Users ☆★Birdy★☆ Is Following
Crystal CrystalBubbles2
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Qrow Abaddon.Diavol
Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Student/Army Guard Major: Mechanical Engineering Personality: INTJ Religion: Atheist Location: Alaska Status: Married Likes: Self medication, RPG games, Mountain Hiking, Italian and Asian Cuisine, Giving Up On Humanity. Dislikes: Elitists, Extreme Political or Religious Viewpoints, Blatant Hypocrisy, Making New Friends.
CAS★Jonny allijaytor
★ JAY ★ ♂ ★ LVL. 50 / RANK S+ / Splatterscope Yo I'm just a lame college student that likes to mess around in splatoon and draw in my free time. - My friends and I are the CAS squad! We like to play around in rank and let others win! unless you spawn or bag us bye - Please don't send random friend requests unless we played together. tum/twi/fa: allijaytor da: homoda
Coco Wyldegamer15
Hello everyone! I am Coco. Awesome to meet ya! I am a huge Zelda fan. I enjoy reading and writing poems. I am a Christian and I am a friendly person! And also I do not use WiiU Chat.
Kai. NM6d2jCMa6AyCa48
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SH}ゆうと♪ qwqwqqwq
皆さんよろしく! yuutoです! 僕は、進撃の巨人を中心に、 投稿していきます! 進撃の巨人では、リーブス商会に、 所属しております! リーブス商会では、黒金竹班に 所属しております! 進撃の巨人では、 ランク50 リバァイちゃん でやってます! 今欲しい素材 1、巨人の結晶・上質 2、レアメタル です! 皆さんこれからも、よろしく! では、 更新日 10/7
Crispy swagmaster297
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Dani gtdsec
Eyyyyyy ~ Yeahbomb, stalk, follow. I don't mind ~Very inactive, but still here... ~And please no random friend requests... ~I'll play ARMS, MK8D, and Splatoon 2. Friend me if ya wanna play... 8) Introvert... Stay Salty
χαηdσ Xraven
Thank you for so many followers! Miiverse had a good run. And maybe we’ll see each other again...? Someday? I play on Splatoon 2 as Mr.Pringle! I use all types of weapons so yeah. My name’s my most distinct feature. And yes, my Mii is the Pringles Man.
Ni ghosty144
Interesting stuff: -There are 6373 Ni s dancing to Disco. -Turritopsis-dohrnii is a cool jellyfish. It's biologically immortal, which seems Deviant compared to other animals. -Something bad happened; I Tumbled and hit a hive of laser-bees! -Ghosty144 is interested in ornithology and likes Birds (especially blue ones). -"Maika (Ni)" doesn't like it when the pizza restaurants are Closed
wet bagle thicccorgibutt
hi im a smol fragile lonely lil bean w/ problems named skipper that has 0 social skills that happens to cry alot :3c i like drawing, listing to music, and singing and dancing tooty and lil richie are ma frens yo :0 don touch or elss >:0 i seriously don know how to sit in a chair properly mic drop and go go by bts is my jam rn :o my spirit animal is a turtle
LinkOpalMM LinkTheOpal2
What's up? Worker and gamer by day and night. Favorite Games: -Xenoblade Chronicles -Resident Evil -The Legend of Zelda -Final Fantasy -Chrono Trigger -Life is Strange -Metroid -Mario -Bayonetta -The old Mario RPGs -Super Smash Bros -ETC Other interests: -Pizza -Cats -Some horror, shooter, racing games. -Movies -PC Gaming -Guns -Survival stuff -4 letter word, starts with a "P"
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
Minewolf minewolf121
Snap- epic.geek14 tweeter- juangiantelf psn- minewolf121
GWAHrfield Toadventuuuuuure
Hi everyone. I'm GWAHrfield, and nowadays I just say nonsense. On PURPOSE- I mainly post artificially passive-aggressive posts. And I draw pixel art. Maybe. Waluigi > The 2 Princesses and the Astronaut Feel free to follow me. If you somehow happen to interest me, I'll follow you. I don't wanna be mean. I won't tolerate follow beggars on my posts. If I don't reply, I'm probably "postless"
Robert Robie-chan
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =) I'm 27 I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all. Thanks for visiting
Jamie PurplePen456
Thank you and goodbye! Gracias y adiós! It was quite an experience ;¬; Ah, See you later :')
Kyle kwhero
Hey there. I'm Kyle. Thanks for visiting my profile. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have much to say here, so Imma just waste your time reading this. Words words, and more words. Still reading? Are you expecting me to do a trick? I'm not gonna, so you might as well just stop right now... Not listening, eh? I told you I was just gonna waste your time reading this and that is exactly what I did.
DS Woomy Sergeantgeneral
*Check favorite post* ooo baan fi hengk yaan drawn Team Callie for life! Long live the Pearl Sovereignty! BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME WOOMIES ON HIGH: WOOMY IS LOVE, WOOMY IS LIFE AND THOU SHALT NOT FORGET IT! *I believe deleting old posts is pointless, so I apologise if you scrolled down to drawings*
Ferris U Mc.Amiibo32bit
New account now. It's been turned into an alt for my 3DS , DavinFelth77. I'm an athiest who likes Star Wars lore. Admíns are pîgs, and Silva is not funny. Always with you, it cannot be done - Yoda
º.Flame.º FinestSniper
Hello everyone! Even though these are our last weeks of Miiverse, it doesn't mean we can't enjoy it while we can! I just wanna give a shout out to all of my friends for being the closest virtual family i've ever had! With being said, i enjoyed this community and i hope that you all will have a great time before Miiverse ends. Thank you Miiverse! :)
★Nγα-Jεss★ JessJessID
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Hεγ! :з •I’m Jεssίcα •I’m 14 Yεαrs σld •I’m ƒrσm Gεrmαηγ I lσνε •Cατs •drαωίηg •Mγ rυssίαη mαssίνε Bσdγbυίldίηg Brσ Mγ ΑCNL- Drεαmαddrεss: •7E00-0010-F9A0 Bƒƒ’s: •Mαdlεη (.•☆мαdζ☆•.) •Lίκα (Cutie^¬^) •Aητση (★A.T★) Thx fσr 1700+ fσllσωεrs! :3 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Kenyen kenyen11
This user's profile comment is private.
Meyah Meyette
Hey. I love Vocaloid, anime, memes, and stuff. I am 10 years old and ask that you don't think any less of me for it. I can't DISconnect this CORD, so it was nice knowing you all. My Miiverse friends are: Margaret-003 chromishot21 kittygirlfnaf08 ItzNarwhal Lovestar1779 Tenn88 Jedibella Mata ne!
●W•H•A•T● springtrapgirl01
Henlo there miiversians, I post lots of high-quality trash on here for some reason. Leggy is my son I've been on here since 2015.. Fandoms: Steven Universe :`) Eddsworld. BATIM >:)))) Does the NSLU community count? Gravity Falls :0 Leggy. DHMIS FNAF `^` Voltron............ I have a precious pet pug. He is precious mhmm fRiCkItY fRaCk
Mario myn64iscool
Hey look,an NES controller! → [+--••] Hey look,an SNES controller!→ (+--::) Hey look,an N64 con...ok I’m done JK,hey look,a wii controller!→ [.+o: ::••]
Kenzie lncpar72
Jeremy Jeremysnew3ds
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Pruton MGSID1
I will fly with no hope no fear. Just that weird 15 yr old dude that posts random song lyrics and suffers from anxiety and depression. I love videogames, animals, and chocolate. I like music and singing, while also fanboying over Twenty-øne Piløts. Judge if you want, but we're broken people. S'all. I also have a severe vision impairment, so that's a thing.
Amanda AAVideoGames
Yo! I'm 16 years old and a Junior in High School :P (to all the younger people high school isn't that scary k don't be afraid) Facts about me: *I'm super tall *I sing *alot* *I draw *Musical theater is amazing *Marching Band and Guard is lit I like: *Pokemon *Xenoblade Chronicles X *Tomodachi Life *Style Savvy *Project Diva/Mirai *Ever Oasis *Fire Emblem *Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons *Splatoon
MEEM SK MasterAtMadden
Miiverse 2012-2017 Trashpost quality ecks dee/8 Check out MEEM Kong Former President of NSLUC Founder and leader of the Off Topic Party (OTP) Owner of North Dakota, South Dakota and Nevada oh snap, I’m a part of the TFAO. yo boi spicy
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Pearl MarioKartFreak00
Hayden's alt.
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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anna seabass.0
Greetings from south Texas ! Strengths: Zelda series, Mario/Yoshi type games, Kirby, the Rayman series and word games (like Crossword Plus) Weaknesses: Smash Bros, Mariokart 7, and pizza. Yup i LOVE pizza, does that make me weak?
CptHygiene CaptainHygiene
I'm not unfriendly, my console crashes when I try to load friend requests :/
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm ...
Why hello there! I'm Birdy!
I like birds :D
I'm a HUGE Zelda fan!
I also like Vocaloids
I'm a Blackpink stan and an ARMY :D
I'm a proud spammer in Sm4sh :P
I've been on Miiverse for 2 years, and I haven't gotten banned yet :')
Send me a friend request if you wanna play Splatoon!
I'm sorta awkward.
Like really awkward.