CrazyBeast's Followers
Qrow Abaddon.Diavol
Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Student/Army Guard Major: Mechanical Engineering Personality: INTJ Religion: Atheist Location: Alaska Status: Married Likes: Self medication, RPG games, Mountain Hiking, Italian and Asian Cuisine, Giving Up On Humanity. Dislikes: Elitists, Extreme Political or Religious Viewpoints, Blatant Hypocrisy, Making New Friends.
PhantomX14 phantomx.isaiah
im a good person,love games,fav.color green,and future youtuber
zex00071 zex00071
МмкPdawgΣΨ skeletonkey25
I have found my soul, but with the passing of Miiverse, I shall finally know the true meaning of sadness. It didn't have to be this way, but hey, I'm just a guy in the crowd, nobody special. I try to make people happy. I make drawings. Follow me if you want to, not because you feel that you have to. This is my message.
★Mystic★ Mystic-Dreamfall
GETTING SPLATOON EDITION SWITCH!! AND POKÉ BALL NEW 2DS ALSO PRE-ORDERED \(ºOº)/ Mystic-Dreamfall Rated 18+ ★2017★ I will make this simple :D Very experienced with ALL Nintendo products, Sony, Microsoft, PC, and Mobile gaming! I do not limit myself to one system! I am not a fanboy! I'm a GAMER! Period! Life is short, why have limits I love movies, tv series, music!
Ambero aammbbeerr11
Vanxces Villeybear
name vanxces age 10 im a ♀ i love final fantasy 8,im fun and funny, im a gamer and a drawer have 4 cats i like to watch Naruto,final fantasy,One punch man Blech and Fairy tail high school host club.I love Kingdom hearts.i could win a Nintendo a bests fan of Naruto and i love Sasuke his cute
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
Kirito A07krch
Hi I'm Chris. Nice to met you. I'm very popular in school. And I make friends real fast. So i want to make friends in miiveres to. And I'm a real nice person too. And I specialy do not swear. And my age is 17. If you guys wanted to know. And in 11th grade too. And I'm Rich and I go to private school. I go to church every sunday.And i have a girlfriend already so girls out there i'm so sorry.
Seawolf Seawolflinkon
#Dontendmiiverse #pleasedontslamthedoorinourfaces I'm sorry.. Wow.. Miiverse made me feel more connected to Nintendo, and fellow Nintendo Fanatics.. The Switch is a barren wasteland (not because it doesn't have many games yet either)..with no is an isolated, connectionless tablet [no miiverse :(]. I have a Switch, I wanted to like it, I could have eventually.. Now, I'm Furious!!! ♥♡♡
waddup? i love art, rock music, video games, and life (The Offspring for life!)
DaddyChris Crist_Heiser
Ouch my face! Hi there! I'm Crist im 21 yrs old and I live in El Salvador. I've been videogame fan since I was very little, the very first videogame I played was Metal Slug on the arcades and my very first console was the Super Nintendo. I freaking love Nintendo and it's IPs specially Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. I also like anime, Vivan las lolis.
EmMySXD gamebuyer
Yo. Games I Like: Monster Hunter Overwatch COD Pokèmon LOL (League Of Legends) WOW (World Of Warcraft) Marvel: Contest of Champions FE And other FPS Age: I can't tell you my exact age but i'm a "Tween" Hobby's: Watching Anime, Playing VideoGames, Skating, Basketball, making VideoGames, Anime Favorite Anime's: FairyTail, AOT/Attack On Titan, Naruto, Assassination Classroom, and others
Luna CommanderCody555
hi i am luna things about me love playing call of duty splatoon gta4 &5 check out my cousin channel 5555Fives and mine @ luna and girlfriends @ miley curus vevo
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
Kelvin cjgoldbox
Thomas tmaniscool199
;p School... Football!!!
trex trex1419
need some teammates to play monster hunter generations
Aar'Bear ThatsSoJiggly
Nintendo has been in this gamers life for 20 years now. I practically started playing Mario straight from birth. Follow me for post on games from a variety of genres. My favorite Nintendo series would most definitely be Donkey Kong Country, followed by Fire Emblem!★☆★
Destiny Seanjohn1120
Hi im a pro gamer let me tell you about me i love games im only into gamers i love VR and reality
Royal Serg RoyalSerg
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Mari WinterSnoBel
Hey Nintendo Family! May I Join? I'm Amari(16yrs). I Enjoy Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing Videogames, Playing Volleyball, And Drawing. ^_^ NOTE:If You Recognize Me, It's Because My Other DS Broke, Lost Everything-Had To Start Over, So Here I Am!....Sigh* -Also, I'm The Leader Of A Monster Hunter Guild Called 'Endless Illusions'
Phoebe PhoebePeach
Hello! All In And All New! Hope To Fit In Nicely! Let's Play Sometime!
レシラム ShopLove
新堂 悠平は、ドバイ生まれの韓国とオーストラリアとカンボジアの国籍の娯楽人。備考:サイシャット族系韓国人。父はプノンペン生まれ。母は神戸市生まれ。エキゾチックで、仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊 超スーパーヒーロー大戦で本人役で出演。2011年、17歳で電人ザボーガーを連載した。母方の祖母は、日本人。父祖母方の曽祖父は琉球民族系イギリス人。父祖母方の曽祖母はアイヌ系イギリス人。父方の祖父と母方の祖父は混血。父方の祖父はシドニー生まれ。母方の祖父はサンフランシスコ生まれ。両親の仕事の都合で、両親が住んでる時にドバイで生まれた。ポケットモンスター ベストウィッシュ エピソードNにて、本人役で出演。中国語が話せる。英語も日本語も出来る。所持しているコミックスや、ゲームソフトやDVDやCDの数は様々。仮面ライダードラゴンナイトに出演。中国、香港、台湾の名義は朱 貞昌。日本の名義は、新堂 悠平。それである
Pennycan czgjs1
Tigrex hipjoe01
Hello, I am Tigrex, and welcome to my profile page. I am good at games, but not that good to be in a tournament. I like Zelda, and I try to comment in the Zelda Community everyday. I don't care if you follow me. Please Follow DrEvBoss, and check out Coco and Is Jer.
james la_sonnyjiim
Get a feel for the usual, Peruse all competition, Im sticking with the seal of approval.... For the people for the player Nintendo forever Interests > my children♥ video games nintendo ps4 photography films music majorca ibiza art in general tattoos jim jefferies ricky gervais breaking bad inbetweeners walks drives some diy dogs cats yo-yo dieting atheist
Amy♪chat♀♪ Amy831207
i'm Love chat add friend,i'm 24歳 u have pkmon name? tell me plz my birday is 12/07 i never will not speak Japanese I can speak chineses and english
Josh Mr.L9000
This user wishes his profile comment was hidden by an admin.
Drâgø Bøî 426512
My Pokemon amino is Pepperoni Mew I like cats Pokemon and Zelda Dogs are the bane of my existence :( im a guy :o well thats it if you have pokemon amino you can talk to me if you want ( I have over 450 followers on pokemon amino :o) well thats pretty much it i hope enjoy my posts on this ded thing called Miiverse!
Corrin shisui2009
Yoko l1ttleramen
I'm 24. I mostly draw here and make posts/comments. Thanks for visiting! blue bird: the same name btw (you can find me there) for art etc. Note: Since it's closing here, I'm more active on the Switch. Mostly playing Splatoon 2/ARMS. [Games I like: Splatoon, LoZ, Pokemon, Smash, Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, and Mario Kart]
[SSD]atio alexgabla
hola me llamo alexgabla tengo 17 años y mis aficiones son los videojuego tambien tengo dos amigos se llaman darckalex y atioSpain meta de segidores 400 sigeme y te sigo
Matt 4Paddy
INFJ. If you have artistic talent, a sense of humor or a beard, chances are I will follow you.
PAOMario mariomegaman13
Ryan ryan092002
Some things to know about me: 1. I'm 14 years old 2. I'm well at playing video games 3. My favorite video games come from Nintendo and Square Enix 4. Favorite video game series right now: "Kingdom hearts" from Square Enix 5. I'm a really good friend to have! And those are some things to know about me! I hope to be the best I can be for all of you guys out there!
Gamesake Console.Survivor
MOST HYPED FOR -Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Dec 1st) -Octopath Traveler (2018) -Dragon Quest Builders (2018) -Travis Strikes Again (TBA) -Fire Emblem (TBA) -Pokémon Switch (TBA) -Metroid Prime 4 (TBA) -Dragon Quest XI (Japan only?) FAVORITE GAMES -Dead or Alive -Dragon Quest -Fire Emblem -Jet Set Radio -Zelda I avoid Wii U chat. Skyping with my family is awkward enough!
Legit Girl 8NIKKU8
Hello Humans! I'm a human! Yes, a human! I am 20 Human years, I have human game technology, and, I really like collecting humans uhhh I mean, video games :D I follow artists and nice humans! Humans stop adding me! Stealthy Disguise >:3 WANTED LIST You ;] Follow my best friends!
khloud1980 enterreenter
khloud1980 CRATEA6TO16USING
Matthew BlazikenFan91
Hi i'm a Big fan of Nintendo. I have been supporting them since 1999. My favorite Nintendo games are Mario,Pokemon,Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Chibi-Robo, and Animal Crossing!!! I'm also a big fan of ATLA, TLOK, DBZ, Naruto and Sword Art Online, and Teen Titans My Favorite Colors are Torquoise, Red, and Blue!!!
Exciton☆Vξ ChobitsLove
Leader Of TBG: the Sm4sh Clan TO BE GOAT! Look at open discussion if you wanna join! I main Pikachu, second Falcon! Peace!
Austin JacHART
My name is Austin im 13 and im a huge fan of the dragon ball franchise i love the dbf game they made its so cool... That's it hope you like my posts bye.
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games!
Currently playing:
Chaos Child
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games!
Currently playing:
Chaos Child
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Bad Apple Wars
Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)