Users Sonic Is Following
Derpster Alt.ChrisLopes
Ludwig BlueCinnamonRoll
Just some random teenager who clearly has no life, plays videogames and drinks Coke. I'm also an artist too, so check out my drawings when you get the chance.
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Sonic jacksondad
Sup! I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! My best bud is Tails! My enemy is Sonic.EXE. I play Mario games. I do like Super Smash Bros! I also play Splatoon and Minecraft! You can send a friend request if you want! I would be happy if you followed me! I'm not a good drawer. I like memes. If i'm not posting, i'm probably asleep or doing something else or out of posts. GOODBYE EVERYONE.
Caleb BrightGalaxy
Mr. BlueBird: MachineOfMeme a CLOSED uniVERSE: BrightGalaxy A DISsing ChORD: BrightGalaxy#1073
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
Caleb TheOtherCaleb
I'm not from the UK. Also, please don't send friend requests.
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
DarkDakota Zeldafan2i000
Hey Everyone AlaskaSnowMonkey here this is my 3DS Account I hope you like what I post here because I will be posting things from alot of Different 3DS games similar to how I post things on the Wii U
Kunbar Out-of-ideas-lol
This is Snizzle's alt.Don't expect much activity here.
ToonZach joweethehedgehog
Just call me Zach if you ever get in a conversation with me. I'm 16. I like Nintendo, Sonic, Mario, Drawn to Life, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Wayforward Technologies, Bee and Puppycat, most Cartoon Network shows, and most Pixar movies. I like to draw sometimes. So... yeah. If you like what you see, follow, friend request, all that good stuff. I'm out.
RedMarymon WarMarymon
John Peter204863
Hey there, how's it goin'? My name's John & welcome to my Miiverse profile! How I feel: Calm (I'm taken by a true Angel) I'm a gamer who likes many things. 3 being that I like to try and help other users the best I can, plus hanging out & playing fun games with friends. I may post stuff inconsistently, but I sincerely hope that you dear user enjoy my content. Ciao! :) #TEAMMADQUEEN
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
SonicDude SonicDude278
Hi im SonicDude
Nekky TheNekkyCafe
Hi, I'm Neku, you might know me from my old account... and if you do, I am deeply sorry. so um I like stuff... like The World Ends with You, Kingdom Hearts, Danganronpa, Hetalia, Pokémon, Steven Universe... feel free to comment, I guess. My main is fimasterkeyblade, by the way.
Emily divagirl001
Howdy, I'm Emily. I'm a trashy Undertale fan who likes a lot of Nintendo, and anime. My oldest post are kinda cringy so avoid them. I take art request so feel free to ask.
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
Refigth Mewtwofigth
Eh decidido que al comentar algo, al compartir este miiverse, dejare una "firma" como esta. -Asriel :3
Snizzle gill2002
From here on,this is officially my main,probably. So, yeah,this is my Wii U account, which is the first account I ever made. I mainly post random things. Feel free to follow me if you want, I guess. I joined Miiverse in December of 2014. Also, I recommend not messaging me unless I message you, since I very rarely use Miiverse on my Wii U, and I likely won't see it. Comments are your best bet.
XxDanteGxX dantegonzalez999
Chase TPM GamerChase
Hey… guys and girls…! I'm Chase TPM, also known as the Platinum Miner…! I want to give a shout out to Bowsergirl, ♪~Yoshi~♪, and Yashi for doing such epic arts! I don't accept any friend requests…! (Only when I don't trust anyone) I'm always creative and like a comedian too…! That's all I got… I think…! As always, keep calm, and mine on I guess…! (R.I.P Miiverse, I'll miss you forever!)
FogTale! FriskAndPAPYRUS
Hoya Kids! I am FogTale Sans, you can call me Fog! I was recently Frisk, but decided to change it! You can u-uh... Follow me or somethin' My size is 3'4 d-don't call me s-short..! please..? OUT OF POSTS!
Luigi Elitest_117
I'm Weeg. How's your feel? Birf-day 10/3/2002 Unless I KNOW you, please don't send friend requests. My ideas are mine don't steal them. Give poor Weeg a follow. Level 8 smash player. ArcaneScorpio danastarr02 yventura34 Psi_Rokin321 BNWiiU11 mariosonicrules ↑People who are kewl. Status: ...?
SupaBadmin STrickster824
Hello What brings you here? Miiverse is like about to end tomorrow. So goodbye
RioluGamer 698576
Hi, I'm RioluFan1987! I'm a fan of Pokémon and I really love to draw art. Taken by: ★ Umbreon Mood: :3 Here's some People you SHOULD follow on here. James/James ALT JustinRoK★ ★ Umbreon Vulpix gamergal☆ Mitchell Brandon™ InvaderSel TenshiFoxx SuperTails Michael Roxie Ryan Frost Smol~Neko♪ Claire Anncario
Cordova cordovamaster
Profile comment hidden by admin.
★Dr.Mario☆ Mari0AmyBlaze
Mario: Hello. It's-a me, Mario. They are Amy Rose and Blaze The Cat. Blaze & Amy: Hi. Mario: Here are the things we like: Games: M&S A T O.G, O.W.G, LONDON 2012 O.G, SOCHI 2014 O.W.G & Rio 2016 O.G MK8D Mario Sports Mix Super Mario Odyssey Mario Super Sluggers Super Mario Run SJF M+RKB C3 S&tBK SSB SRZG MP9 & 10 NFSMWU SBRoL Couple: BlazAmy Show: SB, TG, TGT Team: Fire Hammer Fighters
SONIC Sonic22414
Takashi lizuka: "We aren't aware how fast Sonic the Hedgehog is, in some games he is able to go beyond the light barrier. We don't really know, the best way we can say it rivals the famous comic book hero, The Flash."
Corrin zeldalink1239
Profile comment hidden by admin.
TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Sans ButterQueen12
You guys make me smile, especially when I posted my Undertale Pixel Art. You guys are AMAZING! Vulpix is my favourite Pokemon! My favourite youtubers are: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, PythonGB, 8-bit Gaming and Ryan and Other Ryan, DanTDM, MessYourself, Oompsville, PopularMMOs. My favourite Video games are Undertale, Minecraft, Terraria, Scribblenauts, Mario games, Zelda, Tomo Life, FNAF, Pkm GO.
Snizzle SnizzleALT
"If cheese could cut the cheese,what would it be called when cheese cut the cheese?" -Snizzle,2017 Random facts about me: -I think the admins are terrible -I love Kingdom Hearts -I'm random sometimes JOSHUAAAAAAAAAA!
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive an...
Oh you tapped my face I guess I should tell you about myself I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive and I absolutely love chili dogs anyways I hope you enjoy my posts if you comment on my posts and I don't reply I'm either out of posts or low on posts
Fun is infinite