Ed's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Edward_Wetter2



12/05/2015 8:52 PM

I too busy preparing for a move to do anything for Valentine's Day. I was in the middle of said move on St. Patrick's Day. My granddad was in the hospital on Independence Day. I stopped celebrating...



12/02/2015 9:41 PM

"I'll have a tall, skinny, decaf, soy vanilla laté, extra hot, with cream, double-sleeve, no cup." ~Tim Hawkins



11/29/2015 10:18 AM

Real conversations between me and my brother: Example 1 Brother: This doesn't make sense. Me: Neither do you, but I ain't complaining. Example two: Me: *Makes random observation* Brother: Nobody ca...



11/26/2015 4:38 PM

Random things I learned this Thanksgiving... First off, the Thanksgivng Day Parade is much better if you listen to your own music while watching it. Nothing like seeing some singer lady I don't car...



11/12/2015 7:14 AM

So did y'all do anything special for the vets yesterday? My Youth Group hosted a spaghetti dinner for all the local vets... that almost crashed and burned. We need better coordination. XD



11/08/2015 8:59 PM

My little brother got an Apple gift card recently. So far all the music tracks he's bought are by Casting Crowns. I've taught him well.



11/04/2015 9:13 PM

I have the biggest feet in my family. Not to gross anyone out, but they're also the hairiest feet in the family. My brother looks at me and says I'm turning into a hobbit. My dad looks at me and sa...



11/03/2015 7:53 PM

Pretty much every second of the day I have some song stuck in my head. There's never a time when I don't. I've woken up in the middle of the night with a song I haven't heard in weeks playing on re...



10/31/2015 7:57 PM

Just saw Woodlawn. That movie was fantastic! Better than Jurassic World, IMO. Seriously, go see it if you can find it! The whole thing was great, down to the hobbit inclusion!