☆★Birdy★☆'s Friends
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
Victoria SplashMaster44
Hi there im victoria. I can be as nice as you want me to be. i love some games and acnl takes up lots of my life if you have anything to tell me im listening
Percy♪MEH♪ PercyIsBack_Bruh
I'm just a gamer but I'm in a look out for friends!!! <3 These use to be the accounts of the following: \splat★ink3/ \Percy♪MEH♪/ \TLS/ \The Legendary Sniper/ \SS♪Yellow♪/ …………………………………………………………………… Special Mentionings: \splat★ink1/ \splat★ink8/ \Hypervenom/ \♪destroyer♪/ \Blondgamer/ \Juan/ \SS*Jeremy/ \Blade90/
coolguy☆★☆ bigbird5162
OUCH WHY DID YOU HIT MY FACE NEXT TIME PRESS IT SLOWLY NOW I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEE hi guys i will always be online everytime Sometimes i will not. I am a nice kid with my two brothers and a sister that is big. Mostly i will play splatoon and minecraft i will build alot. nice to meet you guys
Hayley hayleyphilipoom
Trevor is the best pokémon character. ( my 3DS account is: Hayley 2 ( poketeamyo)
Jeremy Eljimador1
I Believe In GOD I Love Singing I PLAY PIANO REALLY GOOD My Favorite Song Is 7 Years I Hate Griffers Everybody Says I Am But Im Not My FavoriteGame is minecraft ive been playing it since 2010 Basically the alpha days
shoes SHOES25
Hi I am shoes25 and I love basketball
Brielle brriel
you could stop at five or six stores
BellBell BlueInkling26
Welcome to my profile! Ichimatsu Girl Osomatsu San Fan Steven Universe Fan Level 50 in Splatoon Rank A- Games I have on wii u : Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Art Academy and Minecraft Age:13 Gender: ♀ Hight (if your wondering): 5ft 4in Sweetheart:★☆★Gaming ★☆★ Other: Splatoon Amino Account: Blueinkling26(BellBell)#B★ Thanks for 530+!
кΐωΐ★Nate IM_A_NINGA12
Hi, Im Nate. :3 Im part of the кΐωΐ clan I spelt ninja wrong in my ID •^• I accept friend requests I like to play Mario Maker and Splatoon I cant wii u chat Thats about it
LGCY☆Jigga Quan_456
hello :3 i like to play call of duty splatoon im s rank on main account smash bros. have a great life also im really shy at school
christian lunarocket123
hi my name is christian from austin texas #love puppies
Destiny TheAnimeGamer7
Hey everybody i am let any other person and like to play games.I like to play Splatoon most of the time but i do have other game like Super Smash Bros.I also like to do things with other people like hide and seek in splatoon.Even though it doesn't look like it i did have another profile but i did something and now i cant use it anymore :(. Anyway it will be fun playing with everyone.
Badboy TPS BadBoy5855
Heather rairity
Sup! I'm Heather... Not much going on right now, but I like to draw.
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
JJ herman_tsui
Hi Miiverse! I play Splatoon. I accept friend request. I always look forward to followers, friends, PB and squads!
★~Ami~★ Snarkii
Hello everyone, I'm Ami~! ★ Here are some things you should know about me: ★ I consider myself a gamer and a game lover! ★ I'm a crazy cat lover ★ I have an affinity for gummy bears ★ I. ★ LOVE. ★ STARS. ★ GRAMMAR FREAK ★ I'm in love with all things Japanese, especially the kawaii~! ★ I don't know why, but I don't like the number 9! (It gives me a weird mental tick!) ★ I'm pretty friendly!
γαβσΐМΐтçħ michaelzitting
Sup everyone! I'm a huge Nintendo fan! You can probably tell I'm a gamer! I like Pokémon and Zelda! Games I usually play on my Wii U: Splatoon, MK8, SSB4, and that's pretty much it. I'm an S+ in Splatoon. If you want to send me friend requests, feel free. But I wanna know you first. Okay? Good. Well, see ya later :Þ
Jillian bacnlver
Pokemon Sun & Moon is amazing
Dood ayanna0913
Welcome to your worst nightmare. I'll be your tour guide. Im doodle and im trashy. Fav shows: Gravity falls, Steven universe, Black butler I Draw in my free time... (horrible drawings though)
★KO~Jây★ jayblaze28900
SuperBlair SuperBlair
Hi, I like having fun on my WiiU. Let's be friends and have fun.
mari zaniam
add me if you got splatoon, smash, xenoblade x or mario kart! also up for some fe battles and if u got overwatch pc hmu and we can group!
★Grace360© jcghjm
Hey, I'm alive I also live on Earth I will also try to conquer the world Watch out for that
Mighty Livybug1337
pink floyd and squid parties are life :^)
JuanDiego SayianKid111
Hey guys my name is JuanDiego and im so exited to meet you guys Things that I like to play: Splatoon Super Smash Bros. Mario kart 8 Super Mario 3D World Hyrule Warrior Things that I like: Anime Drawing Making new friends Playing with friends So that's it hope check my profile and follow and that someday we can become friends. Oh and also I can speak spanish
William^ω^ jomernik78
oh, hi I'm Will, I love Splatoon and play it Alot, and sometimes I play other games. I'd love it if you would follow me, and if you do, I will follow you! Maybe we can be friends, just comment on one of my posts about it, and we could be best buds! Goodbye all of the friends Ihave on WIIU, I miss you, and, Bye Scooby...
David yourmama7
Thing About Me. Age: 15 Real Name: David Why do I call myself "Gobaww?": My baby brother calls me that for some reason. My favorite video games from best to least: Kingdom Hearts Tekken Batman Arkham Series SSB4 Splatoon Super Mario Maker
Manon eeveestar12456
iinchausti iinchausti
I 'm having so much fun with Splatoon! Add me ^.^
κΐωΐ★ιιαмα Sir.RockThegreat
Hwi! •ω• I am Kiwi★Llama, Llama for short!~ ♥ I am the captin of the splatoon Kiwi squad! Members: Nicky my co captin, Birdy, Cloud, Judis, Woomy, And Nate. I LOVE Splatoon. Honestly, thats all I ever play... I like to host a lot of mini game matches and draw posts/comics in my spare time! Follow me to keep track of all my matches and see my drawings! εισνε γα! ςταγ καωαιι! Yours, Kiwi★Llama
JD jayden128
Hi im Jayden, im 12 years old, I like playing Basketball and football. I can only draw good on paper. I like playing video games and my favorite show is Naruto FRIDAYS ARE AWESOME
あまさわ Nobeyama415
変温動物なあまさわです ようやく陽射しが暖かくなってきたというか、 雲に元気がでてきたというか。 私もお布団になりたい…ずっと干されていたい… こちらスプラトゥーンの為だけのアカウントでございます_(u u)_ 気ままにお絵かきしながらのんびり過ごしています 最近は生活に支障をきたすほどかじりついて 金と時間と精神と。削り落としてます…フゥ スプラツゥーン、でますね ジャッジくんJr.に早くあいたいっ…! 今年は朝型に変えていこうと思います。さらには S+に上り詰めてやろうと思います トーン絵師達と同じ土俵で勝負するのは諦めました☆
Mii kristianb
i just love taylor swift
Courtney princesskupo
Hi everyone names Courtney and I love dancing and playing video games ♡♡♡ Reminder:I won't accept people who online status is set to off because I can't see you or what you doing so it's pretty useless to keep you on my friends list you have to set it on so I can be able to see you if you wanna be friends. And I don't do Wii U chat
Fΐς★кяίς™☆ Searphe24
They call me Кяίς, *winks* Super Sayian 5 is just a fragment of my burning power! I can be nice at times IF YOU MAKE ME MAD, I WILL MAKE YOU HURT!!! I love Splatoon, SSB4(Greninja), Pokemon, Legend Of Zelda, Lego games etc. <('-')> (^-^) ^o^ I'm also a Pokemon trainer. Arcues and Lucario are my AWESOMEST pokemon! PittsburghSteelersFTW! Minecraft Is awesome! u still here... Buh-Bai!
★◆Galaxy◆★ Lalaloopsy134
*Howdy! I'm Michael. Im a chill person, but in tne end I'm a real control freak. I love playing games with new and old friends, and love making new ones! I'd really appreciate if you'd be my friend! Of course, its up to you. I LOVE this game called ''Undertale'', not that you would care. I'm a kind person and always up to the challange. Yeah, thats pretty much it! Stay Fresh, And Stay Determined!~
Simone 12345electronics
I would put in a normal greeting here, but I somehow love embarrassing myself, so I prepared a poem for you instead. (AHEM) I'm a huge nerd. So you have heard. I know, it's lovely. Now go away, I'm busy doing stupid things or studying for priso-SCHOOL, forgetting miiverse exists, then coming back to see my old cringeworthy posts. Stay tuned for my pokémon giveaways! New themes every time! >uO
CyβξrT3Сh BeepTheGamer
**** sticmansam
Jcb blastzonejcb
Feel free to freind request me,but no wii u chat for ppl i don't know irl . I love,vocaloid,anime,singing,rp[roleplaying],writing,and most of all...nekos Check out my best friends: Lilia Brianna Octo~Eli Savannah Preston
Soleyl Soniikku
Hello -W- Drawing requests closed until I ask for them. If you read this you owe me a follow x3 [Just kidding] ^w^ Just a normal person passing by! I love drawing!! Anime and Video Games!! <3 Zelda fan Sonic fan FE fan Otaku :3 Fav anime: Naruto Noragami and Love Live! I have Switch!! See ya later ;D Unyeahs accident sometimes . . Nyaaahhh!!!
RWB †RUSH† sogichan
WWB★Inky Chalc99
My name's Chelsea and I'm 21. I pretty much love all things Nintendo!
Koffee LittleItalyPie
Miiverse is ded! *sniffle* *sniffle* TT ~ TT Enjoy my artwork/posts, or not. It's all up to you. Feel free to yeah or comment on my posts, especially memes. Alt: PastelSause Joined Miiverse, 12/10/13
jesper jesper1
StarKirby superkirby1
Hi Everyone I'm StarKirby, I 100% Video Games but I don't 100% all Games, I like Sonic, Mario, Kirby, The Legend Of Zelda, and more, my favorite Video Game Series is the Kirby Series, you can follow me I won't follow back sometimes, you can sand me a Friend Request if I allow you to, play Mario Kart 8, play Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario Maker, I'm Gone Gotta Go Fast!
Zinc Pippyboy
Splatoon has consumed my life.
Jonjon ulanday
hello world! my name is Jonathan but people call me JonJon! I love mariocart8, splatoon, and supermario maker! I will love to be your freind, play ur levels, etc. Have a nice day! bye!
Chara dvilcek
hello everyone! im Chara!and i post on miiverse quite often!(not like thats important). i mostly play minecraft WiiU edition, Splaoon, and Youtube! im also looking for squad members so feel free to send me a buddy request! i always accept! and i check miivese ALOT to see these amazing drawings and posts! butfeel free to follow me for more info. and remember, Stay Fresh!
charl mrbutternubs
This user's profile comment is private.
Nate 142003
Hey guys, sup. Its me Nate and I love Luigi, not Mario..... and right now if I'm your friend we can play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS! I have all characters (including Mewtwo and soon Lucas) and stages unlocked. I'm great at this game but certainly not the best and I'm up for a challenge! Thanks for being my friend and before I forget, "My body is READY" - Reggie Fils-Aime.
Leelee♪ lili1999
Hii! I like Legend of Zelda a lot, just going to put that out there. My favorite games are Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Sonic Colors, to name a few. Feel free to add me if you want to play together sometime! Anywho... Yeah, that's all.
Felipeςςκ felipe2007
Hi Im part of one clan my clan is κΐωΐ★ . Im a S rank so feel free to add me. P.S Thanks for tapping my face XD
Yuri MendesBrasil
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm ...
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm a Blackpink stan and an ARMY :D
I'm a proud spammer in Sm4sh :P
I've been on Miiverse for 2 years, and I haven't gotten banned yet :')
Send me a friend request if you wanna play Splatoon!
I'm sorta awkward.
Like really awkward.