I just got the most powerful weapon in the game, the Gaia Blade! NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!
Ed's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Don't do it! Don't you dare yeah this post! If KoCora finds this post has too many yeahs, she'll delete me and take my place as the new Coco! For my sake, don't yeah this!

Why is it that every time names come up as the subject, there's so much redundant and unnecessary controversy and miscommunication?

In English (especially for names and nicknames) is totally unreliable for determining pronunciation. If people call her Charcho in real life, or just looking at how it's spelled uniquely, I'd be pr...

Okay, seriously, why does this keep being brought up? It's named after Charcho. Simple as that. It's nothing for everyone to get in a tizzy over. Whether it's called Charcho, Echo, or ZNG, the chai...

Continuation of recent post.
I need a name for this. So I don't have to keep saying continuation.

My mom's definition of fitting and mine are differing. My shoes are covered in holes but still are comfortable, usable, functional, and don't press against my toes. She can't convince me to get new...

vote for gumshoos and make pokémon great again. he'll build a wall between johto and kanto, and make the gen1ers pay for it. he'll deport all illegal ludicolo back to hoenn.
Greetings, humans. You may address me as Mr. Edward Wetter. This is my alt. acc...
Greetings, humans. You may address me as Mr. Edward Wetter. This is my alt. account used to cheat the thirty-comment limit. If you actually care about me, my main account is Edward_Wetter.
Some stuff:
Archery fan
CCM lover
Fried chicken tastes good