☆★Birdy★☆'s Followers
ExecutCode gbc900
RPG Maker Fes for 3DS Games: (Creator ID: 11130) Project: Summer Ice Project: Summer Ice - Back to School Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe Project: Summer Ice - Bowling Upcoming Releases: Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe v5.01 on November 10th, 2017 at 11PM Pacific Time Favorite Nintendo consoles: Game Boy Color & Wii U
Crystal CrystalBubbles2
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josiah ghostssnper
hi my name is josiah i can do a lot of things like play soccer i am good at it i love nerd out songs i am very shy =) i play bo2 and 3 i love those games i will miss u all :( i all was happy play with me its fun i love FCB and also i have 1 sister AND 2 BrotherS
....... Mysteriousreborn
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†TM βαгακ† Barak2005
Hi! Im Barak, also go follow Co.RL Sheik, and me if you feel like it, i dont care, im fine either way! Also join Twilight army/Team Midna! Im also the Founder and leader of the Splatoon 1 and 2 cland The inkling knites. (knights Spelled Wrong On Purpose) BYE! Barak - Sorry i couldn't keep it much longer, i'll put my it back later. Im talking about my you know what code lol
SH}ゆうと♪ qwqwqqwq
皆さんよろしく! yuutoです! 僕は、進撃の巨人を中心に、 投稿していきます! 進撃の巨人では、リーブス商会に、 所属しております! リーブス商会では、黒金竹班に 所属しております! 進撃の巨人では、 ランク50 リバァイちゃん でやってます! 今欲しい素材 1、巨人の結晶・上質 2、レアメタル です! 皆さんこれからも、よろしく! では、 更新日 10/7
Dani gtdsec
Eyyyyyy ~ Yeahbomb, stalk, follow. I don't mind ~Very inactive, but still here... ~And please no random friend requests... ~I'll play ARMS, MK8D, and Splatoon 2. Friend me if ya wanna play... 8) Introvert... Stay Salty
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
ςαναηηαн vannah18
~Follow me instead~ (March to the Sea) -This is my Wii U user- l-/ † Don't give up. Push through your droughts. Channel the inevitable disappointments into your craft. Break molds. Think. Create. And most importantly, stay alive. -Tyler Joseph
GWAHrfield Toadventuuuuuure
Hi everyone. I'm GWAHrfield, and nowadays I just say nonsense. On PURPOSE- I mainly post artificially passive-aggressive posts. And I draw pixel art. Maybe. Waluigi > The 2 Princesses and the Astronaut Feel free to follow me. If you somehow happen to interest me, I'll follow you. I don't wanna be mean. I won't tolerate follow beggars on my posts. If I don't reply, I'm probably "postless"
Cooper KirbytoYoshi
(smash bros is legend...........wait for it ....dary legendary!!!! :) ) so i'm a person that pushes farther into video games if i fail i still go farther i've played many games in my life so far i even own an nes and a snes so if you follow me i'll follow you i will do many of who will win(s) so i hope you can stick around and see what happens (i also do glitches) (R.I.P Iwata ;-; thank you)
AntiSam Samar2017
"WeLl. SaM wAs WeAk AnYwAy. YoU dOn'T mInD iF i StAy HeRe FoR a MoNtH, nO? LiStEn To Me! I'm NoT cRaZy. YoU aLl JuSt ThInK i Am bEcAuSe I lÎkE bL00d! SeE yOu SoOn."
n vv v vc KhromeReap3r
ganar :D
SPケン(・∀・)/ 2007waz
ななななんと!300人フォロワー突破! みなさんありがとござまあす 自己しょうかいー 性別..男 性格もう意味わからんww 好きなYouTubr たくっち だけ!! りゆうは1つ! マジでおもろいからです!たくっち WiiUやってるのかなーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 見てくれると うれしいです(^∀^)//
DS Woomy Sergeantgeneral
*Check favorite post* ooo baan fi hengk yaan drawn Team Callie for life! Long live the Pearl Sovereignty! BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME WOOMIES ON HIGH: WOOMY IS LOVE, WOOMY IS LIFE AND THOU SHALT NOT FORGET IT! *I believe deleting old posts is pointless, so I apologise if you scrolled down to drawings*
ςαναηηαн SuperGamerSav
~I will tell you what I can but your mind will take a stand, I sing of a greater love, let me know when you've had enough~ (Clear) l-/ † -This is my 3ds user- Know this. You can start over, each morning. - Tyler Joseph
Kenyen kenyen11
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Meyah Meyette
Hey. I love Vocaloid, anime, memes, and stuff. I am 10 years old and ask that you don't think any less of me for it. I can't DISconnect this CORD, so it was nice knowing you all. My Miiverse friends are: Margaret-003 chromishot21 kittygirlfnaf08 ItzNarwhal Lovestar1779 Tenn88 Jedibella Mata ne!
Kenzie lncpar72
Pruton MGSID1
I will fly with no hope no fear. Just that weird 15 yr old dude that posts random song lyrics and suffers from anxiety and depression. I love videogames, animals, and chocolate. I like music and singing, while also fanboying over Twenty-øne Piløts. Judge if you want, but we're broken people. S'all. I also have a severe vision impairment, so that's a thing.
Blue sheep Crazy4life3011
hi , will love to meet new people
Jeremy Jeremysnew3ds
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Kaden nachos100
"Toast is good but, Toasty is even better,"- me I'm a Christian. ACNL Dream address: 5F00-0013-81D6. (Perfect town) MK7 VR: 2.7K MK8 VR: 3.8K Splatoon: Level 26, B- Favorite Games: Animal Crossing games, Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi games, Mario Games, BotW, any Pokèmon games and MK. I like to make new friends but I don't do Wii U chat.
youtube770 pacman3656
Pearl MarioKartFreak00
Hayden's alt.
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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SEGA★Gil NinGilbert
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL. RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017 You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.
Luke lukedogs4
Hi Im Luke and I really love videogames my favorite systems are the Switch, Wii U, 64, Wii, New 3DS xl, Gamecube, Iphones, Super Nintendo. I like Books, Movies, art, Moutain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Monster, And you dudes all rock subscribe to me all you dudes around the world. My favorite type of games to play are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Sports, Action Adventure, Racing. My favorite color is blue
CptHygiene CaptainHygiene
I'm not unfriendly, my console crashes when I try to load friend requests :/
FG▼bendy gastermaster843
hi the nam's bendy and i (like miny) is from a similar univers (nothing defrant) henry: hey where did all the ink go!? bendy: oh-ho to be contenied ----------> also i like the old cartoons
rose jflores1423
hi i am lindsay flores , i can't wait to share adventures with all of you. if you want to be my friend then please send me a friend request so we can have fun and be best friends♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
blueberry HoneyLemon100
hey, its blueberry. here's some things about me. i love pusheen. i love internet. my favorite food is cheesy pasta. my favorite soda is fanta orange. my favorite dessert is ice cream. my fave volcoid is rin. I collect POP figures. I love the show jessie i love undertale! im the leader of The Pixel Clan!
Jaz DarkKnight15x
Whats Up! This Is Jazzy! Im a very cool person to hang out with! I will be playing games like Terraria , Batman Arkham Origins, Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Splatoon, and Injustice! I Have Some Of The BEST FRIENDS In The World! AshLionpro, rolipoli123, CGSBOY, and Guineapig2005. I Also Loved The Lego Batman Movie And Guarians of the galaxy Vol. 1 and 2! BATMAN OUT *drops the mic.*
******* niku0420
STRチーム募集中!!良かったら、フレンドよろーついでに何でもないやw 好きなユウチュウバーは、ポッキー。ホラフキン。チョコレートスモーカーズ。しばなん。マホト。レオパCG。ブラックナイト山田ww。禁断ボーイズ。PDRさん。かやくま。家石田タカフミ。ブラックラファエルMr.Ken。荒らしたったww。かな~
§€Firebolt Firebolt_ssbm
Heya! It's Firebolt, take a gander around my profile if y'like! - (s)uper (s)mash (b)rothers (m)elee player, i've spent a number of hours on that game. #5922 boys. xD
ις KλΓιƒα Kalifa123
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•'цпкφшп'• EmilyYouTube2016
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Derpz! DozeEyez
Hi! I'm Derpz! I draw Pokemon, and am an alternate account! Feel free to ask me to draw for you, but I don't take much time on my drawings on this account! Blaziken is awesome!!!!! Also, I trade ★s, and have about 500! Wanna battle in OU or Sm4sh?! Sure!!!!
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm ...
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm a Blackpink stan and an ARMY :D
I'm a proud spammer in Sm4sh :P
I've been on Miiverse for 2 years, and I haven't gotten banned yet :')
Send me a friend request if you wanna play Splatoon!
I'm sorta awkward.
Like really awkward.