
Getting my smash on! with endless (or supposed to be) stages (aka trap) more fun with lava and no death right?.. on nonrelated note if you see a guy named HOLLOW... its definitely not me... -wipes sweat-
Royal SimpleSlat113
ANIME LUV ANIME LIFE. You can call me royal THE AWESOMELY AWESOME ARTIST WHO LUVS ANIME AND VIDEO GANES, ALL GAMES. I also might be a little over dramatic.
phenoixOne mbrown321
hey i am back! we are almost to 400 so keep it up and i will still following you back when you give that thing to me! thank you everybody whatever happened to you is still hete in your heart so now LET'S DO This!
Brandon Bran-Man213
I'm 14 and in 9th grade. Favorite Game Series: Sonic the Hedgehog Kid Icarus Fire Emblem Kingdom Hearts LoZ Smash and the Naruto Ninja Storm Series Things I like to do: Play Video Games Watch Anime Play Sports And Hangout with my Friends. FR if you want to play Byee
Smacked facingfire
Profile comment hidden by admin.
LBF3 LittleBigFreak6
Discount memes. What is Yoshica again?... oh... well hi... dont mind me, im just here cuz.. why not i guess. personally a fan of: Undertale FNaF Metroid Pokémon LOZ Minecraft LBP few favorite chars: Latias, Latios, Yoshi, Link, Samus, Asriel, Sackboy
Dragon Boy TheTommyFamily
Hey There! Im Dragon Boy! im gonna tell you about myself I play a lot of cool games i got a crush on dragon girl some of my family members backstabed me i get angry sometimes got no IRL friends and like rap battles series like ERB see you later!, peace out! :3 AND STOP FRIENDING ME!, IS ANNOYING!!!!
Claude domanatedorb90
Hi,Welcome to my profile I mostly play Super Smash Bros Fell free to friend request or follow I would be Happy My favorite Character is Cloud I mostly like to post super smash bros photos of Cloud, Ike, and other characters like my mii I don't do wii u chats Sorry Smash 4 Life XD I Like Making New Friends but I do not accept blank friend request I also take request!
JON MeasuredMage31
Mario nascardriver24
tenessee gt4120
Malon spideyrules123
Hi there i'm Malon not the farm girl btw and i like the following Legend Of Zelda Super Smash Bros. Kid Icarus Fire Emblem also Xenoblade Chronicles Monster Hunter Ultimate last but not least Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy Age:15(yup) I love anime if you noticed those all have been on nintendo systems i really can't name the rest Friends:Star Alex Deadshot Lana and LadyNoir and etc.
Ash Viper500X
Hi everyone! I'm 26 and a gamer with many favourites that enjoys anytime he can get to play (when work isn't a factor) I don't accept friend requests that don't have a message attached
Tomslayer Leharal
Hello my name is Tommy. I love playing video games. Favorite game of all time is final fantasy 7. I also enjoy watching animes. favorite band: korn will accept any friend request I am also a youtuber that does let plays, if you want to be in a video let me know and I'll try to get you in one
Red Damion14
Hello everyone! It's good to see you all! I'm 18 years old. My favorite color is red. I like Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, and Super Smash Bros. I don't Wii U chat. I am a saiyan warrior, Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue Princess Peach from evil. If you like to be my friend, feel free to send me a friend request.
Huntey b traiter
Hi i'm a fan of Minecraft,splatoon,and YT which isn't really a game but I still like it my goal is 100 followers also shout out to my bro fambetome thx and peace out.
Upsy catkid64
hello my name is carlos but you can call me catkid. some of my favorite games are tomodachi life,animal crossing new leaf, super mario 3D world and many others. So welcome to my profile if you ever did read this.
Tiggy tiggylechat
EspeXspe EspeXP
Iury IuryAlasPavan
Me add no Miitomo. Guys add me on Miitomo.
I Am Back! toddgraves
Hola, amigos! I'm Hosé! You may know me as a friend of the user Parker and that would be correct! I've the same rules as him! Don't forget to sign up for a spot on the A.T.D.F! Now it's time for some words from my friend Parker! Hello, everyone! This is my back up account for when I run out of posts or get banned! I love making friends! I hope you all have a good day!
Matt TheMattman368
The twilight of Miiverse is upon us. To that I say: Google "InChandyWeTrust." You're welcome! Welcome to my page. I used to mostly just post funny stories and sly remarks in the games that I play, and asked only the REAL questions.
Eyyman Eman59
Come on and slam, welcome to the Jam. We used to play smesh a lot but we've moved on to other games. The Jammers: Eman, King of Slams (Lord Gabendorf) Aaron, King of Dodges (Mergermin) Christian, King of Combos (Merio) Alex, King of Dunks (Yosheh) Adam, King of Edgeguard (Nuss) Travis, King of Grabs (Olimer) Ryan, King of Shields (Toon Lonk) Drake (Clud) Dan (Corrin in the House)
michael skystar
Profile comment hidden by admin.
♂Katsudon sonic4life
Hi my name is (♂Katsu-Don) and i'm a big fan of Sonic, Kirby, Mario and alittle for Pokemon. Its fun playing all the sonic games even SA2 thats my favorite because the Chao's are fun to play with. Kirby air ride is the game I live for since its always fun to race once in a while. Smash is mostly the best game of all time for Mario. The only Pokemon game I like is Alpha sapphire, its fun to battle.
O'shay Shayno97
I'm a gamer who favors Sonic the Hedgehog. I like almost any game from Battlefield to Sonic 06 to Kingdom Hearts! Anyways, if you like online gaming and friendly conversations add me! I just absolutely love Co-op games working together is so fun, so if you need a partner for any game just gimme a ring and I'm your guy! HMU 4 SM4SH 1v1 or 2v2, I love Team battles. Trust me I'm good. #Pit&DPitMain
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive an...
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive and I absolutely love chili dogs anyways I hope you enjoy my posts if you comment on my posts and I don't reply I'm either out of posts or low on posts
Fun is infinite