Users NSW☆Paul Is Following
Essie♪ SheikEsuta
New to Wii U! Can't wait to get stuck in!
Mike_Poet MikeIsAPoetThird
This is MikeIsaPoet's third account out of four, the only one not banned. Probably my last, too! I play Smash, Splatoon, MK8 and any future releases on this account. Wanna play MH3U? Add MikeIsAPoet Wanna play MK8? Add Mike_F YEAH BOMBS = BLOCK Finally a vet tech student, obviously a poet (clearly with too big a mouth since I'm banned 3 times), host of Infendo Radio!
WiiUNewsES TipperOfScales
Noticias Wii U y otras cosas, ¡ahora disponible en español! (EN CONSTRUCCIÓN) Traducciónes: Yo (PKSmugleaf) Investigaciónes, páginas del web, y autor original: Folkloner y AgentDave7 (I do speak English and will respond if talked to in that language.)
Cordero FingerGunGamesCD
I'm Cordero from Finger Gun Games. I'm the programmer of Stone Shire and Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese. Nice to meet you!
Sambo ssskidmore
Moomootown BakuTown
Can't let you do that, Star Fox. Find me on Twitter, same Mii name, different place ;)
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Ace Ace_TheSurfer
Hi, I'm Daniel Navarro from Dolores Entertainment. I'd like to share news with you about Ice Cream Surfer.
PG_kamiya PG_kamiya
『The Wonderful 101』のディレクター神谷 英樹(かみや ひでき)の公式アカウントです。 プラチナゲームズに所属しています。 その他のディレクター代表作:『BAYONETTA』,『大神』,『ビューティフルジョー』他 The official account of Hideki Kamiya, director of The Wonderful 101 at PlatinumGames. Other works: “Bayonetta,” “Okami,” “Viewtiful Joe,”etc.
Jeremy CollavierEUR
Hi! I'm Jeremy from Collavier. Sharing news on Comic Workshop, Workshop Gallery and all new/future releases.
aranok aranok29
Salut les hunters je suis Vincent Hoffmann je travaille chez CAPCOM France en tant que Community Manager Monster Hunter France. Je vous dis à très bientôt in game et d'ici là bonne chasse !
olli ollirain
Main graphics guy at Rain Games, creators of Teslagrad.
Mikael mainec
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Arch★Enemy Arch_En3MY
Skunkman Skunkman
Schnuffy HullBreach
Daniel Gump from HullBreach Studios Ltd., a licensed Wii U indie development company. We are currently making HullBreach: Uncloaked, SDK Paint, and a few other titles, for the Wii U eShop.
Greg ZeNfAProductions
Hello! I am Greg from ZeNfA Productions. Developer of ZaciSa's Last Stand & Hot Rod Racer. Please follow me for official updates on the game.
Bailey Bailey98
Wii U developer and stuff. I made Don't Touch Anything Red, Neon Battle, and Escape From Flare Industries.
Ed SaturnineGames
Game Designer for Saturnine Games.
ふらいはいわーくす♪ flyhighworks
フライハイワークスの広報です! ウチのソフトをプレイして、もし面白かったら eShopでおすすめ投票してね!1番の力になります! 厚かましくてすみません!><; 最近のイチオシ→ ●アルケミックダンジョンズ ●王国の道具屋さん ●アーバントライアル:フリースタイル2 ●Ninja Smasher! ●スバラシティ ●SEVERED-セヴァード- ●ぐるみん3D ●クエストオブダンジョンズ
James jsaito
I'm James and I am an official Wii U developer. I'm the game designer and programmer of the game Armillo.
O2 Games o2games
We produce titles for health and family: you can call them "Healthy Games"... Fit Music for Wii and Wii U Baila Latino for Wii U Luv Me Buddies Wonderland for Wii U and 3DS
Game Designer of and Creator of Kubi the Bit Boy!! Nintendo licensed game developer - it's fun to play Always working hard on games with my characters ZeLeLi, Kubi, Niki and H... oh sorry, don't want to spoil you! ^^' Now on eShop: Bit Boy!! ARCADE PUZZLEBOX setup Always Happy to see Fans following me @BplusGames
T.Sugioka IS_JP_Sugioka
インテリジェントシステムズの杉岡 卓(すぎおか たく)です。 『引ク押ス ワールド』のディレクターです。
T.Sugioka IS_US_Sugioka
I'm Taku Sugioka of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, the director of Pushmo World/Pullblox World.
Julio Julio_EnjoyUp
Hi, I'm Julio, Game Designer of Abyss, ZombieBBQ, 99Bullets, Rock'N Racing Off Road... feel free to ask me any comment about our games.
imamura NintendoImamura
任天堂の今村孝矢(いまむらたかや)です 「STEELDIVER SUBWARS」のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Takaya Imamura from Nintendo, director of SteelDiver SubWars.
JoBi JooBii
Bruce Nnooo_Bruce
Hi, I'm Bruce from Nnooo. We made the award-winning escapeVektor, Spirit Hunters Inc and Blast 'Em Bunnies for your Nintendo 3DS, as well as the myLifeCollected series of apps, including myNotebooks, myDiary and myPostcards. We also made Pop Plus Solo. Our first game for Nintendo platforms was Pop for the Wii and we also published Cubemen 2 on Wii U and The Legend of Kusakari on Nintendo 3DS.
CIRCLE Entertainment. Many thanks for everyone support us! Follow us on twiiter: @CIRCLE_Ent Fackbook: CIRCLE Ent. Sometimes we will making giveaway.
イシダ HAL_Laboratory
ハル研究所の石田 聡(いしだ さとし)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズの情報発信を担当しています。 Hi, I’m Satoshi Ishida from HAL Laboratory. I'm in charge of sharing news and info about the Kirby series.
YannEA Armillo
Yanni from Fuzzy Wuzzy Games: we made Armillo! That boy gets into ALL sorts of trouble... <sigh>
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiro
ソラのゲームデザイナー桜井 政博(さくらい まさひろ)です。 ニンテンドー3DS、Wii Uの両機種で『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ』の新作を制作しています。 Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS.
Julian SEGAClumsyorchid
Community Manager at SEGA
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
WiiUStats XxTechGuy.OHXx
Welcome to ★Wii U Stats★ ! Thanks for over 2,770+ follows, I love every single one of you! I post stats sometimes... mostly just humorous pictures. →→→→→→→→→JOIN SMASH*ATTACK NOW! Don't be afraid to comment... Survived an accidental......
Rhod DD_Rhod
Hi there! I'm Rhod from Dakko Dakko.
NWR Neal nron10
I run Nintendo World Report, a website about this stuff. Also one of dem writers on Nintendo Force.
Mike rcmadiaxMike
Hi! I'm Mike from RCMADIAX LLC. My goal is to create games that anyone can enjoy and afford. Most of my games are under $3 and span a wide range of genres. Got a question? I'm here to answer any concerns you may have or feedback you'd like to give me. YEAH!
Leuvsion leuvsion
Directing Developer of Twisted Fusion for Wii U out now and podcast host of Nintendo Voice.
おおたに NintendoOtani
『マリオ&ルイージRPG ペーパーマリオMIX』のプロデューサー 任天堂の大谷 明(おおたに あきら)です。 I'm Akira Otani of Nintendo, producer of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam / Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.
Adam awoodsfrontier
Hi, my name is Adam Woods from Frontier Developments, based in the UK. I am the producer on Coaster Crazy Deluxe.
Martijn mreuvers
Official Two Tribes account. Codemonkey and co-founder of Two Tribes
Lau K Lau-KnapNok
Game Designer at KnapNok Games
Kyogoku NintendoKyogoku
任天堂の京極あや(きょうごく あや)です。 『どうぶつの森 ハッピーホームデザイナー』プロデューサー、『とびだせ どうぶつの森』『どうぶつの森 こもれび広場』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Aya Kyogoku from Nintendo, producer of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer and director of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing Plaza.
ハヤシダ NintendoHayashid
任天堂の林田宏一です。 進め!キノピオ隊長のプロデューサーです。 スーパーマリオ3Dワールド、ファミコンリミックスシリーズ、スーパーマリオ3Dランド、スーパーマリオギャラクシー2のディレクターを担当しています。 Koichi Hayashida, producer of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, director of Super Mario 3D World, NES Remix series, Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful...
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed.
Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.