NSW☆Paul's Followers
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
Hello. My name is Jonah. I'm going to work with Nintendo and nobody's going to stop me. Games I enjoy: BOTW Pokemon Mario Tomodaci Life Kirby Kid Icarus Splatoon Minecraft Beginner at coding. What's that you say? You want a follower? Then follow me. Member of Μмк, Eclipse, and the Star-Heart Evee Trainers. Check out @lukenerve my Μмк pals and my friends. I think I'm done. Peace Out.
Λ ƒoııошεг YourFollower
Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue Karibu Bem vinda Добро пожаловать Benvenuto gratissimim Welina Herzlich willkommen
Vinayak#42 Vinayak2002
Had a great 4 years on miiverse, sad to see it go but looking forward for what the future holds for me. Thanks for everything guys ♥️ Top 10 favorite games 1: Splatoon 2 2: Animal Crossing NL 3: Minecraft 4: Lego Dimensions 5: SSB4 6: Fifa 17 7: MK8 deluxe 8: Undertale 9: Pokémon Y 10: MK7 Thanks for 2023 followers man!
ÇÄ8 KinPŔČ Total-KintrolK3
Sup This Kin Your Neighborhood Miiverser, Shopper & Surfer Follow Me if your interested in my updates and the like.. Clan-Follow = Insta-Block Being Rude/Insulting = Report Proud Member Of Pure Rebel Chaos #NoMoreClans #StopGoldDigging2016 #NoMoreMKCheaters #SaveMiiverse
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
TailsFan29 Dan.mi
hi i'm sonic fan welcome to my profile my favourite sonic character is tails and other sega game series i'm into is samba de amiigo,super monkey ball and chu chu rocket tails is cute sonic 06 is idk
Ferhat War_Nation
Nintendo fan since 6 years old and I love Zelda game.
louis valentin140506
Daniel SuperEarthBound
Spartan SpartanGen
azulf bomb noahbenjamin22
Hi, im azulf bomb! I play team kirby clash deluxe, super mario maker for 3DS, kirby triple deluxe, Rusty's real deal baseball, ninetendo badge arcade, pokemon shuffle, sonics lost world, teenage mutant ninja turtles, angry birds: star wars, Luigi's mansion dark moon and lego city uncover!! Have fun, guys!
Davide'pro spiderdvd-gio
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しんもも shinyaabe0725
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Kaffworld MinecraftFred
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HylianBoyz 8tan555
HI games i love are minecraft smash twilight princess windwaker And kirby! friends i like jayjaydizpro1000 Chuckers44 adumzo roeepalmon jordietelon123 and guys i dont like king luigi
Matt SammyMatt8
Hi there, my name is Sammy! Please read below and if I have something that you have or like please push the follow button on my user page. Thanks!! Favorite Color : Orange Favorite Game : LIFE Favorite Food : Pizza Favorite Softwares : Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Age : 8. Friends : 13. My friends are all fun and nice! Thanks, bye!!!
#GAOがおー# tomohina5
主にスプラをやっています。気軽に楽しみましょう。ほぼ暇な小学生です。タグマや、プラベしましょう。フォローよろしく! GODチームに所属していますチームメンバー↓ ユーニさんの動画に出ました。 1 ミラキラ様 2 セイヤ(ローマ字) 3 べイマックス様 4 はにまる様 5 のしん様 6 たおした様 7 ともだち様 8 ひるがすき様 9 パブロン様 10 バカチルノ神様 11 モモンガ様 12 りんごちゃん様 13 ゆうちゃん様 14 ちゃげ様 15 しゆう様
GODωつばさです、サッカーを習ってる小学6年生!、フォローお願いします。フレンドもお願いします。 つばさωチームに所属している人 ↓ 1とつげきろーきたん!さん 2キャベソネス2 3GODマリオで~すさん 4Godnaitomaさん (ウッシー、リオ2012、[TYI]God、ふうはや、はちやで~) 5******さん 6ちいはる♪さん 7ルシファーさん 8BB=8さん 9SSSYYYKKKさん 10のび のぶたさん(まじまんじ) チーム募集しているのでよろしくお願いします。!
rage MxM benjamin429
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Siberia troublemaker10
Hi I am Siberia, I am an emo. Age:15 almost 16 Gender: Female emo teenager Single:Yes
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
SPM★FIL★♪♪ Monkey-D-Luffy-U
Prima di leggere clicca SEGUI. Ciao, mi chiamo Filippo Carminati,vorrei essere amico di tutti voi ma non posso mi dispiace... I miei giochi preferiti sono splatoon e super smash bros sopprattutto MINECRAFT!!! il mio amico preferito è Rictec ed è anche il mio compagno di scuola, vi consiglio di diventare suo amico e di lasciargli un bel SEGUI! GRAZIE PER AVER LETTO! ☆★☆★☆★♡♥♡♥
Baby Daisy batman5050
Hey Its Baby Daisy I Play Lots Of Mario Games And Minecraft And Im Also The Leader Of Daisy Worlds (DW) Which Is A Building Team On Minecraft And I Plan On Becoming A Video Game Collector Now Consoles I Have WiiU 3DS Switch NES Games That DW Is On Mario Kart 8 Minecraft: Wii U Edition DW Members jack Baby Rosalina CHRIS phinstar markus Kris Aqua Toad (All The Toads Use That Account)
yves bifi2005
Hollo ich bin yves Ich bin 12 jahre alt und gehe in die 6 klasse und spiele auch gerne minecraft an der WII U
sky OPGamer696
i like playing zombie and lotes of games
Elen elemar2007
★~ногιιιι~★ qε ςоу мυγ сцгςΐ? ρμες ςαι δει ρεгƒΐ ☆hola unicornio soy Elena pero me llaman ele y mar [por mi hermana meri ]☆ ♥εδαδ♡ εηζяε υπ мιггоπ ▲αмιτα▼ ζεπτσ мμςноς ¿ме ςιτυες? ρυες ζε ςιτσ #i ♥unicornorns ☆мι нιςτσгια☆ si le dais a seguir? ρυes νυειαπ αςτα πιινεгς ςе forman seguidores ( ^ - ) si me sigues, tendras que seguir a mi queridisima catie! i ♥ you guapa!!!
sup_ Igameforlife
Sup guys im Igameforlife and I pretty much game everyday also mostly play minecraft but also play mario maker, mario kart8, mario party10, new super mario bros wiiu, and so much more I have so many games to play on the wiiu but just mostly play minecraft and sometimes you should go on miiverse once every two days or not whichever you want so im done and have fun whatever your playing and be cool:)
°•.ΝαΗα.•° reresysy
Salut ! Bienvenue sur ma page miiverse ! J'adore Tomodachie life et mk7 Abonne toi...↑√♪ J'ai 12 years ★☆♪
lorenzo lolodragonright
Hey welcome to my profile :) I'm Lorenzo 12 year old boy Live in the Netherlands favourite games * Splatoon * Fire Emblem * miiverse user since 29-04-2017 bye
デニッシュマイルド〆 pakun2121
画面の前の皆様こんにちは こんばんは********です 僕は、マイクラ、スプラテゥーン、YouTubeをやってます。僕は、フォロワー1000人集めたいです。 できればコメントして下さい!! (自己紹介) 名前********です! 誕生日は、5月13日です。 僕の好きな食べ物は(フルーツで)メロンです。 僕の好きなことは、パルクールです。 好きなテレビはドラエもんなどです。 好きなゲームはスプラテゥンーです。 あとはフォロワーたちと仲良くしたいです。 ありがとございました。 終わり
TheAlex178 Alexgamer8000
¡Hola bienvenido! Mi nombre es Alex, y me encantan las consolas de nintendo Consolas que tengo:Wii,wiiu nintendo switch,3ds,y game cube Hago directos Colores favoritos:Verde,rojo,y negro Juegos favoritos:Minecraft y los dos splatoon Clan:RK Adios
what? overdrive32214
dereck dereckzaid
hinata yaritzagamer
hola me llamo hinata soy de chile 2 rejion antofagasta me gusta mucho el anime espesial mente naruto shippuden y shingeki no kyokin (ataque a los titanes) y quiero ser tu amiga y podemos llegar a los 500 segidores y no asepto wii u chat conoses a grupo coreano b.a.p bts super junior blakpink big bang y seventeen me gusta los vocaloid y el yuri
Bridget cassidina
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
chipman078 chipman078
heloo wii u
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful...
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.