NSW☆Paul's Friends
Adam adamh1989
Not Ben BadJokeBen
I am not the Ben you're looking for...
Ala$kaar★ alaskaar182
Blink182, Pokemon & Writing enthusiast ♡ 21. Wales. ♥♥♥ Lord Voldemort mains Captain Falcon and his favourite Pokemon is Weedle.
ST★Gautiey SplaTeam
Leader de Triforce Gaming, une communauté de joueurs Nintendo. Nos groupes avec classements des joueurs : - Ligue PokkéSmash (Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Pokkén Tournament et Pokémon Soleil/Lune) - Mario Kart 8 & FAST Racing NEO - SplaTeam (équipe Splaton)
Lexie lexieBrewer
hi everyone
★kujo kuuuushi
Vulture Vulture1983
spNR*Lexie Mental_Midget101
Dala NUKCommunity1
Casey C.Davison
Shiroi CAiTlin.Sprite
spNR*Phil Falcon1991
This user's profile comment is private.
Monica monicanyphan
Web Developer Also a crazy cat lady!
JoyDoodle JoyCoaster
Hey! I'm Jordan! I'm Welsh! I am an art student starting at university soon, I play music on stringed pieces of wood, im fascinated by most things aaaand I play games :3 My life right there...
Haydn HaydnShaw
Jesse lovealbatross88
Essie♪ SheikEsuta
New to Wii U! Can't wait to get stuck in!
Tara Brontobyte
SouthWales SP_South_Wales
StreetPass South Wales Miiverse Account. More info to come...
sak sakuraslight
Georgina g.gartshore
This user's profile comment is private.
Blaze.Z darkblaze97
Will 57-575
Sucre☆ AlmightySmallest
Lucas|21|He/They I have an addiction to sweets and so does my squid oc. Will Splat for Cash.
TC MadHypercow
Zoëishoppy zoe_carter0304
Gamer for life! Please note i only accept friend requests from people i know. Nothing personal, honest.
Jmus Jmus07
debbie cammalot2000
SpSW☆Benji LunaRanger
Chris c1ask0
Elerious Seoppiesaur
Lewis Lewieboy124
Wii U is dead, long live the Switch and Miiverse will forever be remembered.
Jery jery97
Originally leader of Flipnote 3D Fighters. I like to play games such as Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
MrNealio MrNealio
Alex HonestChap
YouTube.com/NintendoLife NintendoLife.com
DanniPardo Danni-Chuu
Melissa ElitePeach
Goodbye, Miiverse! Thank you all for everything! See you around! Hoping to get a Switch before the year ends.
Vince Vince_l
Lloyd Dalek314
Praise the Helix!
David dudedavel
NNG▲Tony tony58uk
Hi I'm Tony and I run StreetPass East Midlands and 'Peaches and Shy Guys'
Rhys rhysm94
sheepkind regigiygas
My Japanese Miiverse account is chisaiyokai !! hi! i'm Stormy i'm 23 and i'm agender! she/they if i come off as cold or callous, it's because i have trouble wording things and deciphering my feelings, i apologise in advance!
Marcosis Megamarc9999
┏┓┏┓┏┓╋╋┏┓╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┏┓ ┃┃┃┃┃┃╋╋┃┃╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┃┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┣━━┫┃┏━━┳━━┳┓┏┳━━┫┃ ┃┗┛┗┛┃┃━┫┃┃┏━┫┏┓┃┗┛┃┃━╋┛ ┗┓┏┓┏┫┃━┫┗┫┗━┫┗┛┃┃┃┃┃━╋┓ ╋┗┛┗┛┗━━┻━┻━━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻┛
RGN☆paul paulvendetta
ROSTO max_gis
Will Wenhux
Stîfyn stephenswiiu
Shwmae. I'm Stephen from Newport, South Wales. I'm a big Nintendo fan. I'm looking forward to having more fun with my Wii U in the future. My favourite game series are Mario, Pokémon, and Professor Layton. Rhywbryd, rydw i eisiau cyfieithu Pokémon i'r Gymraeg.
TheJoker95 Emerald2013
Jen Pink-Llama
started on gameboy and N64, went backwards then forwards...!! Mario Kart was always my main game, and other favourites include AC, Splatoon and Zelda. founder of SPNW
Polz neuroscientist
Animal crossing is life
Jimbob Jimbob-NE
Call me Jimbob for short. I'm a keen gamer, owning both a Nintendo and a XBox 360 home console. Also own the 3DS, excellent handheld indeed. Getting the best of both worlds i believe. Nintendo is my gaming origins, grew up with them and still play today. See for yourselves my games. Always online, feel free to follow or befriend.
hogo_ hogofddyn
yan-sid Pippin44
Hi guys! I am the one and only Yan-Sid (pronounced yawn-sid) on miiverse. I use both my 3DS and WiiU for gaming and miiverse, but far prefer WiiU as a platform. I like assassin's creed, pokémon, the Wonderful 101, Fire Emblem, Starfox, Pikmin, and a plethora of Mario Titles. Have a look and give a follow!
spNR*Scott Scottmoose
I love everything Nintendo!
Jason Sanotan
Lex RogueEconomist
Qball8600 Qball8600
Rhydonal Rhydonal
I'm a hardcore gamer. I love playing all sorts of games. I also make YouTube videos, so check out my channel if you want to. My favourite Nintendo title is The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It may actually be Wind Waker HD now...
Thomas twadepsvita
spNR*Scout MarisaSmith
Nintendo fan since 1989! Love retro gaming, and anything Nintendo! Especially Mario Kart!
Reporter angryme
Hi, i'm Jose. I'm gamer who likes to say ''yeah''. But i'm not a ralley good speller so please don't mind about my spelling . So as a typer , not so much, BUT i'm a good drawer . My goal is to get to the popular.Also im the WiiU and 3DS news reporter. (1:00am-11:59am) Good morning worldwide (12:00pm-11:59pm) Great evening worldwide (12:00am-12:59) Awesome midnight worldwide
Mia Tiamomus
I love animals, piano and Zelda.
Goon GiddyGoons
Digging holes, stealing souls. I'm Nintendo and OverWatch trash. Danni-Chuu is my significant sinner. ♥
Guy Person Guy_A.Person
I'm called Guy A. Person because I'm very bad at thinking of names. Some say that I am banned from 17 US States. And that I only know two facts about ducks, and both of them are wrong. All I know is, if you get this reference you're probably alright in my book. Unless you're a mass murderer or something like that. No one likes them. I am also not actually The Stig.
Long time Nintendo fan, currently a student, and Welsh. Love Zelda and Pokémon especially. Member of StreetPass South Wales, avid reader, and DBZ enthusiast.
Jazzem Jazzem
24 year old lifelong Nintendo fanatic! Favourite games: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Street Fighter 2-4 Super Metroid Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney The World Ends With You Streets of Rage 2 Pokémon Blue Mystical Ninja Rhythm Tengoku Dynamite Headdy Batman: Arkham Asylum Super Smash Bros 1-4 Danganronpa And many, many more!
Kate :3 XKateTehGamerX
Hey everyone, the name's Kate :3 ! I've been a passionate gamer for most of my life and love 'The Legend of Zelda' franchise along with 'Super Mario' and Nintendo in general! I also love photography, drawing, music, swimming, social networking, animals and being with my friends & family! Don't be shy to add me my Nintendo gaming guys and girls! This community is for gamers like us to get along :3X
MarioFan98 mariofan98
Hello, My Name Is MarioFan98. Well I'm basically like mario, animal crossing, Splatoon & other stuff I Like Myself. Name Of AC Town: BellHill Favourite AC Villagers By Gender ♂ Lobo - Cranky ♀ Sydney - Normal Favourite Special AC Characters 1. Isabelle 2. Kicks 3. K.K. Slider 4.Cyrus/Reese 5.Tom Nook Favourite Mario Characters 1. Mario 2. Luigi 3. Peach 4. Yoshi 5. Toad
Sam yoshi_roks
Oliver olrodlegacy
Nintendo fan since my dad got an N64 and GoldenEye for Christmas one year. Now collecting as many Nintendo games and consoles as I can get!
Tobias ToxicTrigger
Age: 20 | 1500 Followers! | [70.75★] Reporter for 3DSNews ———————————————————————————————————————— Welcome To TobyGamings Miiverse Profile! | R.I.P Iwata ———————————————————————————————————————— ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓦⓔⓔⓚ Wii U: Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS: Majora's Mask 3D ———————————————————————————————————————— *Mario Kart 8 VR: 7533 ©2015 TobyGaming
Friik Friik90
spNR*Howwy Howwy20
Wuff welshwuff
Lazyass animator, Nintendo fan/collector. Got every nintendo console including complete virtualboy set and pokemon mini set. Always looking to play games online with others.
Victoria RiverVictorious
Michael's mummy and lifelong Nintendo gamer. Reallly enjoying XCX. Huge fan of Zelda, Mario and Pokemon. Tattoo and piercing addict.
spGS*Mark MarcoosVGC
StreetPass Gloucestershire Founder! I look forward to objecting to your claims! 23 from South West England, an anime, manga and Japan enthusiast! Looking forward to Yo-Kai Watch, Fire Emblem Fates, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Ace Attorney 6 and more! TOMODACHI TOMODACHI TOMODACHI
Dalagonash Dalagonash
Nintendo UK Community Manager! Often found posting pretentious pictures and bragging about painfully middling high scores.
matt&Ioan mattyboy2000
Euclidian EuclidianBoxes
Ben Mandalore
Been a big Nintendo fan most of my life, I started out gaming with a SNES and Super Mario All Stars. Some of my favourite Nintendo series include F-Zero, Zelda and Mario Kart. I regularly go to StreetPass South Wales meet ups. Also enjoy posting scores and times on Cyberscore and F-Zero Central.
Craig ChocolateBrush
Wii U is AWESOME!!!!
Koi NinKoi
Inactive News Reporter for 3DS News (Folkloner3DS). Kid raising takes a lot of time Nintendo fan & gaming since 1985 :) Hype meter: 0-{}{}5{}{}10{}{}{}{}{}{}{X}{}100 Games playing now: Star Fox Lego Star Wars Upcoming games: Xenoblade Chronicles X Last Completed: Lego Avengers 3DS - playing: Nothing for now Backlog: None[][][][]Medium[][X][][]High It's kinda growing! I have Switch, PM me!
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful...
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.