Users CrazyBeast Is Following
Qrow Abaddon.Diavol
Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Student/Army Guard Major: Mechanical Engineering Personality: INTJ Religion: Atheist Location: Alaska Status: Married Likes: Self medication, RPG games, Mountain Hiking, Italian and Asian Cuisine, Giving Up On Humanity. Dislikes: Elitists, Extreme Political or Religious Viewpoints, Blatant Hypocrisy, Making New Friends.
Francis Mirria1
♪Fantasy is my reality♪ I'm Fran. This is my 2nd profile here on Miiverse. My main profile here on Miiverse is FranchescaMirria. Important! Don't waste too much of your time with this. I may just end up just deleting this profile because it just takes up space on my cruddy white Wii U & I NEVER actually use this account. If you know me go to my original profile cause this one may no longer exist!
Yoko l1ttleramen
I'm 24. I mostly draw here and make posts/comments. Thanks for visiting! blue bird: the same name btw (you can find me there) for art etc. Note: Since it's closing here, I'm more active on the Switch. Mostly playing Splatoon 2/ARMS. [Games I like: Splatoon, LoZ, Pokemon, Smash, Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, and Mario Kart]
Gamesake Console.Survivor
MOST HYPED FOR -Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Dec 1st) -Octopath Traveler (2018) -Dragon Quest Builders (2018) -Travis Strikes Again (TBA) -Fire Emblem (TBA) -Pokémon Switch (TBA) -Metroid Prime 4 (TBA) -Dragon Quest XI (Japan only?) FAVORITE GAMES -Dead or Alive -Dragon Quest -Fire Emblem -Jet Set Radio -Zelda I avoid Wii U chat. Skyping with my family is awkward enough!
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
【7/17更新】 現実のキャンパスライフを充実している美大生です。たまにミバスの様子を見に来ます。 名前:スズラン ※仮名です 年齢:大人 性別:♀ 誕生日:6/18 住んでるところ:関東地方 性格:超マイペース、気まぐれ 「ONEPIECE」「進撃の巨人」「東京喰種」「NARUTO」大好き!!!!! 他にも好きな漫画がまだまだいっぱいあります。好きなゲームはほとんど任天堂でどう森、スプラトゥーン、カービィ、ポケモンなどなど…カプコンでは逆転裁判です。 ストレスがなく気持ちよくコミュニティをご利用したいために、不快になるコメント・中傷行為等を行うユーザーを削除もしくは通報、ブロックで対処させていただきます。ご了承下さい。
JJ Jay_Ty99
I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan, and love the series. If you have any questions just ask! Online games I play include: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and Monster Hunter Generations. I have recently sold my WiiU, and I am awaiting Splatoon 2's release in July. Games I will own on Switch: Splatoon 2 Legend of Zelda BoTW
Gojirito AkuRyu9000
Hello, folks, the name is Gojirito I am Miiverse's very own Gojira/kaiju artist, poet writer, pug lover and the coolest loser ever! =) I don't accept blank FRs nor Wii U chat, nothing personal. I'm grateful for the awesome feedback you guys give me, know that each one of you are awesome in your own way! ''Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe.'
Buisy thebuisnesscat
Hey there! This is my 3DS account, you can check out my WiiU account here: BehindTheBuisnes Also me and my oc are guys, just saying this in case anyone gets confused ;v;" ~"Buisnessycat" ~"thebuisnesscat"
Soundwave MisakiKinuta
OC INFO AFFILIATION: Otogakure CURRENT NINJA RANK: Chūnin REGISTERED NINJA ID: 612914 DATE OF BIRTH: July 19th AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 4'6" WEIGHT: 92.3 lbs BLOOD TYPE: AB FAVORITE FOOD: Sashimi LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Milk HOBBY: Composing music ASSIGNMENTS COMPLETED:15 D-rank, 58 C-rank, 49 B-rank, 14 A-rank, 0 S-rank *Psst sometimes there are little drawings hiding in my comments 0v0
☆Dani☆ Dani015
Hi everyone I'm Dani. I'm 17 years old and I draw random stuff:) (Just for fun, not for fame!;)) I love to play games, especially The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros., and to watch Animes (Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Mirai Nikki ect.)! I guess that's all.. I hope you enjoy my drawings... Oh wait! I'm a little bit crazy. :D Bye-bye♥
FeMii eufemioacelo
Not a party animal :p
»NachoCat« NachoCat15
I'm gonna miss my friends and followers. óдò Things to know: ⇒I try to post daily now. ⇒I mainly use 3DS not WiiU. ⇒I'm an 18yr old dude. I support: ♀+♀/♂+♂ etc. My characters: Aeroni ♂ "Krow" ♂ Avidima ♂ Kalani ♂ Raffar ♂ Mythril ♀
とくま tokuma0121
こんにちは♪ だいぶ使い方になれてきました! え~、社会人です!なので朝早く、夜遅いので、ミーバース(3DS)は触る機会が少ないですが、どうかよろしく! ・自分からフォローはしません。 (↑フォロー嫌な方もいるので!) ・無言フォロー大丈夫です。 ・フォローの付け外しはご自由に! ……………………………………………………………… おかげさまでフォロワー様が200人を越えました!!ありがとうございます!! これからもよろしくお願いします!
Will Trarek
Hello, mostly here for Monster Hunter but used to play ALOT of Pokemon as well as Mario Kart and so on. Been a big Nintendo fan most of my life, so I'm also keen on games like LOZ, Metroid, ect.
Nakarkos Nakarkos
My real profile is Glavenus. I was unable log into it for a very long time, but now I finally can... So I will not be using Nakarkos anymore.
Hasts Hasiba
My cat is called Zelda =^.^= I love Pokémon and cats :p My cat is adorable by the way, she's brown and white and loves boxes... Obviously. xD I miss the X and Y gang :[ but I got my cat and Sun and Moon to cheer me up ^o^ I like watching Dragon Ball Super too :) We got Breath of the Wild on the Switch :)) ^ ^ =(^ . ^)= meow
Crosocka Krosoca
Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we can get along. I'm terrible at games, but I'm willing to learn the ins and outs of the game; To improve myself and to help others, hopefully... Also I don't mind grinding/farming compared to most people. (Back in Pokemon Crystal, I manage to level up my Cynderquil to Lv30. Then I decided to beat the first Gym Leader(who had Lv3~6 Pokemon)...)
さんが sangachie
色んなゲームをのんびりプレイ中^^ I ♡ ZELDA! I ♥ LINK! 共感・フォロー・コメントありがとうございます!とてもうれしいです! ★フレンドは何度かコメントを交わして、少しでも仲良くなってからでお願いします フレリクの時コメントなし→× WiiUchat→× Hi! I'm Sanga. Thank you for yeah's ,comments and follows ! ★(about friend request) I'll accept friend request after I became friendly with you. ↑ no accepting : first meeting & blank comment ...My English skill isn't good enough,sorry...X(
FrostFire BushudoDragon
Veteran gamer and High King of the Immortal Kings community in the Monster Hunter series. Immortal kings motto: "Where the Hunt Begins" Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate- Guild Rank: Gold crown Current HR: 999 Path: ...Way of the Dragon... Monster Hunter Generations- Guild rank: 7 Current HR: 163 Path: ...Vagrant Legend...
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
Seige SeigeWishMaker
Hello everyone! This page will mostly post bad art samples of: -The Legend of Zelda -Pokémon (with a preference over pokémon mystery dungeon & pokémon ranger.) I'M NOT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH, I hope you understand. Hope you enjoy your stay! ‹3
Zigrin zigrin_jp
はじめまして! ジグリンです。 ポーランド人です。 よろしく! Hello! I'm Zigrin. I live in Poland. I use this profile on my Japanese 3DS. My main miiverse profile is: Zigrin
Jared(^_^) JaredsMHXload12
Hello im Jared(^_^) This is my profile for "Monster Hunter X" so be sure to follow my other load (Allen Paul) for other posts in other games. I will be posting Armor sets, Mixed sets, Weapons and, cool screenshots from hunts. I will be able to understand things in the game thanks to the use of Google Translate so if you have any questions I can answer them probably. Happy Hunting Everyone!
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
ゆん yunn702
長い間お疲れ様でした。 ミーバースのおかげでとても沢山の方に自作のイラストを見て頂くことができました。 それまでは自己満足で、誰にも見られる事なく絵を描いていたので、ミーバースでの経験は私にとってはかけがえのない思い出です。 また、いろんなゲームの話や、時にはマイナーなアニメを知っている方にも出会えたりした、miiを通しての交流。他のSNSではなかなか無い海外の方との気軽なコミュニケーション。本当にとても、とても楽しかったです。 残り2ヶ月ちょっと。皆さんにとって充実したミーバースでありますように。 私はミーバースに出会えて良かったです! Thank you very much!
Toria♪ Toria-Hyse
I am a Christian. ☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★ I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years ★Yøu will be what I miss abøut miiverse☆ I will not miss the admins è.é † Have a blessed day † If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalms 139:11 Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. Princess Zelda
Ridley X3 Rise_of_Kalas
Husband & father. Legend of Zelda, Metroid, & Super Mario World Fan 4Eva! ~*Favorites*~ Wii: LoZ: SS, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story NDS: Golden Sun 3 GCN: Baten Kaitos, Eternal Darkness, LoZ: WW, Star Fox Adventures GBA: Golden Sun 1&2 N64: LoZ: OoT, MM, Perfect Dark GBC: LoZ: OoA/S SNES: Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, Super Metroid NES: Super Mario Bros 3
Gabriel Santiagogo
Goodbye to all! It has alway been a pleasure to come here and use this service to chat, give and receive advices and share drawings. Thanks Nintendo, Miiverse and the community for all the pleasant times here :-p!
Kristy Scylla225
Hiya! I'm 21 years old and going to college for video game design. My favorite games are Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Bayonetta, and Animal Crossing.
Korg Vaprack
''I am the Hammer.I am the Sword in His hand.I am the Gauntlet about His fist.I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous.I am the End'' Sic Semper Tyrannis
ƒDragon¹Ψ freakshow23
Hi guys.I'm a weird guy trying to make friends.I'm also the Clan Chief of the Black Death Zinogres ,Co-leader of the Silver Oblivion Knights ,and author of The Chronicles of the hunter. plz feel free to ask any questions to u have. Fluffy Recruiter If you like join Fluffy plz message. currently helping end chaos and remembering a great Nintendo Legend.
Hero 2.0 Juggler32
I'm gonna be mainly using this N3DS system for MH4U, Zelda MM, and internet. Apart from that...Who knows? And if you're curious, the nintendo ID for my other miiverse account is- Yeehaw123
Cory mh4uisbestgame
What's the chatter everyone? Welcome to my profile page. I am great at Monster Hunter and a good competitive Pokemon battler.
Mikey LolitsMikey
Its me! Mikey! Monster Hunter is my favorite game series of all time. Let's just have fun and play some awesome video games!
Ruri Mr.Magikarp654
Well, miiverse's end draws near... It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds. Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here. Wish you all the best. This is not a good bye. This is a see you soon. :)
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games!
Currently playing:
Chaos Child
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games!
Currently playing:
Chaos Child
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Bad Apple Wars
Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)