Ed's Followers
popularmmo ssgill
guys im im ofline in november cause miiveres is going to be unavalible to all residents in miivreres
Potatoes ZSAyden
Wazza fam? Looks like you came across my page. I'm Ayden! The nerd who is soon to get a new perscription for nerd glasses. I'm into things like... -Minecraft -Splatoon -Steven Universe -And Fictional Crystals God Bless, Potatoes in the chest #MiiverseUniverse When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in the eyes of doubters. Then realize you are getting yelled at for getting juice everywhere...
Rog sixions
This user's profile comment is private.
Charcho Greninja222222
Greetings, my name is Emily. Yes, I'm a girl. Nicknames: Percy, Charcho, Crow, Mew Machine, Emmy. If you see me mention the following names, I'm talking about my characters: Charcho, Takina(TOCK-EEN-AH), Percy, Cleo, Milo, Rowan, & Crow, Lyra. (Charcho & Percy are my fursonas, Crow is my superhero persona.) I really wish I had more room, because I would add much more buuuuut... I can't.Oh well.
Percy LuigiOrSomething
Aye, how you be fellow readers? I'm the same person who's runnin' Charcho's profile! If you want to see more of me, go put in "Charcho" in search users, and there you go! Simple as that!
★ Wolfy ★ WolfyManga175
Wolfy's here! ^_^ Things I totally love to do are: •drawing manga •playing video games •watching TV •reading •watching videos •playing the game "Animal Jam" •writing Anyway, thanks for everything! Also, please comment on my posts for Miiverse! :D
Lil_Bear ariel214
oh hello...you found me!! Hello and welcome to my profile!!! ^^ ~things you should know about ____me~__________________________ ~My name is Ariel,& I am 14 yrs old. Relationship status~taken by;Don The Mage fav color~Blue PLS↓↓FOLLOW↓↓ these Amazing people... 1.Don The Mage 2.Alexsong 3.BigBrother my fav animal~unicorns ^^ {my purple unicorn mr.pickles} ~follow for follow~ \^0^ bye!!!!
Ξιεçłřĺć xX2cat234Xx
If you aren't Reptilian, You arent a human. LeafyIsBeefy. ... Jk, i accept all here. But seriously. Leafy rocks. Welcome to my profile! R.I.P my OC. and good riddance too. hi im the new electric. be sure to follow me at the nintendo id: 2cat234 MIDNA SHOULD'VE BEEN IN SM4SH >:C Midna is the one thing i wanted to be when i was 7. Also. I love speedrunning.
ΣmDerp Nightbreeze2009
Jenna casotheboss
HUGE fan of Nintendo! Follow me if you want, this is my 3ds account I love to workout and play soccer and eat healthy ^-^ Thank you and have a great day! :D "Soccer is not a sport, it's a passion" Don't ask me if you can have some of my Pop Tarts >:)
Diamond landmarkchurch2
Welcome to my page!!!!!! •Member of praise team •I like to read adventurous books •Play piano •Volunteer/Community service •I love traveling •I'm always trying something new My friends call me weird and funny. I don't see the weird part though. Hahahah Well.....byeeeeee!!!
Nin◆Paddy† PaddyE
Hoy I'm Paedric! Me: Christian Male I'm 14 and 6"1 Clans: Leader of the StopTommy Clan Nin◆ Peeps to Follow: Ed™ (Edward_Wetter) Jess (coolspike80) Kong (Skyrocket712) Noah (NV63NV) Clarence (Tinyboy1997) Winnie (PikachooGal) Zom (phonatgeodeZom) Elzonire (TheWindMage) Noelle (lego_lover96) Diamond (landmarkchurch2) Ray (rayolinels) Maguire (Mcgreen554) Megan (Giant.Squirrels) #ThankYouClarence
UF27-77•FF SuperSonicKirby7
~Remember to Notice Detail. I'm 14. My name is Winter. I'm very self-critical. Orange & Red combined are ideal enough to fit in with my Nature. UF27-77•FF my nickname is a never ending equation. ″My favorite number is 27.″ #TØP ♪♪Guns Før Hands…Fairly Løcal…Heathens…Ride…Stressed Øut♪♪ ….Depression..Hurts.... Severe Anxiety & Anger Issues… Døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank yøu. I-/
IWAMO29~~ 21_Pilots_29
~Every action has a reaction. Remember to Notice Detail. Yo, I'm Winter. I am 14. I have severe Anxiety & Anger issues. My two favorite colors are, Orange and Red. The number I like best is, 27. UF27-77•FF, my nickname is a never ending equation. Shout out to Ed™ #TwentyØnePiløts Døn't trust a perfect persøn, and døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank you. I-/
Irish Girl Cap-lover
Hey everyone:] Today is my last day on Miiverse just so ya'll know. YOU ALL have been AMAZING. I'll miss you guys more then words can tell. I leave at 10:00 P.M. LOVE Forever!!!!
Lily BestSwimmer10
Hi im Lily some of you know my other user lilypad8 .
Tyler triplets27
Hey my name is Tyler, I'm a nice guy, I'm a grown man. I'm in love with a girl and her name is Ariana Grande. She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in my life. I love Ariana Grande with all my heart and soul and I promised to love her forever. My favorite character is Waluigi. Waluigi is my number 1 favorite character that I've played all the time.
Connor biglink64
hello my name is connor and i like splatoon im 11 yrs old level: 42 rank: A and if you follow me i will follow you and let see if i can reach 150 followers
)/'`_')/ Perogi101
Back from the dead. Sorry for being a jerk back in 2015-2016, I don't even know my past self.
RMI Coilee
Hi mi nam is Coley. I spel wrng on purpose. :D Sooo... yeah. We can play mk7, acnl, smash bros. together. Yays. My Goal of followers is 200. When i get 200, im gonna do a Q&A!
Greg bisayako_09
kierra karasid
@kararosier is my insta \_(*-*)_/
PixelGamer brayandanniel
Hello Everyone im PixelGamerTag here and im here to play with everyone My favorite game is Minecraft
Nathaniel totodile1024
Hi. I am a Christian. I like Pokemon. Smash Bros., RPs, Fossil Fighters, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and several other things.
ΣmDerp poookachunk
My previous main is "pookachunk" Heads up: Since I was starting to dislike my fursona's name, "Echo" I have changed it to Charcho.
Wafflepro Spirittracks1234
Heyo I'm Dillon also known as ShyGuyBros. I am a bigh Zelda, Mario, and Steven Universe fan. I am a Youteber also! Anyways have a good day an I'll seeya later!
Jackonator gamehead07
Its a bird! It a plane....No its jackonater the one you count on for fun =3. Heres some things I♥.... Favorite candy:Hersheys Favorite Superhero:Cyborg Favorite music:Chainsmokers Favorite sport: Foótball Favorite games: I love lego games Favorite show:Family guy (dont judge me) I think thats enough i have 3 bros and 4 sis (all nice) Now i have to save the world bye!!!!! Btw Stay cool$
[A]Karoshi SuperSonicFan14
Hello, I'm Ethan, leader of the Assassins clan, and this is my profile. I like Anime, Games, my friends, and my GF^^ Favorite Animes-Black Butler, Gurren Laggon, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Tokyo Ghoul, Psycho-pass and many more ^^ I also like drawing so if you want to ask me for a drawing request feel free to ask. Kick logic to the curb and, DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
Ghost Cora Articoco15
Hi! How's it going? I'm KoCora. I'm a Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy typing poems, drawing pictures, a Christian, and I am a kind person. And those of you that are wondering who I am, I am also Coco's alt.
swagmaster adamtadlock1993
I will be posting everyday now so follow but one rule no like bombs tell me a joke in comments I love EMINEM.
Ed MeantToLive
DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. This is the new alt. of Edward_Wetter used to get an extra thirty comments. Miiverse screwed all my 3DS alts.
Scott MarioMinecraft32
Hi! I'm M.K Dude64, but you can just call me M.K. To be honest, I like splatoon a lot more than Mario Kart, but whatever. Hey, if you see i'm online playing splatoon, I check Miiverse in between battles, so feel free to msg me if you wanna 1v1 me m8.
Hey, Im Rebecca i like " The Legend Of Zelda " i like all games. and i like to play sports my favorite college team is Oregon Ducks cuz i live in Oregon.. SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST over 13 only..
Diamond landmarkchurch3
Hi I'm Diamond. I hope we can be friends sooner or later. I may not be on miiverse that much though.
Irish Girl 143.t63
Hey Lady's and Gent's, Welcome to my profile^_^ Here are some things about me:] I'm a Christian:] I'm Part Irish and Part Canadian:] I am Homeschooled I LOVE Reading I'm a Junior in High-School I love talking to don't be shy to say Howdy:] I LOVE Music!!!! It's like my passion:] Hope you enjoy your stay:] Shout out to Ed, Noelle, Isaiah, Jabber, and Enzo!!!!!!!!!
Yamizonire TheGustMage
×Outcast× Yveltal4528
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Seth Smith hsbndfn
Hi my name is Smitty! Games I love: Uncharted 3, Minecraft I am: A paramedic in training, Fisherman Single Hobbies:Fishing, watching youtube So bye... Y r u still here creep GO!
♪Sierra♪☆ EeveeRosee
Hiya! I'm Sierra. :3 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ I'm a Christian homeschooled teen girl who loves pokemon and cats! Drawing and animation is my passion. I'm also a writter. I've written and published a book and am working on several others. If you ever need anything let me know ok? And if your from Flipnotes than plz say hi once in awhile. Flipnote buddies are always welcome! See you! >w< ~SR☆
Greetings, humans. You may address me as Mr. Edward Wetter. This is my alt. acc...
Greetings, humans. You may address me as Mr. Edward Wetter. This is my alt. account used to cheat the thirty-comment limit. If you actually care about me, my main account is Edward_Wetter.
Some stuff:
Archery fan
CCM lover
Fried chicken tastes good